How to get back to real pc game ownership physical media

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just going to post an idea as to how to get back to real ownership of pc games instead of the steam etc model of just a license to use the game upon online activation and such. The answer here is to stick the game on a usb3 drive with a code that unlocks the game offline. This would be the v1 version of course but they can then just have patches be downloaded, this would ease a lot of trouble for those in countries that don't have good internet and also have very slow speeds and data limits. Patches can also be locked to the entry of the code for security and piracy prevention.

    A read only usb3 that is encrypted would at least be some form of ownership of the game you've bought. Each usb3 can be locked to one code only so then you can also have a real used market. Of course the pubs don't want a used market but it would be a good gesture for pro-consumer sentiment. With the new $70 price of the largest games this would also help with those questioning the idea of buying a game they don't own for so much. 128gb usb3 is about $10 and at the scale the largest games would release they can get that way down, so an extra 5-10$ to have some legal form of real ownership might be worth it to some.

    In the case of my gratis games I have only SP offline games and the vast majority are on old ssd's that I connect w a sata-usb3 cable which is around $10 on eb. Really handy because if I have only my older laptop I can still play the game if I've got the sata and cable which I always do. If an OS gets corrupted or such I won't lose an install and I mod the biggest games like RDR2, cp77, fallout etc so won't lose those either. Only thing I have to backup is saves but not the disaster of losing say RDR2 base install which with mods is around 125gb. I really only keep smaller games on my limited nvme space of around 250gb but w the OS and other software it's about 125-150gb for games, not much. If I buy a new laptop or desktop I can easily just plug in my drive w the game and either copy my saves over or start fresh.

    With pirated games you do actually own them and can install them however many times you like so this could be a prevention system for that for those who want to pay for their games but have strong reservations about ownership. Pubs have really gone towards anti-consumer practices and so again this could be a gesture to cutting down on piracy and building some goodwill with the pc gaming community. They would have to layout the usb3 costs and distribution but would likely come out ahead from those who see ownership as a major problem with the current system. They could also cut out the costs of the various launchers all working together by not having an online login requirement to play the game. Once again on the back end they could have the requirement of the code for patches download and for DLC download, separating them and making them more modular. Steam has an esoteric way to stop auto updating that most people miss and a lot of the time patches are not needed for some people and make the game worse for their particular system so the ability to control rev level is an added convenience.

    GOG is practically the only real ownership you get in the digital download system. I'm not sure about epic. And the largest pubs can bypass steam if they like and sell direct to the customer on their sites and in stores. No more needing steam etc so they could streamline the patch and dlc system on their own sites. The steam cut is usually 30% of sales so there's a chunk of savings if you bypass them. Epics big thing is that they actually pay the pubs beforehand for keys, probably in an effort to build up their catalog so later they can then up whatever percentage of sales they get now or stop the free versions they put up at their own cost like GTAV, stop having to pay upfront for keys etc. Really to catch up to steam. However epic has done it pretty badly, no reviews by paying customers is not good. Steam has that and at least you can get an idea about a game from real gamers mostly. No doubt there are a lot of robot reviews and such on steam but it's not as bad as say metacritic and such.
    Hertzian56, Jun 27, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Coming back to this after my comments in the Resident Evil thread it just makes sense for a more fair digital item ownership side of things. You can get a 64gb usb drive for around 10$ at the totally ripoff best buy store and en masse buying of such a simple thing as this should also be at least 50% off that. It would need to be at least a USB3 speeds at this point though or if USBC flash drives are available I think default they're faster than USB3. Just in a plastic shell Point of Sale in common stores like walmart, target, some major supermarkets would be nice, also directly to customers through the mail, no steam needed.

    I can see that small indy studios are better served by digital only but these huge devs like jubisoft, takejew/rs, capcom etc who ask premium pricing like 60+ for a game need to provide more than an EULA to rent the game. Especially since in some games for that price you get less than 20hrs of content, that's even worse then these digital movies prices at launch, total ripoff at launch. Dollar an hour is all digital content is worth if even that for something that has unlimited supply and limited demand=value less. It's only gatekeeping and force that slaps a price on this sort of thing and the intellectual evil of legalism/shysterism.

    And newspapers are even more egregious. Most of these paid for digital news sites are just press releases for the products and policies with some shallow toe the line "reporting", nah scam. The strategy there is to have only digital items so they can then be retroactively changed to change "history". News papers and news in general is just an advertiser whores industry of whores reading the advertising for whatever pays the most for that service. Theater presented as something else.
    Hertzian56, Dec 28, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to the games category another major reason for digital only is to kill the used market for cartridges which these monopolist dev scum don't like. They get no piece of the pie if you sell a used cartridge-disk to someone down the street directly, nor do I think they get a piece through ebay, scamazon and similar. Steam, ing pile has no possibility of used games whatsoever. If it's a product for sale that's real and has value it can also be used and then sold used, but they only apply that in one direction benefiting them which is criminal.

    And it's pretty disgraceful of the criminal jewmasontranny mafia in all the governments to do nothing about this obvious monopoly scamming but who's surprised there, criminal mafioso all work together to rape and pillage metaphorically speaking. The shy needs to be kept going, the vig must be paid, they do this with health insurance and insurance in general is just legalized mafia racket to keep you paying and thus in a harness as long as possible, especially younger people hence the mafioso college university loans scam. Get them all debt laden as young as possible.

    If insurance was an honest service, if nothing happens, what you paid for a year of service should roll over and over and also the amount should be kept in escrow with interest bearing onto it. You should be able to cash out at the end of each year of service but nope it's all about enriching the banksters who own all that too. Debt is not something that needs to be anything but temporary or rare in a free society, it's only use at the levels we see is to enrich rulers and keep people in slavery to their sick talmudick-kabbalistic system of slavery. Prices are high due to monopoly syndicate of it all and also the lard of middlemen for some largely unneeded legalistic protection which in Christian times was just the norm that people followed, it didn't require force of some kind it was common humanity using Christian principles in a real way in the world. The spiritual teachings were the materialized.

    This jewmasontranny cult world is just a big organized crime syndicate world, that needs everything in writing so a mischpucka mafia court can then decide who wins or what's fair, for a fee paid to it's representatives on all sides, shysters. Really the shtetel tribesters needed this against each other for millennia now and it's been enforced on the Christian peoples as these criminal jewmasontrannys took over society through criminal means. Demons back bite like no others.
    Hertzian56, Dec 28, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I think if it was possible LOTS of people would buy physical versions on usb drives of games that DON'T need any sort of online aspect to them like launchers and logins and such. Especially huge games that offer a ton of gameplay in SP offline mode like the GTAs, Cyberpunk, Jubisoft games and such. I think anyone who reads a lot of steam discussion boards about GTA, Jubisoft and similar games can see the huge problems and complaints digital renters have w this req. CP77 has the gog version which doesn't need to be logged into once downloaded.

    The whole reason GTA V never had any SP dlc was because jewstar would not implement the heists dlcs into the sp mode that is offline capable. They want you logged in and being tracked and policed at all times for their digital rental products. There is no reason to have even new areas like the Cayo Heist island locked behind online version of SP, nor the major missions Heists locked behind that either. I DO NOT RENT games of any kind, I own them and don't need the greedsters permission to rent some time w their products.

    A good way to make gta V even more longevity is to do this with the 6 release but they won't jewstar and takejew is way too greedster mindset for that bit of reason. Sad state of gaming really. The tribe is both arrogant and greedy and it blinds them and leads to their destruction throughout history, they just can't help themselves w the gluttony-greed, bdsm forms of control.

    Now a repacked compressed version of GTA V latest one is about 60-70gb compressed with most major languages, some bonus content and ALL the digital online assets included. Which then decompress to around 112-150gb depending on languages needed and bonus. Most people need ONE language so adding a standard 5 languages would be enough for the vast majority of the world. The rest could be made available for online download, along with patches and such. They could easily stick this on a 128gb standard USB 3 drive or even faster speeds of USB-C flash drive. No need for 7 dvds and really there's no need for logins and launchers and such that's just the greedster mentality of hand in your pocket more and more.

    English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian so there are a lot of space there, in cp77 a language is like 7gb each and it's likely more for GTA V. So just limiting the included on a physical usb to 3 would still be 20gb right there and then the rest is a download depot for language packs. And you could change the 3 for major regional versions. Asia, Euro, etc just English always be there for obvious reasons. So w 3 languages you still have close to 100gb for the other parts of the game.

    After the size of a GTAV you really just DO want to play online for unlimited world size on a server farm somewhere, from a human pov more is just not needed in one game. You're better off just getting another huge game that's all new like cp77 game world sized or Witcher 3 w all DLC sized world is enough for one game. And The Witcher 3 w all DLCs the original version is ONLY about 36gb installed size one language so even the Next Gen version which is about 70gb installed would easily fit on a 128gb USB-C portable drive. Fallout 4 with both dlc's is about 35gb installed one language as well and that's a huge open world with lots of inside buildings, tunnels and such.

    The open world Asscreed games seem to be the exception for inefficient install size for the world size. Origins is 70gb with all dlc which includes more areas outside of the main map, now that's not bad but seems very inefficient for the similar sized other games that came out only a couple years earlier like tw3,fo4 and such. Odyssey is about 100gb all dlcs one language. Granted it's the biggest game I've ever played, and I only made it to two of the dlc worlds, never made it to atlantis lol It was so big that it was overwhelming really. The fast travel was a lot and the almost endless little side missions were too much. Typical jubisoft crowded icon map also. But those are installed sizes, a compressed or partially compressed version would also easily fit on a 128gb USBC drive.
    Hertzian56, Feb 3, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I think a clear separation between online only games that are minimal cost like less than 20$ but with optional in game purchases and offline sp games would be nice. This is easy to see in phone games vs. long involved story and exploration games which don't really fit the phone game genre well. GTA San Andreas is even on phones now and it was discovered that the "definitive editions" of 3, vice city and SA were just mobile based versions ported back to pc, shows you the way these greedster companies see some of their older classics as just more pieces of profit generators than anything. We're not dealing with an artist who has an emotional or philosophical tie to previous works and such, there's a lot less meaning to games and products made by hundreds of people like movies then there is to things made by one human or a small team.
    Hertzian56, Feb 3, 2024
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