How to get fast boot times in Win 7 on D150 ?!

Discussion in 'Windows' started by RyDee, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. RyDee


    Aug 6, 2009
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    Hello! I installed Windows 7 (Build 7600 RTM) onto my AAO D150 (160gb hdd + 1gb RAM). It runs pretty well, but i think the boot time is a bit too long (40-50 Seconds)!
    I saw some videos on youtube where the acer (or other netbooks) boot in 20-25 seconds and i wonder how thats possible :shock:
    The only programm thats in my autostart is Avira Antivirus, so that shouldnt be the problem i think...

    Do you have some tips?! I just defragmented my drive, but i cant see a big difference, please help me!
    RyDee, Aug 6, 2009
  2. RyDee


    Aug 26, 2008
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    -don't install antivirus
    -do defrag and optimize your hdd. e.g. with diskeeper
    -do use fast flash storage as well as readyboost + eboostr3 to cache files
    jackluo923, Aug 7, 2009
  3. RyDee


    Aug 6, 2009
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    Hey jackluo923!
    Guess whose video i saw :lol: yours!
    I asked you there on youtube and tried your tips, but it didnt really help me :?
    I used a defrag tool (JKDefrag for normal files, and PageDefrag that defrags your system files once during startup).
    And (i guess you know) i tried an old 512mb SD Card for ReadyBoost, but it didnt really help, i think the card is too slow...
    And i dont want to have a system without antivirus :? wouldnt that be insecure? Until now i only worked with Windows XP which has no UAC like Windows 7 does. But i dont think only this UAC is secure enough, although i almost never got an virus-warning, maybe one warning in 2 months...

    What about disabling some services i dont need, or what about this "Superfetch" or "Prefetch" feature? What's your configuration there? Or do you have any secret-tweak-tips for me? :D
    Your video shows me that your blue screen that is saying "welcome" is there only for a few seconds, mine is there for about 20 seconds, i guess there is my problem, but i dont know how to solve this.

    Could you tell me your boot time without your ReadyBoost Card please?

    [I'm using RTM Build 7600, did a clean install, partitioned my drive during this install into two parts (27gb for system + rest for music etc)]
    RyDee, Aug 7, 2009
  4. RyDee


    Oct 5, 2008
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    RyDee, the best way (IMHO) is just to switch off unneeded services - but do install AV software !!!
    Is your netbook a fileserver to other computers ? No, switch off the 'server' service.
    Do you attach to a fileserver ? No, switch off the 'workstation' service.
    Do you run distributed transactions? No, switch off DTC
    Do you really need a megapixel background for the desktop ? No, use a plain coloured one.
    Do you need to check for Windows Updates continuously? No, set the Windows Update to manual.

    You get the picture :D
    Readyboost and eboostr3 might be useful but my normal boot time is < 17 seconds just by switching off services I never need. It also helps free up memory for my programs.
    adrianaitken, Aug 8, 2009
  5. RyDee


    Aug 6, 2009
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    Thanks for your answer!
    I disabled those services (server etc), but i still got 39 (!!) services that are running when i boot my acer... and i'm not sure if i can disable some of them because they sound important for the system.
    And i still got 37-40 seconds for boot =(... i think its not the slowest boot, but not even close to your boot times.
    I have the newest Bios version (1.09) and set the HDD mode to AHCI and disabled D2D in the Bios settings...

    So what can i do more? Did you use vLite before installation or did you do a "full" installation with every components?
    RyDee, Aug 9, 2009
  6. RyDee


    Aug 26, 2008
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    Disabling the unncessary services doesn't really help in Windows 7. The unneccessary ones starts after bootup thus doesn't really affect the boot time.

    I don't use antivirus on my computers. I only have a norton corporate antivirus in one of my virtual machines on my desktop computers. Antivirus really slows down your computer a lot. Besides, you're using a beta OS which is going to expire pretty soon. If you're running behind a router and you're not stupid enough to click those virus filled ads on free porn sites, they there isn't much need for an antivirus.
    jackluo923, Aug 11, 2009
  7. RyDee


    Apr 19, 2009
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    To get the fastest boot times, those extra 15 seconds add up over a life time, install just the bare bones windows OS. No drivers for any thing, then do a time check. My old e-machines recovery disc does just that. No Ethernet, no video drivers, no USB no nothing. Then load up what drivers you need, one at a time until the correct boot times are accomplished.
    garrovick, Aug 11, 2009
  8. RyDee


    Aug 26, 2008
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    I find disabling unnecssary hardware in device manager to be more efficient way of reducing the bootup time than not installing drivers at all.
    jackluo923, Aug 12, 2009
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