how to install a peer2peer for a total novice

Discussion in 'Linux' started by baldyman77, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. baldyman77


    Apr 5, 2009
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    hi there i know people have asked similar before but can someone take me through the process step by step.
    I would like to install something like bittornado or limewire but i have never used any linux systems before.
    i am using linpus or limpus linux lite and i have managed to get java to work,any help would be very appreciated.
    baldyman77, Apr 5, 2009
  2. baldyman77


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Step by step:

    Enable the 'advanced' desktop (instructions are on this post)

    Right-click to get the menu and select Add/Remove Software' from the System category

    Enter your password when prompted

    Wait until the progress bar goes away. It's slow.

    Select the 'Search' tab and enter 'torrent' in the search box.

    Decide which of the many torrent clients you want to use. Azureus is quite nice, and AFAIK only needs Java; I prefer ktorrent but it's part of the KDE desktop and probably pulls in wuite a lot of other stuff with it.

    Click on the one you want (I find the software manager very slow to respond to clicks, by the way) so that the box next to it is ticked.

    Click 'Apply'.

    Read and OK any dialog boxes which come up. It may need to add more packages (dependencies) but this should be automatic

    When it finishes, close the Package Manager, unless you'd like to see what else you can install while you're in there. There's loads of it, and all free!

    Right-click on the desktop for the menu again, and you should find your new software listed for you, almost certainly under 'Network'
    daldred, Apr 6, 2009
  3. baldyman77


    May 1, 2009
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    I installed Bittorrent with no error messages but it doesn't show up under Right Click>>Network or any of the options for that matter, would anyone know why this might be?
    Goseki, May 1, 2009
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