Hello, I'm looking for a C++ IDE for use on the Aspire One (Linux - still using the Linpus Lite, haven't changed to Ubuntu or anything). I saw mention of Anjunta elsewhere on these forums and thought it would be suitable. I'm trying to teach my self some C++ coding (borrowed a Sams Teach Yourself book from the library). I've downloaded the Bloodstream Dev C++ IDE for my Windows based computer but want something similar for my Aspire One. It doesn't have to be Anjunta, if there are any other suggestions I'd welcome that too. What I've done so far: I downloaded Anjunta from the sourceforge site http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=878754 but when I tried to open it (using Xarchiver think) I got some errors and it wouldn't open properly. Then tried to get it from the terminal copying some commands I saw elsewhere to get other programs wget "http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/anjuta/anjuta-2.24.1.tar.bz2" sudo tar -jvxf anjuta-2.24.1.tar.bz2 --directory /opt This seemed to untar all the files but I'm at a loss what to do next. Now if I look for any files anjunta in them I can't find them so not sure if I actually did anything really. As you can see I'm a newbie with linux and most of the time not really sure what I'm doing - just trying to learn as I go along. If anyone can tell me what I need to do to get Anjunta or another C++ IDE working on the Aspire one I'd greatly appreciate it. thanks, k
You're trying to do it the hard way. Use the package manager to retrieve it from the Fedora repository. In fact, using the repository associated with your Linux distribution is the best way to get software - you're much, much, much, much, (did I say much?) less likely to encounter issues with library file incompatibility, and, you won't have to compile it yourself.
There is supposed to be anXfce C++ development environment called Xfc. But I could not get it to install, maybe because I am a newbie like you, but could not get any email replies either. see: http://xfc.xfce.org/index.html and http://xfc.xfce.org/docs/rograms Look at add/remove Software, login, then click on List. There is a lot of Anjunta stuff there. I did not try it, maybe should have. I tried a lot of the top level Add/Remove Developmment stuff and it all failed. But I succeeded in loading the GTK+ development stuff. So I gave up on a C++ IDE and decided to use C with GTK+
Sorry in my original post I forgot to say that I tried the add/remove program but had problems with it with dependencies. Anyway since then I installed wine and was able to download the Bloodshed Dev-C++ IDE and got that working. So that's good enough for me. Thanks. k