How to make Civ3 run on Acer One Netbook

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Guest, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This is a repost of a thread i placed over at Civ Fanatics.. Hope it helps:

    I know this has been discussed before but i thought id post the solution on how to make the game playable on the Acer One Netbook in one thread. Save folks some of the time i spent finding the solution.

    The problem is 2 fold on the Acer One, first the Acer ONLY supports a max resolution of 1024x600, so even if you force Civ3 resolution to 1024x768 you cannot see the screen and cannot scroll around either. 2nd The game won't play lower then 1024x768.

    Now onto the Fix:
    After you've installed the game add these two lines to your civ.ini file, in my case i have Civ Complete so i needed to edit the Conquests.ini file:
    Video Mode=1024

    Those two options (to the best of my knowledge) force the game to use the desktop resolution. Next you need to install a tool called A1CTL found here:

    Instructions for this tool are on the page.
    ***i did run into an issue with an unregistered OCX file (I'm running XP SP3) and found this installation to fix that problem:

    Finally run the A1CTL tool, now in your task bar click on the little memory/temp gauge that has appeared then go to Screen > 1024x768

    Now start Civ.... Mine worked great after that.. Now you still have to scroll up and down, but really it only covers your Interface menu, but if you position it right that can be minimal. I know it's not perfect but it's playable.

    Guest, Mar 21, 2009
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