How to open downloads - total noob

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by brandnewuser, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. brandnewuser


    Jan 18, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Hi - just bought an Acer Aspire 48 hrs ago with Linux. Never used Linux before, so don't know anything about it.

    My problem is that I have downloaded a number of programs for Linux onto my computer - eg, Gimp, Open Movie, but I cannot open them. I extract them with full path, and then try to open, but the best result I get is an message to say that 'archive format not recognized'????

    I am a real noob, so don't understand much in the way of Linux terminology - please go very gentle on me!!

    Thank you very much for any help.
    brandnewuser, Jan 18, 2009
  2. brandnewuser


    Dec 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Malta (but Dutch)

    Lesson 1: Forget ALL about windows
    Lesson 2: LINPUS your Operating System is a special breed of linux written especially for the AA1
    Lesson 3: Acer doesn't want you to change stuff... unless you do it their way.

    tip 1: go to the acer support site and install the software they offer you there: ... t.html#004

    tip 2: if you wanna do things your way you have to hack the O.S.: search this forum for the topics on Advanced Desktop Mode it will show you how to get rid of the standard desktop

    enough homework ;) for today

    Sorry if i come over a bit old and grumpy, not my intention.. but you do yourself a big favor by searching and reading a lot here before you start messing up your AA1.
    Please be sure to read topics on how to Backup and Restore your system First.. it will save you a lot of trouble, pain, anger, frustration, time etc, etc.,

    Enjoy your AA1 (i do!)
    woodland, Jan 18, 2009
  3. brandnewuser


    Jan 18, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Thank you Woodland.

    Knowing that I have LINPUX is useful. This is all brand new to me.

    I have to say that I DID download stuff from the exact site that you provided the link to, and although I follow the instructions, I cannot open the applications. I get as far as being able to extract the files, but then when I try to run the extracted files, I get the error message that the archive format is not recognized.

    I'm willing to be patient, and although I've browsed a lot of threads on this site, I haven't found a similar post which provides a straightforward answer to how to open downloaded files.

    If I can get as far as being able to install a movie-editing program, opening skype, having something akin to Photoshop, and being able to rip and burn CDs, then I will be about 100% content with my Aspire One as I can be with my old Windows laptop. I just need to work out how to open downloaded applications and then I'll be at peace!
    brandnewuser, Jan 18, 2009
  4. brandnewuser


    Nov 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    UK / Switzerland
    Hi brandnewuser,

    Regarding Skype go to and download the version of Skype for fedora7, and save it in your downloads folder.
    Close the browser and go to the downloaded file then select open with package manager. Click open and type your password, and then confirm a few popup boxes. (Like do you want to install this?)
    Once you see that the software has successfully been installed click OK, then click remove to delete the package.
    To get the Skype Icon onto your desktop you need to do the following.
    Go to
    /home/user/.config/xfce4/desktop/and select the file group-app/xml (it is worth backing this file up first before you alter it)
    Look for this line

    You will see all the entries are numbered so take out the (7) and replace it with say (9). And change the line to this
    <app sequence=”9”>usr/share/applications/Skype.desktop</app>

    Save the file and reboot then expand your blue connection area and you should see the Skype Icon there now you can just drag it into the visible area to replace an existing Icon.

    Now to a Open Movie Editor have a look here ... 8371.shtml, and regarding Gimp to save me writing a long post follow these instructions

    Hope this helps.
    barrie, Jan 20, 2009
  5. brandnewuser


    Jan 18, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for your help.

    Well, so far, I have managed to download and open Skype and a Huawei dongle application without seemingly having to resort to any knowledge of program code. I simply opened them with the 'patch' file when connected to the internet.

    However, my downloads of Open Movie, Blender and Gimp are not opening so easily. The final message I always seem to end up with is 'archive format not recognized'. Does this mean that the file type is not appropriate for Linpux specifically? I cannot recall off the top of my head (as I'm now using work computer) what file extensions they have, but Open Movie is something like a .gr file (??)

    Also, someone suggested to me to install WINE. However, looking at a Wine site for downloads, it seems that it is not possible to download this for Linpux? Is this right? Is it so that Ubuntu, Redhat, SUSE etc are different versions of Linux, and are quite distinct from Linpux? Therefore, would it be a non-starter to try and install eg Ubuntu over the top of Linpux?
    brandnewuser, Jan 21, 2009
  6. brandnewuser


    Dec 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Malta (but Dutch)
    Hi brandnewuser,

    glad i could help you along a bit.

    Where did you get GImp?
    It's available on the Acer support site and it installed flawlessly for me following this bit:
    - Install Guide:
    1. Download the file to Aspire one directly.
    2. Double click, and uncompress the zip file via “Xarchiver”, there should be a new file named “” in the same folder with
    3. Go to folder and double click
    4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    With regards to your other pieces of software:

    Are you downloading source files or packages? There is a big difference between those two!
    source files you need to compile.. i would wait a little with compiling source files yourself.

    packages you can install by using the script provided with(in) the package
    (comparable to using setup.exe when installing stuff in windows) but you need to get the correct package for your flavor of Linux.

    The easiest way to get your programs installed is using the Forum's Built-In Search function; Top Right Hand Corner.

    i entered Blender in Search found this for ye: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=8825&p=57172&hilit=Blender#p57172
    i think and hope it answers your questions..

    Open Movie; viewtopic.php?f=23&t=357&p=2539&hilit=editing+movies#p2539

    If you can't find a guide or instructions for installing your programs, start a new topic.. for instance: Open Movie on linpus ..HOW?

    Wine is not a quick way out for your "problems" you better learn how you can install software under Linux and especially Linpus.. there are several ways to install software but please Beware there is a Wrong Way too and it will wreck your system. I left linpus for another distro so i happily forgot about the wrong way of installing software..

    Rule(s) of thumb for installing:
    Use Live Update in Settings
    Use the Acer support site
    for installing a Fully! working VLC (media player) use this: ... linux.html (and not the acer version of vlc)
    Search this forum or macles (see link above) for other installation instructions.

    i'll give you Wine too but........
    stole a bit from this post: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=8567 credit goes to Andysan
    read the rest of Andysan's post it's a good explanation and it will probably help you quite a bit in understanding Linpus a little better

    To install apps in Linux, such as Wine, do the following:

    Press "ALT+F2"
    Enter "Terminal" with a capital "T" and hit return
    enter "sudo yum install wine" at the terminal
    Hit the Enter-key
    download and install will start

    but you'll have to learn how Wine operates... it's not rocket science but it will take you a little time to understand and use wine correctly

    Well this should keep you busy for quite while ;) .. more questions? i'll be here if possible
    woodland, Jan 21, 2009
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