How to use Rdesktop

Discussion in 'Linux' started by hjongste, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. hjongste


    Aug 29, 2008
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    I am using ICA Citrix under windows and I want to do something similar with Linux on my AA1. I tried to install Citrix under Linux, but that was hard and doesn't work, so does someone how rdesktop works? Rdesktop is supposed to be a similar program. I have installed it using the package manager, but when I run rdesktop, nothing happens. I was expecting some sort of configuration screen where you can enter details of the host etc etc. Anybody knows how this works? Is there a command line syntax I need to use?
    hjongste, Oct 16, 2008
  2. hjongste


    Aug 14, 2008
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    The Wet Coast, Canada
    Here's a man page for rdesktop ...

    I used to connect to an XP box from a Linux box and used a bash script I wrote, so I wouldn't have to remember the long command all the time and I created a launcher to launch this script. I called the script "start_rdesktop" and it contained:

    XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 rdesktop -a 16 -k de -u <windoze_username> -p <windoze_password> -g 1024x768
    Haven't used rdesktop with the AAO as I no longer have any XP boxes around here. But it should give you an idea. You might need to adjust things of course:

    1. don't know if the preface "XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" will work, so if it doesn't with Linpus, just start the commandline starting at rdesktop.

    2) change the screen size: 1024x600 to accomodate AAO.

    3) windoze_* of course need to contain your login username/password for your Windoze box.

    4) IP address of your Windoze box - adjust to meet your situation.

    5) if you want sound to come over the connection include in the commandline: -r sound:remote

    Once you have figured out the requirements to get the kind of connection you want and it works, you might look at creating a .desktop file that will either launch a bash script like this OR contains the commandline directly, to make connecting easy from a menu.

    rbil, Oct 16, 2008
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