[HowTo] Disable drag of hyperlinks/pictures in Firefox

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Floyd0815, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Floyd0815


    Oct 28, 2008
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    Hi @ all!

    I searched the whole internet to get a solution to disable dragging links and pictures and found nothing!!!
    Because I use a touchscreen and have installed the plugin "grab and drag" to scroll in acrobat-reader style, it's very annoying me that I often hit a link and grab it instead of scrolling the page.

    Now I found a solution!!!

    I'm dumm, blind or something so I long missed, that in the settings-menu of "grab and drag" is an option to "scroll everywhere on the page".
    (main-settings-page->behavior->second line)

    Sorry that the words doesn't match exectly and for the pour English. (speak German)

    And because I didn't found a solution, only bug reports and unsolved forum topics, I thought I should post it somewhere.

    Maybe someone is in the same situation and...

    Floyd0815, Apr 15, 2009
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