Howto: Install Lamp ur own server on Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Linux' started by zinovsky, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. zinovsky


    Jan 1, 2009
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    LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) is an open source Web development platform that uses Linux as operating system, Apache as the Web server MySQL as the relational database management system and PHP as the object-oriented scripting language.
    In this Simple tutorial we will explain you how to install LAMP server on your Ubuntu Desktop, the installation will be in 3 steps.

    With this server you will be able to create your own media server on your desktop so you can listen and watch your music and videos on ur aspireone everywhere you go, you can also launch your own website .... in this tutorial will show you just to create the server , in the next coming tutorials will explain how to make your own media server ,website ... , please the link bellow for details :
    zinovsky, Apr 21, 2009
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