I have a Acer Aspire One netbook (Model D150). It runs real hot, so I decided to see if I could improve cooling a little. I used this site ([url="http://netbookitalia.it/disassemblaggio-acer-aspire-one-d150-10-pollici.html"]http://netbookitalia.it/disassemblaggio ... llici.html[/url]) to see how to take it apart. Reversed to put it back together. Now it won't boot up. I push the power button, it turns green (normal) and hear the cooling fan spin up then slow down (did not used to do that), no LED's come on and nothing on the screen. I have taken it apart 2 more times to make sure everything is connected correctly, and it seems to be, but same results. Tried plugging in an external monitor, still nothing. Any suggestions on what else to check? A BIOS reset (how would you do that). Also, will this thing boot with the trackpad and keyboard not plugged back in? I am afraid I am about to ruin the ribbon cables taking them in and out so much (that and they are a pain to get in correctly). I have connected them each time I have tried to boot, but if I can test it without plugging it in it will make it faster. And for those that will ask, I was placing a small heat sink in the cooling fan's path over the processor (found it on another page).