I got mine coming (160gb 6 cell)

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Paisley Pirate, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Paisley Pirate

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    I finally got my mind set and settled and ordered my new AAO last night.

    Thanks to everyone for the info and now I just eagerly am awaiting the machine...

    I want to build a dual boot unit, XP is what's on it, so I'll have that and a Linux setup. I am debating about just installing the Linpus, or going with a different set up.

    I'll be using this thing on the road extensively starting next month, so I'll be keeping you all posted on how it runs out in the world.

    Paisley Pirate, Dec 13, 2008
  2. Paisley Pirate


    Nov 22, 2008
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    Bay Area
    Congrats on a Good Purchase

    It was a good decision to go with that machine. I would just enjoy it as is for at least a couple of weeks before putting on another OS. I'm pretty sure you will be very pleased.

    Good luck with it and enjoy!
    info, Dec 13, 2008
  3. Paisley Pirate


    Dec 13, 2008
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    First post.

    Just ordered one about an hour ago. Also the 160gb 6 cell. What color did you get? I went with black.
    KillerStephen, Dec 13, 2008
  4. Paisley Pirate

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    I chose blue... I know some folks commented about smearing and fingerprints... but I still like the looks of it.

    AFA time... I have precious little before I leave home for an extended business trip, and I decided to replace my tired old Panasonic Toughbook for the AAO. Since I won't have access to a lot of goodies most of the time, I figured on putting at least one alternate while I was still at home, trying them both out, and then next time I am at the house I'll swap out or whatever.

    I know some folks are saying "oh, it's not powerful enough to be by itself" but when you are used to a P3-500 machine, this is still a step up...

    That and less than half the weight... yeah. I'm hoping for an updated HP100LX (I had one of them when they were the shizz) and this appears more the bill than any of the Windows Mobile (and CE) stuff that's been out forever... ugh.

    The most interesting thing I thought about starting off with was using Cloanto's Amiga Forever on it, and running an Amiga OS... but I won't have that much time to A) sort out the Linux kernal that I am not at all knowledgable about, and B) won't have a backup computer handy if things go dreadfully wrong, and C) I'll still need to run my businesses internet activity from this machine (not a lot, but still important) and get to look at my wife's lovely face every night...

    I'm also hoping to put some goofy stuff on it like Diablo2 and some other games I like to play around with once in a while...

    Waiting with anticipation...
    Paisley Pirate, Dec 13, 2008
  5. Paisley Pirate


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    I don't recommend Linpus. Too many quirky, non-standard modifications and an unclear update path with Fedora 8 (upon which the version of Linpus on the AA1) is based reaching end-of-life on Jan 7. Fedora, Ubuntu, and, apparently, Mandriva, give excellent ootb experiences and require minimal tweaking to get 99% functionality. If you need to read xD cards in the right card slot, then go with Linpus; it's the only distro I've found that'll meet that requirement. I just use a USB card reader. There are a couple of Puppy derivatives, acer-puppy-410-27 and lxde-pup411-k2.6.27.5-dillo-v01 that work well too; I've run tried both off of live USB sticks and am trying to decide which to install.
    RockDoctor, Dec 13, 2008
  6. Paisley Pirate


    Nov 22, 2008
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    Bay Area
    I also had an HP100LX and 200LX and it's funny that you should mention them because, when I received my AAO, I thought to myself: "finally, the replacement to the 100/200LX is here. This machine has turned out to be so much more than I expected, it's actually outperforming a 17" HP that cost me 4 times the price less than four months ago. I'm pretty sure that you and Killer will be nothing short of amazed at how much thought Acer has put into this thing. There are bigger and better screens and keyboards out there but, overall, the AAO is so well designed, that it is love at first touch for most of us. It's something like the impression we had when we first bought our HP100LXs. Yes, that good. :D

    Oh, and lastly, if you are a HP100LX person, this machine may very well cover 95% of your needs as an everyday workhorse. I really don't thing it's too small at all. It has taken everything I have thrown at it.
    info, Dec 13, 2008
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