I think I've killed my netbook

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by lamkino, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. lamkino


    Feb 23, 2009
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    I did some messing about on my Acer Aspire One despite being a Linux novice.

    I followed step-by-step instructions and installed Skype and VLC - great. It worked brilliantly - for a day.

    Now when it boots up I have big problems - there is a new panel saying 'New Item - This item is not yet configured' I've lost the bar on the bottom and all the status icons at the bottom right of the desktop screen (Power on, Network connection, etc.).

    Furthermore, when I click on settings and then click on Network center, nothing happens.

    It is exactly the same problem that this guy was having

    although i can't seem to find a solution.

    can anyone help......please. :?: :?: :?:
    lamkino, Feb 23, 2009
  2. lamkino


    Aug 25, 2008
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    So have you tried the first solution posted there (right click-settings-panel manager, delete the panels you probably accidentally added)?

    There's also the suggestion that the xfce settings file may be damaged; I believe that if you delete it the system will create a new one from standard settings on next boot. To try this, it's probably best to rename the file rather than delete it - and it's always best to have a way back from disater if something goes badly wrong. So:

    1. Enable VTSwitch - press ALT-F2 and in the run dialog enter
    sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    In mousepad, find the line containing 'DontVTSwitch' and put a '#' at the beginning of that line. Save the file. This means that in future, if you have any problems with the GUI, you have the option of pressing CTRL-ALT-F1 and getting a terminal.

    2. Do alt-F2 again and this time type
     mv .config/xfce .config/xfce.old
    This renames the configuration file for xfce.

    3. Reboot. If you get a nice clean screen back, then we've won. If everything goes Horribly Wrong, press CTRL-ALT-F1, and in the terminal which comes up type
    mv .config/xfce.old .config/xfce
    and then reboot again.
    daldred, Feb 24, 2009
  3. lamkino


    Dec 11, 2008
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    Hi, My daughter's ONE has done this exact same thing this morning...however, I have followed both threads with results as below and the problems is still there.

    Other thread: I cannot right click settings (or right click anything for that matter either via trackpad or mouse) for panels - is there another way of accessing this?

    I have followed the above, first time terminal use too!, but upon rebooting (which has to be done by holding down the power button - again, is there another way around this as the power icon has gone and it's not like windows CTRL+ALT+DEL!) the stoopid star and lack of icons still exists.

    As to cause, she's 9 and only uses it for surfing and IM, but it did power down whilst she was using it as the battery ran down and she didn't notice.

    Any help, I'm a total Linux novice btw, is gratefully appreciated, particularly from my daughter who is making a mess with glue and glitter instead of doing her homework!
    BoroDave74, Mar 14, 2009
  4. lamkino


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Try using the terminal again - use the command:
    daldred, Mar 15, 2009
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