I am trying to install the newest ica client on my aspire one to be able to use the secure gateway at work when I install Ubuntu or Mandriva on this otherwise very fine netbook I have a clear and cut procedure that works every time and my citrix session starts up without any problems if I try the same procedure with Linpus I get no connection and no errors I see that the ica client is connecting to the secure gateway but I do not see a connection coming in into the citrix farm the client just fails without any errors I have followed and read all guidelines that I could find when I google for "[i]acer aspire one linpus ica citrix client[/i]" the procedure I have is: [list] 1) install openmotif 2.2.3 (RPM) 2) install icaclient 10.6 (RPM) 3) copy all necessary crt files into the keystore folder 4) make a symlink to npica.so into the plugins folder of firefox [/list] anyone that got ica client working on linpus?