icon on desktop

Discussion in 'Linux' started by hico, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. hico


    Jan 16, 2009
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    can i anyone teach me how to remove the 2 same icon for vcl in the fun section?? and also after i install real player, how to put it on the fun section?? thank you for your advice!
    hico, Jan 22, 2009
  2. hico


    Aug 25, 2008
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    First, if you've got two VLC icons after installing using the instructiosn on Macles blog, there's a comment somewhere under that article which covers removing a duplicate icon.

    If not, and for adding the realplayer icon, you'll need

    1. To edit the group-app.xml file manually;

    2. A realplayer desktop file of some sort - I'm saying this because someone who installed Realplayer recently has found that the necessary file is missing from, the installation. Use the desktop search to search for files called 'desktop' (!) and see if there is one in /use/share/applications which has 'real' or 'realplayer' in the file name. If there is one, please post the name of the file back into this thread and I'll talk you through the editing bit!
    daldred, Jan 22, 2009
  3. hico


    Jan 16, 2009
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    thanks for ur reply!!!

    i am first time usine linux..so i dun really know the command...can u pls show me step by step? i hope u dun mind! thank you again!!
    hico, Jan 24, 2009
  4. hico


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Ok, first let's look for the .desktop file. This doesn't need the command line (you could just use the desktop search, top right of the home screen), but if you're going to start using the command line you might as well use it for this too as it's more powerful. I'll explain it in italics as we go alog so you start to learn.

    First, get a terminal. Press ALT-F2, and in the run dialog type 'terminal', and click 'run'.

    We'll tell Linux to go and look for any file ending 'desktop' in the /usr/share/applications directory (and any sub-directories), then in that list show us only the ones containing 'real'. Because Linux is case-sensitive, we need to tell it not to bother about case so we can find Real, real or REAL all at once. (The desktop search wouldn't be able to filter the list of files like this). And because parts of the filesystem are limited to root (like Windows admin) access, we need to tell it to pretend we are root while we do it.

    The command you need in the terminal is this:
    sudo find /usr/share/applications -name *desktop | grep -i real 
    sudo = do this as root
    find = find files
    /usr.... = in that directory and subdirectories
    -name *desktop = files with 'desktop' at the end
    | = then send the result of that to....
    grep = search through for
    -i = case-insensitive
    real = what we want searched for in the result.

    The result of all that lot may be absolutely nothing: if so, then you too have no realplayer desktop file; let me know whether you have or haven't, then we can deal with whichever. If you have, the full name of the file will have been returned to you by that command - copy and paste it into a message here.

    Now we're going to do something which will re-use somehting you've just done, but in a different context. If you've got two VLC icons coming up, then you've got two lines referring to VLC in a configuration file called /home/user/.config/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml. Let's find those lines, and find out a bit more about how the terminal works at the same time.

    The command we want will be this, (but don't type it yet - read the bit in italics first):
    grep -i vlc ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml
    You know from the last bit what 'grep -i' does; this time instead of sending the results of a 'find' command to it, we're using it on a file.

    But take that line slowly. Type it in up to "~/" (~ just means your home directory). Now just type '.c' and press tab. Nothign happens. Press it again - and you will get a list of all the possible things you could mean - everything in that directory which starts with '.c'. .config is the only one starting with .co, so if you now type just the 'o' and press tab again, it will complete the name as there's no other choice. Tyep '/xf' and press tab - and it completes the next bit (actually there are two options it could have used here, but they are the same as far as 'xfce4' so it goes that far anyway). Jutd 'd'+tab will do it for the next bit, and 'g'+tab will complete the command. This is called 'tab completion' and can save a lot of typing!

    That should return two lines, both containing 'vlc' (or VLC, or Vlc). Again, copy them from the response and post them to a message here, and we'll carry on from there.
    daldred, Jan 24, 2009
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