iDeneb 10.5.6 Questions

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by spank2798, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. spank2798


    May 15, 2009
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    Hey guys I have succesflly installed iDeneb 10.5.6..and have combed through Diablonet's 10.5.6. guide and the attached posts..My question is during a regular boot I get kernel panics when I sometimes startup..use photobooth..shutdown and random crashes..Also, I did install diablnet's osx tools with had the GMA950 fix..I was getting I believe the 1020 compared to the 800 I think..the mouse would seem to be slowed and the photobooth webcam was choppy causing kernel panics...So, I decided to run the d150 in safe mode which in turn led me to have absolutely no kernel panics but then when I clicked on photo booth it said that the computer did not have the graphics card to run the program...I heard that this could be due to permissions in utilities??? But I can't find this permissions option anywhere? That is in the graphics arena..

    When it comes to sound I know everyone has to install the voodoohda enabler and kext...I did that..used v7 to install but still no sound...Could someone give me some input on the exact way on how to do this on the D-150...I know you guys got the techniques down...

    The dw-1390 wireless is being shipped....

    So, with this being said I just need directions on how to get the sound and the permissions option...Also some input on how to get that webcam working so it isn't so choppy, causing those panics...Thanks guys for all your help and input...I do appreciate it..

    spank2798, Dec 7, 2009
  2. spank2798


    Mar 27, 2009
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    i suggest to check if you have the hardware acceleration on your video card and if you have Quartz Extreme running (it helps a bit). so what you'll need is the proper video drivers. Theres another topic on the forum that deals with 10.5.7/8 updates and they links to the video kexts. For me i used the msi wind video pack.

    For trying to fix permissions, i suggest getting the Onyx utility. They have a button there to fix permissions on the S/L/E folder and clear the mkext cache. It also has a button to turn on QE.
    yohko101, Dec 7, 2009
  3. spank2798


    May 15, 2009
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    What is the S/L/E folder?
    spank2798, Dec 8, 2009
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