iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5 - success

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by bm2, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. bm2


    Oct 15, 2008
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    I recently installed iDeneb 10.5.5 on an Aspire One, and thought I'd lend some details, in case anyone else finds them useful.

    iAtkos v4.1i didn't work, probably because it was a bad download. I had funny issues with it: not re-mounting the disk, after running a pre-flight bootloader install, making DVD-install impossible. Running the installer from a working mac allowed me to manually re-mount the disk from terminal, but afterwards, the new installation would self-restart, during startup. Since no-one else reported anything like this, I gave up on iAtkos.

    iDeneb's installer needed the appropriate chipset selection (ich7) and ACPI-fix. After install, I removed AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext. I tried several kernels, but they all panicked, until I added cpus=1. It's now running voodoo_beta2.

    Initially, I was testing installs with the Aspire One's two boards sitting outside the case -- plugged into an external display, with usb peripherals. I moved the hdd between another machine, and the One. After achieving a successful install, and booting, the external display would suddenly cycle out of scan-range, after briefly showing a blue background. Re-assembling the One, to use the original display, solved this.

    All the following worked, post-install: Psystar's Realtec driver, the new auto-switching audio (ALC268_working), the alpsglide trackpad package, Chun-Nan's battery meter, Paul's 950 video drivers (for Wind), and InsomniaX (manually installing the kext, so it's always running).

    I decided against experimenting with SpeedStep; thought the fan was silent enough; and never figured out how to re-enable hyperthreading (cpus=2) without panics.

    Observations: OS X seems too sensitive to "accidental input" on the trackpad -- if the user is typing, and brushes a thumb, the trackpad can spontaneously leap them to a new insertion point, or another program. The Aspire install of Windows had much better handling.

    aRt's UI-scaler is hosted alongside another package, aimed at preventing Software Updates from clobbering a custom-install. I installed it, just to see, and found it filled the drive root with... an excess of files/dirs for configuration. If aRt sees this, maybe he can include the 'setFile' utility in his installer, and set the hidden flag on this stuff. ..Or consolidate their location.

    Display-mirroring renders both displays useless, but more importantly, re-activates every time the external screen is re-attached. I had to download a terminal utility which allowed me to "poise" the commandline, plug in the display, and then hit return to turn mirroring off.

    The machine bricked once, when I tried closing the lid, but a quick flash fixed+updated it, and InsomniaX ensures that wont happen again.

    On another occasion, I left the machine powered off, and unplugged, with 98% battery power remaining. Somehow, the battery drained to 0% all on its own. I consider that astonishing. I've given the machine away, now, but I'll probably be hearing from the new owner if there's any further issues.

    That's all I can think of. I'll post follow-up, if there's anything to add.
    bm2, Oct 18, 2008
  2. bm2


    Jul 23, 2008
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    London, UK
    That's one of the reasoms I went back to windows, not only did sleep never work but it toook an age to turn on, and it never turned off properly, the fan would run with screen off, and no lights on.
    rory, Oct 18, 2008
  3. bm2


    Sep 16, 2008
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    I'll have to try this out myself. But first I want to try to get Linpus and OSX installed on my AAO. Still trying...
    denshaotoko808, Oct 18, 2008
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