iDeneb v1.4 10.5.6 Install guide

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by diablonet, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. diablonet


    Feb 19, 2009
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    Thanks and your right, I never thought about it like that. But if you are going to have an operating system it should support most hardware that is out there, I know tall order. Anyway I just installed a DW 1390 dell wifi card and it works perfectly.

    I still havent been able to get a triple boot to work yet, the problem is linux. Getting it on the system without screwing up the OSx boot loader.

    Anyway I dont care much for Linux, but I am finding OSx to be fun at the least so for now XP for work and OSx to play with. I have installed a few MAC programs and they seem to work pretty well.

    Anyway time to play some more now that I have wireless working !
    Racer38, Mar 31, 2009
  2. diablonet


    Apr 1, 2009
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    I am getting ready to attempt this distro, and I have a complete noob question - after getting the iDeneb ISO do I just burn it as is to a DVD, or is there something else I need to do?
    MasterJediAdam, Apr 3, 2009
  3. diablonet


    Feb 19, 2009
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    I just burned it at the slowest speed my burner would do and it worked out fine !

    Good luck .. I also changed out my wifi to the DW1390 and it works perfectly.
    Racer38, Apr 4, 2009
  4. diablonet


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Has anyone else noticed that the tilde key (the key to the left of the numeral 1) outputs this instead?

    §§ (without holding shift)
    ±± (while holding shift)

    Is there a way to remap the keys with the proper tilde character?
    chudgoo, Apr 4, 2009
  5. diablonet


    Mar 23, 2009
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    Installing ideneb seems extremely easy...
    Is there any way to install this from a USB?

    Saw a similar topic about installing Mac OS X from an USB or HDD, but it recommended using iATKOS_5 =/
    DopyG, Apr 4, 2009
  6. diablonet


    Feb 19, 2009
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    I cant ever get the USB to boot after putting the image on it.I use unetbootin for windows and have tried putting the iso image on a 8 gig usb drive, but it doesnt seem to work.
    Racer38, Apr 4, 2009
  7. diablonet


    Mar 23, 2009
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    Then it seems I have to go the long way with iatkos ;)
    But I have to admit that the iatkos installation seems scary, when you dont know ANYTHING about installing different OS
    DopyG, Apr 4, 2009
  8. diablonet


    Aug 4, 2008
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    My keyboard is behaving properly. Just to be sure, I show you the first rows of my keyboard lay-out (standard US qwerty I think):

    ~ ! @ # $ .......... _ + backspace
    ` 1 2 3 4 .......... - = backspace
    tab q w e .......... o p { } |
    tab Q W E .......... O P [ ] \

    I dit not install the "Full ISO Keyboard fix", maybe that's the difference?
    DutchAcerOne, Apr 4, 2009
  9. diablonet


    Sep 9, 2008
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    DutchAcerOne ---

    Yeah that might be the cause... I did install the Full ISO keyboard kext linked to in the original post.

    For what it's worth, my top row reads as such...


    (seems to only be the tilde key...hmmmm)

    Gonna play with it a bit and see if I can get it resolved without having to use DoubleCommand.
    chudgoo, Apr 5, 2009
  10. diablonet


    Apr 3, 2009
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    Sigh... I've been at this with iDeneb for 3 days. I've tried a number of things, but my AAO D150 won't boot correctly the first time. After the install completes and the reboot happens, I add the -x boot flag and when the screen goes grey, it stays grey. The mouse disappears and I can't see it unless I move it. Even then it just flashes, then disappears.

    I've installed the latest bios, 1.05. And I'm using iDeneb v1.4 10.5.6. I did upgrade the D150 ram to 2Gb, but I've tried the install with the original 1Gb and the new 2Gb. Same deal.

    This isn't the only osx86 distro I've tried. iPC was a no go as well, but I had very different problems. The least of which was a complete inability to boot the Voodoo 9.5.0 kernel with 2 cpus enabled. I would kernel panic almost immediately. See: ... &p=1124306

    Any tips? I'm going nuts. Thanks!
    towunder, Apr 5, 2009
  11. diablonet


    Apr 6, 2009
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    sigh... got the same issue with towunder for the setup

    i am now going to try to burn the dvd at the slowest speed that the burner will allow me.

    I did however tried the IDeneb v1.3 10.5.5 that was designed for the HP Mini and it did install but with out any support for sound/network.

    I really wanted to use this version so that i can get it all running and return the Hp Mini because i want to stick with the AAO.

    thanks !!
    kpsxtyone, Apr 6, 2009
  12. diablonet

    Super Bloob

    Jan 21, 2009
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    Hey I have a question I am instaling right know on my aspire one and when reading on extracting and Download Diablo's iDeneb 1.4 tools from ... instalador extract it and install "DoNotSleep"and "GMA950" packages and reboot I dont see were to download it all the help would be great.

    EDIT When I got the instal done and when booting the normal one it loads the beach ball and never stops I can only go into safeboot anyone know whats goin on?
    Super Bloob, Apr 6, 2009
  13. diablonet


    Jan 7, 2009
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    i do occasionally get the kernel panic on shut downs just to let you know other wise best distro in the world!!! sooooo easy
    calebr928, Apr 6, 2009
  14. diablonet


    Mar 23, 2009
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    This sounds so easy.. God plz make it possible to install this from USB...
    DopyG, Apr 7, 2009
  15. diablonet


    Apr 7, 2009
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    i have the same issue is towunder as well.. im installing from usb media.. after he os installs it prompts to reboot.. the apple screen comes up.. turns grey.. no hdd actity unless i move the mouse...
    illafam, Apr 7, 2009
  16. diablonet


    Nov 23, 2008
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    Great guide - almost everything worked perfectly on my first try. The only issue for me is audio... I can't figure out how to get it to work. In System Preferences, the correct device is selected. In Audio/Midi setup, the correct device is listed, too, but the master channel is at 0 and I can't interact with the slider to bring it up. Was there any extra tweaking required that I missed? I have read several topics thoroughly and didn't find a fix (I tried one other fix so far, didn't work). Thanks.
    lunged, Apr 9, 2009
  17. diablonet


    Mar 22, 2009
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    Very nice distro! :D

    It works great with the Aspire One 110 - although I'm about to switch to a better hard drive. ;)

    @ lunged
    I noticed the sound didn't work for me either, but then I noticed that it starts working after a while -- or I have went to the Sys Prefs and Sound and then it started working -- I have installed it a few times, on different drives but it always started working after a while. (edit: but I use the AAO 110...maybe that's why it works for me...)
    I hope that it will for you too. Repair Permissions and see if it will fix it for you.

    @ Super Bloob
    Click on where it says Descargar (which means Download, and it will ask you something -- I don't know Spanish, I used Google translate LOL) and then click OK. That should work. :)
    edit: The site was very slow now, almost didn't work at all - so I hope it's ok that I upped it at speedyshare too, diablonet. (?)
    Otherwise, I will erase it from there. Just let me know if it's not ok. ;)

    @ DopyG
    It works great with USB boot - a lot faster. :D
    I have a Mac so I used the Chameleon Installer (choose the USB stick) after I had copied the iso to the USB (Restore in DiskUtility) and then it will boot.

    @ illafam and Super Bloob
    See quote from the first post below. You have to use the -x option at first boot. Hit any key while it makes the countdown, and then type -x
    (Depending on what keyboard you use, it is different. I use a Swedish keyboard, so to type -x I actually have to type +x.
    You can check how the US keyboard looks like, here)

    After you have gone through the setup, install the GMA950 from Diablo's iDeneb 1.4 tools and restart without the -x, it should work fine. :)

    edit: Remember to Repair Permissions afterwards (you can use different methods, in Terminal - text based
    or in DiskUtility - choose the drive and then click Repair Permissions
    and there is also a choice in OSX86Tools.
    It's always good to repair permissions after installing new things, and/or when things are not working as it should.

    Lopploella, Apr 10, 2009
  18. diablonet


    Mar 23, 2009
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    Thats alot replies in one post :D

    Sry to bargain, but can you tell some more details on installing it with USB =D
    I've been waiting for so long for installing mac os x on my acer aspire one :p

    Btw i got some other questions:

    Is it true that for dualboot i just got to shrink my Windows XP partitions and then ideneb will automately install Mac Os X on the space left? what about configuring bootloaderS?
    DopyG, Apr 10, 2009
  19. diablonet


    Mar 22, 2009
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    Haha DopyG, yes that was a lot of replies. :lol:

    I am currently having bad migraines but I will post soon again. I just wonder, do you have Mac?
    (I don't know how to do it in Windows, so that's why I'm asking)
    In Mac, it is really simple - and when I can think straight again, after these migraines have past, I can provide pics to make it easier for you.
    I will try to come back real soon and show you -- if you use Mac, that is.
    Otherwise, I can't help I'm afraid. :?

    edit: (In case you use Mac) Here is a link to a guide with pics in Mac. It's for a normal Mac install to USB, but it's kind of the same procedure. ... ash-drive/
    If you have a big enough USB stick, you do not have to customize the distro (see my last edit below)
    Also, you can skip the Pacifist and Terminal thingies.
    You actually only need to look at the first picture in that blog, and go from there.

    * So, just use the DiskUtility to erase your USB stick as Mac OS X Extended (journaled).
    - For those of you that might use Partitioning instead of just Erase: Leave the USB stick as MBR, DO NOT change that to Apple Partition.
    - Using just Erase will not change the partition scheme, even when choose to erase as Mac OS X, it will stay as MBR (which usually is the USB stick's default)

    * Then Restore the mounted iDeneb iso in DiskUtility to your USB stick (click the Restore button that you can see in that first pic, and use drag and drop)
    (I think the iDeneb distro has to be mounted -- not sure, can't remember or think now lol)

    * Then install Chameleon on the stick (remember to choose the USB stick when installing Chameleon)

    * Now you should be able to boot your USB stick in the Aspire and install. :D

    I made a custom iDeneb myself with just Swedish and English because my stick is just 4GB (or rather 3.7GB) so it wouldn't fit the whole distro. And I did not use journaled when I installed to this SSD disk, only Mac OS X Extended, because the journalizing will make the tiny SSD work too much and painfully slow.

    Oh and yes, you can shrink your Windows partition (how on earth one does that, but I guess you know) ;)
    Let your Windows make a new partition, like a fat32, but ntfs should work fine too, since you are going to erase it anyway later on - for it to be a Mac partition. You will choose DiskUtility to do that in the Installer later on (which is after you have started the installer, but before the actual install part).
    See first post in this thread. (I will come back and try to make myself more clear later on)

    Regarding the Dual Boot, you can do that easy - and now even a lot easier with the Chameleon 2.
    Have a look at this: ... rc1-is-out
    I also found this, with a picture of how it can look like. :) ... oters.html

    PS: If you haven't used your Windows that much, and it won't bother you to erase it and start Windows all over, I think (but I am not sure) that it will be best to let the Mac decide, meaning to install the Mac first and then Windows. ;)
    (it's due to the MBR and EFI-thingies, I think - but again, I am not sure about this)
    ...edit...again; Maybe you can get help in this thread regarding Dual Boot?

    AAAND edit again: Lots of edits now and I need to rest this thick head, but if you do have a Mac and if you do need to customize your iDeneb distro, to make it smaller to fit your USB, let me know and I will explain how I did it (with pics and without pains and migraines LOL)
    Lopploella, Apr 10, 2009
  20. diablonet


    Mar 23, 2009
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    Tusind tak for din guide (du er jo svensker?)

    Anyway I will try that :) regarding the dualboot I found a hint how to keep my windows xp
    The windows xp is very important to me since I need it for games and other stuff Mac OsX cant handle...

    Going to try this for dualboot: ... _Dual_Boot

    EDIT: I hope someone can confirm this is possible without errors... I wanna know it before I start doing it.

    Is it true that to dualboot I just have to shrink my windows XP partition and let disk ultility fix the rest?
    Have anyone confirmed the chain0 method working on Acer Aspire One and with ideneb without errors?
    Else I'm going to do this.. I'm 100 % determined to do it :D
    DopyG, Apr 11, 2009
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