IMDB Backups Censorship

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Put some reviews up here as a backup since IMDB is heavily censored reviews, fake reviews, etc That site is trannyhookerwood central and jewmasontranny owned and operated so if you talk plainly about this in relation to THEIR mischpucka mafia nonsense called movies your reviews usually don't get posted as "violation" of their shyster TOU.

    I prefer older movies so TCM is a great resource but with it in mind that it's all trannyhookerwood from the beginning. This is an old pagan satanic cult with high points in babylon, egypt, british empire and anywhere you have a lot of talmudick-kabbalist scum. These walking baphomet satanists believe they're androgynous gods but really just some scum on the bottom of a stinking toilet waiting for removal. When you're whole existence is lies and your whole world empire is based on crime you can try and try with your kabbalistic tactics only so long. There is objective reality and it's the Holy Trinity and these whores forget that or try to forget it with drugs and such. But their chief mission is the destruction of decent humanity by corruption. We need to stop listening to them and instead seeking the Lord and emulating His Life. Ok enough said there I could go on but just say this: Lord Rebuke You. You lying jewmasontranny satanists.
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here's some not allowed on IMDB censored out reviews I"ll just post here, IMDB like I said is jewmasontranny satanist owned and operated and the reviews are heavily FAKE and AI infested garbage, typical mafia tactics of lying any way they can get away with. It's a liar website like all the rest of them. BTW thanks to the website owners here for the bandwidth, I had thought about a blog myself but I'm not in this for the money just the Word. Just remember the Truth, Jesus Christ, rules all creation and these satanist scum are just chaff for burning and destruction nothing more. They are like a nasty fart that dissipates and disappears nothing more left.

    The Whale
    This film is just disgusting throughout, just the first scene we see BF in is so distasteful as to induce wretching. But when you know who the director is and see it you know why the hype and the typical subject matter, really nasty. Directoress' other films are also revolting subject matter, kabbalistic in nature so def bottom feeding stuff presented as caviar, typical for the ptb that own, staff and run this industry.

    I can see a few references here other than Moby Dick which is way way overrated itself. The Whale Cult of might makes right, rich means great, greed is good, whales, big fish mafioso of the mischpucka. Another is the obssession of this tribe with biblical themes, while not understanding them or wilfully spreading distortions of them for their purposes. Jonah and the Whale, which is a foreshadow of the New Testament in some respects. Hunted by God, interned in Limbo then rising to the heights to fulfill the task given. I can't go into it more because this site is discriminatory towards the subject matter make no doubt about it. The men of Nineve aspect will be few and far between from the tribesters, if at all.

    I don't particularly like Ms. Brenda Frasers work in any film. Encino man was annoying, the radio station film was ok, mummy stuff was just cash in popcorn annoyance and this is nasty. The body suit wasn't too convincing here either, I also think there is plenty of CGI tricks and such. The boy who played daughter was gross and nasty. The friend enabler was like a spitting snake in all aspects really gross. There was nothing redeeming and nothing good at all about this film which was hyped up as great and such but is no such thing. Giving yourselves pats on the back doesn't make any difference. Robbers who get away with it think they did a job well done too.

    I really trust no reviews over a 6 because the AI, cadre and bought reviews must be endemic. See scamazon, google and any number of "sponsored" reviews and likely AI ones for a long time. Similar to video game "journalism" and such they are in the business of promoting and selling films and that is what they primarily do, nothing to do with anything else. Skewed terribly.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The Lobster
    I thought this was hilarious in it's ridiculousness but also scary because if you study various laws and statutes in places like the PNW states, Europe and etc you can see this level of insanity and it's only going to get worse. From a depop agenda perspective this is definitely more real than we know. The obvious real scheme of things is that no one gets turned into an animal, they just say that, it's more like a fairytale story for execution. A sort of sick idea of the spirit going into some animal so the survivors can pretend they're not gone, the weird selection of the animal then is supposed to be the confirmation that the person is really just that animal from who they are as human previously, so it's a supposedly justified lie by the state-god of the tribesters marxist hellscape world. Animal farm managed by the state-god which is then owned and directed by the divine androgyne "gods" people.

    The little hobbit shemale star is passable enough in the role, no complaints. I found the ladyboy love interest towards the end was ok, the contrived stone cold mannerisms and speech do fit in with the dehumanization of all involved. Very degrading indeed the whole concept. But it was hilarious in a macabre way, a sort of twilight zone of unreality in a satanic chamber world. And you notice they are assigned children, products of state-god subhuman farms no doubt to continue the goldberg mechanism of belly worshiper banality because, well just because. It's so mad insane that the only choice allowed or needed is hysterical laughter, like you HAVE to laugh you have no choice, laugh or die mofos. If you can't do that you HAVE to smile but it's the smile of joker, carved into the face and then painted with makeup for effect, everyones happy and healthy or their required masks are. They MUST BE per code 112233666.
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Keeping company 2021
    I thought this was hilarious in many ways, the psychopathology of the sellsellsell culture all over now, the dirty tricks done with a soothing voice and big smile, the bdsm aspects of trying to get large companies to care much or deliver on their promises, the house of society run by sick perv criminals, using programmed members born into the cult to enforce its dictats and such. The ridiculous torture expected of the little guy to get ahead way dramatized here but apt.

    The small time scammer boss lady and the very telling image of insurance in general, you don't get a refund at all if nothing goes wrong so it's pure lard for the companies and the payouts they do do they just raise prices on everyone else to make up for it, they never actually use their own money for claims in the med/long run. It's also a required by law racket in a few cases, be better just to fix prices or no prices have the gov provide it and then return it every year minus nominal op fees, or roll it over year to year as a fund w interest if nothing happens which is like 95% of the time. It's a scam business, like so many other things in the jnew world order.

    It does have macabre dark humor which isn't for everyone and there is a ridiculousness of normalizing slavery, cannibalism and such that no doubt the ptb want to do. They've already normalized so much criminality it's amazing. The slapstick ready made evil and inhumanity of a few of the characters is hilarious and sad. I could def see a large part of the sellsellsell people not like this movie, a little too close to home and an unconcious hostility built into it for them. I won't even touch the hidden transinverts in all roles here, that's a given w the cult based on it, androgyne "gods" in their own minds. I will say the boss lady boy is fairly obvious.

    Totally recommended but hard to find since there's some other thing called keeping company w x that usually gets picked out by the auto selector and such. But you have to see the ridiculous scam of so much "good" criminal enterprises called businesses and just laugh at it. But hyperbole is almost the only way most can see it now it's so normalized, that's macabre.
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Port protection
    Good photog of coastal AK rest is typical bizarroworld reality stuff

    I watched the first season and this part of SE AK coast is gorgeous, similar to the lower48 PNW but colder w snow and more remote. However like all of these fakereality shows take about 85%+ as just scripted nonsense for the camera including the comments, backstorys and all the rest of it. These people are all paid one way or another and they are obviously not the types who are too wealthy or get any sort of normal work, so there you go, don't trust any of it. At least they don't seem to be using any obvious cgi in these shows so there's that. Planet Earth 2 used cgi waterfalls and the rest of it so don't think it's not there, the tricks are endemic in a deception based industry.

    Another thing is that there are trainys/trainysteins/transformers all over in this show, as per usual. And no I can't use the correct spelling because this site is in on the deception, owned by the same people. The so called "women" who have the obvious plastic surgery faces, no hips, huge implants, wrong finger ratios and such are the most obvious examples. The ftms are hardest to see to the ignorant so I'm not going to bother here. They don't just show up in a remote town and knock on doors asking to film, they find these through their contacts in their little innana/venus/baphomet cult. Normal people who live in these places would not want or need to ham it up and be on tv, it's the most abnormal sickos that wholeheartedly embrace this nonsense, for pay. Only those whose whole lives are deception based would do this level of lying, and be so smooth and proficient, that's why the images industry is almost totally these types.
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This is a showtime, jewshowtime, original documentary about the very sick jewtranny ronny james dio a sick satanic scumbag. I posted this review several times over and EVERY time it was removed BY IMDB censorscum.

    Dio documentary
    Was bored and this popped up on the showtime channel, so thought I'd give it a view. Made it half way it was so cringey. A lot of weirdos doing a lot of fairytelling and polishing of you know what in human form, like the rest of the "experts".

    So Dio is obviously tribester with the cousin and obviously the out of nowhere mischpucka promotion but you can guess what another aspect there is when you see "grandma" who looks like a truck driver out of Cleveland, nah that's some male relation in a dress, most likely the whole family inverted. I mean the garbage these types spew is limitless. The small stature and very weird mask face denotes a lot too, typical. This fast food called "music" required the most perverse demented folk you can find to vomit it out and you see lots of examples here doing the spiel(berg), other than hard facts like it was here on this date or that's it with it's "wife" in the picture and similar I would believe about 5% of what these "experts" have to say on any subject. I however do believe the story of this crypto marrano and "his" mooning of a nun, certainly fits the profile. Shyster business.

    Just the whole spiel about the old satanic blessing hand and the claim that diostein originated it from "his" "grandma" is laughable. The china white snow must have been falling upwards very hard on this set lol Old Jackson Daniels stayed for a while too. And of course the stuff about osbornstein and "his" bearded V-enus and more nonsense. Old wifey had the typical mask face you see of them trying to look feminine as they age with various procedures, even ones like this that are for the most part private citizen of the "world", a "fellow traveler" as they refer to each other in various contexts.

    Hard pass, who wants to hear about these destroyers and purveyors of filth, self congratulating each other for work well done. Eeew!
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Captive State 2019

    Typical Kabbalistic Nonsense, alien invasion agenda like CC 33 climate change
    Pillar of lies
    The main character is the crypo jewtranny Joanna BadWoman of the crypto Goodman jew family, the goodmans of oregon must be ancestors of the jewtranny John Jacob Astor, JJA 10101, Astarte, satanist who raped and pillaged the PNW area of beavers and who knows what else. Even the illuminati scum Jefferson was a buddy whom welcomed Astors proposed PNW country with it's capitol in of course Astoria, OR. To this day the Goodmans own and control lots of land in Oregon and the pols at the top levels have always been jewtrannys. Anyways getting back to this typical kabbalistic garbage movie......

    So it's a chaotic film which is supposed to be, so Ordo Ab Chao of the 33 jew gollum Scottish Rite gangsters, this motto is all over the place and one of these filthy trannyactors mentions it along with democracy or really mobocracy-jewmockracy of easily fooled crowds. The herd master is the jewtranny goodman POS throughout though and only at the end do you see it's a jewtranny Amblin production. Spielberg the sick trannyman jew at it again. We also get treated to a lot of negro trannys likely crypto jews to be in their filthy imagery section called trannyhookerwood. Some story about opposing some rarely seen "aliens" which have been a trope the jewmasontrannys have had for over 100 years, it's a tool for herding goyim into their pens nothing more there's no reality to any of it and appropirately it's mentioned in the details that some Apollo 11 audio was used in this movie. Fantasyland stuff, satans space opera garbage, THERE ARE NO ALIENS you DOLTS. HOW CAN THERE BE ALIENS FROM SPACE IF THERE_IS_NO_SPACE. The EFFING EARTH IS A FLAT PLANE RETARDS! NOTHING GOES MORE THAN 200 or so MILES UP P_E_R_I_O_D_!

    Sooo these rarely seen "aliens" out of AC Clarkes childhoods end, when we do see them just look like some demons or dna manipulated creatures, hell even just nanotech bot stand ins for the "necessary" "aliens" to this scam of theirs. REMEMBER if/when they pull the "aliens" scam they'll always be somewhere else and ONLY APPROVED JEW-N officials can see them in person at "SECURE SITES". YOU GOYIM will get to see some IMAGES of them on a screen, LYING SCREENS as PROOF of their existence. Jewmasontrannyism is full of scams like this, narrative control, controlled opp, snake biting its own tail and more.

    Anyways I'll get back to this review later.
    Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    World War Z
    This is just a platform for almost every showbiz mischpucka mafia trope or cliche in the book. I actually read the book it's based on by melanie brooks daughter most likely, you know the one with eleven fingers, sheesh do they even know how cheesy and fake they are? Enjoy the escapism and humor it won't last long.

    The zombie genre has been a tribe commentary and narrative control thing about Apocalypse from day one. Unfortunately when you fight God you will lose 100% of the time. And the family this, family that, is just mischpucka mafioso code word to their own nothing more. Someone said their family is those who share His Spirit, kind of makes sense here but in the "as below" way if you get my drift. I almost wouldn't know where to begin with this monstrosity of a movie there is so much messaging here. But let's say the pride based "save ourselves" stuff isn't going to work. I remember Daniels message to his captor which he had to translate for that pagan king. Roughly "you have been judged, you are found wanting, you will be dispensed with" it's of course phrased differently in the Book of Daniel but the meaning is the same and those who make these movies and all their other nonsense are on notice, nineveh or else; there are no other options.

    So really the androgynous "gods", in their own minds only, are under threat by "those bad people" in their own minds and need their tech and cartel organizations to save them, ain't going to happen. So Ms Shipster of the yew-N runs around like a jetsetter in a time of shutdown society, sound familiar?, to "save" everyone by her dubious skills and background, may as well be as real as all the CGI nonsense and other tricks used for a long time. So the Shippster and another gruesome androgyne from the ghetto that she saves do their thing, which isn't much tbh. Scientism is fake and even the real effects will fail at a certain time. Now I could mention all the other "facts" or presented as "facts" in this movie oh so smoothly but why bother, if you believe liars it's on your head, eat your blood and be happy until Justice comes calling.

    These autoevolutionary apes like the shipster are the real zombie virus all around us, but they look good to the simple eye. They're walking masks, and if you've seen them outside those masks you'd wretch, it's not hard to see indirectly though.

    Now from an action pov I suppose it's ok, the Dawn of the Dead from a few years earlier is a much better modern zombie based movie in almost every way. The CGI is ridiculous in this one as well and the nature of this all encompassing story kind of requires cgi though. I think a smaller story is better than this obvious message from the eleveners, this one is like a glorified Resident Evil really. That movie series also features another autoevolutionary cultist great ape lol
    Hertzian56, Sep 2, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Captive State
    More kabbalistic scripting
    Jewmockracy, order and chaos masonic garbage
    Joanna Badwoman crypto liar circus ringleader
    Baphomet androgyne trannyhookerwood
    Typical alien invasion proxy for an NWO slave transhumanist hell state
    One more of the pillars of lies, cc, 33, aliens, FF 66 fossil fuels lies, crypto

    I always found this to be just ok western genre film really. Ms Ladd looks like a frail teenager and grandma looking face and she was cast as some tough guy almost her whole career. And the whiny screeching girlyboy with short hair is so cringey "shayyyne" oh shayyyne! (I wuv you) ugh. Mommy with the man face didn't help either and lookup old van heflins supposed real life family explains it even more, gross. I think van heflin is also a twin of little known brian keith of mostly later tv shows and also one Ladd movie western. Jackie Palance is an appropriate scary looking weirdo villain, whole career of that really and in the last pics we got seems to be prepping for scariest monsters club, oof.

    The fist fighting scene is ludicrous, short stick hero beats up 5 guys sure sure lol I do get the suspense is pretty masterful as you expect there to be something big coming up but in the end it's not too interesting of a climax. And the backdrop of the Tetons is incredible, been there irl. Uh but the rest isn't too interesting really, like stagecoach this is way way overrated.
    Stagecoach 1939
    I've watched a lot of westerns but this one never really grabbed me much and Ms Marion did much better more interesting transwood take on westerns. Tall in the Saddle was a better movie with more interesting story and characters and most of waynes better westerns have better music and of course amazing backgrounds like Commancheros and the Searchers. I get that it's an early western genre film but that doesn't mean it's better.

    The story certainly isn't too interesting so a stagecoach goes through militant NA territory and such along the way. Ringo the outlaw decides he loves a night lady all of a sudden, mmkay. The characterizations are typical old rottenwood over done not believable to grab attention and such, circus stuff. Uh typical chase stuff that HAD been done before many times idk that's nothing new and I wasn't a fan of the annoying main theme either. I've watched this film a few times but it is always such a let down when considering the framing and conformist views on it, hive mind doesn't work here for me. Faces or canals on Mars type of thing lol
    the woods 2006
    Not scary but entertaining
    I thought this was a solid film, it's not scary really but does entertain. I found the catfighting was hilarious more than anything and the creepy deliberately wooden acting in other places. It also had a strange supernatural 50s type of vibe similar to some of the old American Horror seasons had. Even the men in whigs nature of the rottingwood cult kinda works here too, obvious ones work as liars with evil intent in the staff and the main protag is just a boy feminized easy to see along with the rest of them, inversion cultists the lot. But I liked watching it and the head mistress is played well. The mother was gruesome to look at though, he really needed to tone down the facial work and implants and looks a bit too young to play mommy.

    The cgi was tastefully done and not over the top too which is nice because horror usually overdoes it. This movie is similar to the Black Coats Daughter which I also like but is better horror on a more subtle understated level like this one is. I kind of got a harriet potter feel at some point though and the ending wasn't all that satisfying tbh. But as a snarky catfighting with some lite horror mixed in it works. I'll likely rewatch this one soon.
    Cheyenne Autumn
    boring stinker w questionable historical accuracy
    This was a slog to watch, almost the only good thing about this political divide and conquer exercise was the amazing locations in the background. Incredible southwest before the pests showed up with their real estate bags of gold.

    I think any transformerwood version of history should be stongly challenged and questioned. It has a terrible history of outright lying and deception and we shouldn't take any of this as real or close to it. Just the western genre has little to do with anything of the real western expansion historically. I'm not saying NAs didn't suffer but we never get anything showing the cruelty and savagery of these people, well you can see it fairly easily the sloth and almost 3rd world nature of the various tribes now. And if you've ever spent time around these people you will know the culture of racism and hate they foster, it's almost their whole culture. And seeing navnation you can see they are easy putty in the hands of political schemers, always have been like so many niche peoples in America.

    The clown nature of the characters here is over the top, like the story overall. But even that isn't enough to make this meandering story too interesting. I certainly get that a bunch of railroad and land agents had no problem having their puppets in office inhumanely move whole tribes here and there based on profitability, similar stuff is done today in various places and different forms. But the subtext is blaming "white" people for everything when it was largely the chosen tribesters and their cadres that always have done this throughout history in search of ever more gold. Same nonsense is told about the whole civil war in which it was really only for the benefit of financiers to have slaves and those wealthy with the similar spirit were the operational level, nothing to do with mostly poor farmers and indentured servants of the "wrong" color to be persecuted I guess, sheesh.

    This was way too long as well and it just dragged along not to mention the nonsensical gambling scenes and such. I feel that transwood uses some obscure "research" as some cover for being "accurate" with no basis whatsoever then it hides behind the ever present "any resemblance is a coincidence..." nonsense. I have more respect for the purely ratings driven decline of channels like history and such into ancient aliens garbage than this which presents itself as some authority. Hard pass.
    Hertzian56, Sep 3, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Major Arcana
    I get the wanting to change yourself and so the best option is to leave a toxic environment aspect here. But then a death calls him back to settle family affairs. But then he somehow thinks that the toxic environment somehow also changed in his absence. I mean why would you go back to old people and haunts expecting them to accomodate the changes you made.

    Kind of frustrating to see this main protag running headlong into this mess, there was no reason for it really other than the fact that he didn't really change that much while away. It was a faux change from the story about his time away he tells to an ex, the protag seems a bit on the simple side tbh. IRL you just totally avoid those people and find some new people who share your new values. There's not even a need to go away just drop them. With the inheritance make a new start. I guess I'm just a bunch fed up with the fake drama and suspension of disbelief stuff all this hangs on. I do like this movie but only as a warning really as to frustrating yourself which this protag does. And the ending is just showing a cycle of it going on, but running away from a lot more. I mean maybe he came back but that's not what is implied at the end. More mess to cleanup later I guess. The kabbalistic tarot isn't really needed here and is just artificially added into it for some reason, it's like the materialism and fatalism of astrology, gag. And it's not a mistake the godzilla ex is the one to introduce it, ugh. Like you can't change it's all in the cards or stars or your genes or etc nonsense. That's all an excuse to throw your hands up.
    Meeks Cutoff
    This is much more of a tonal movie in an understated way with an interesting time and setting. I found it hard to believe that people even then didn't know that west is where the sun sets and vice versa so yeah there's a lot of water west, just keep going in one direction. And the idea that even eastern oregon is a desert is laughable, there's moisture there if you dig down or just keep going you'll hit a river or lake, it's not THAT big even at walking speed, unless you go in circles. And it does fall out of the sky there too, just not as much as past the cascades.

    But I get the paranoia about it and also trusting a guide who obviously isn't too knowledgable really. If you've got wife and child just go with the established route duh and someone on a horse can scout miles ahead even days ahead. You'll come across fresh water eventually. So there's a lot of suspension of disbelief going on like all movies, etc etc.

    Then they introduce a NA in there to give some further element of danger, in those days it was definitely a thing that was real. Of course the fake narrative we've all been indoctrinated with in regards the NA's is played up here. This is some mythical loner out there in the vastness because why again? Whole thing feels like a marxist narrative of the bad guys coming along and spoiling the noble savages paradise, lol.

    And the dynamic between Meeks and the principal female lead was the major overt drama. There is also an obvious subtle feminist theme here, it's a modern movie after all. The husband seems to be a non entity when it comes to this drama, prob the type who should have stayed back in a town back east really, shopkeeper type. Wait for stagecoaches or trains type. Meeks grandstanding and mumbling rambling speeches don't seem to inspire too much confidence and how they chose to pay this man for guidance seems very odd. I thought it was also kind of silly to throw in finding a fortune in gold, so let's just leave it and keep going, ok sure.

    But I liked just the normal stuff of covered wagon travel, the desperation about water and being lost and the creeping feeling that Meeks was somehow more than just negligent. There was no indication that he was malicious, just in over his head. There is no music videoyness either which is so nice, great backdrops, none of the extremes we get so much today, no gory violence nor soft core or anything like that which is also welcomed. Just typical problems of being lost and paranoid and such in an interesting setting. The choice to do 4/3 isn't my fav though, when the environment is such a big part of the suspense you really needed 16/9 widescreen, it's kind of gag pretentiousness otherwise.
    Jeremiah Johnson
    I always loved the music in this film and the locations which are all in Utah. Found it laughable that it calls deserty southern utah the rocky mountains, nah that's a few hundred miles north and east of there lol John Waynes movies et al do this all the time. But it's an interesting story of life in the wild, someone trying to escape their problems with a new setting but finding out that that only works so much, you have to solve your problems through work and faith, doesn' t matter where you are. And running away escapism is just another problem on the pile really.

    So the music, the setting and a bit of the acting was interesting, mostly supporting cast though. Del the wild man, the old man whom took on a surrogate son on his own terms and the wife and child just coming about against the main characters wishes.

    Of course in true movie fashion the suspension of disbelief is needed. If you knew that you were risking lives by going a certain way you wouldn't do it and certainly leaving loved ones all alone in the wilderness isn't really logical either. A company of soldiers can look after itself and you can always just guide it a ways then point the way. Then burning down a home seems very extravagant, at least leave it as an outpost. Then the idea of living for revenge in enemy territory seems also very extravagant and unnecessary but there you go. Wandering aimlessly could be done much more easily elsewhere.

    Still I do like a lot of this directors films and like this one too. It's got a poetic component that many of us can relate to. Not fitting in and wanting to just do our own thing, this was much more possible back then before the self appointed kings showed up and gated it off to sell tickets of various forms to a theme park version of it. But yeah mostly the poesy, music, setting and side characters are what makes this a great film.
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Man inth e wilderness
    I had heard of this as the original revenant story and how it was never mentioned by that prod at all. The revenant was a bloodthirsty nasty movie that was likely made just so leona could get her ushabti. So mentioning that this was a tweaked remake didn't fit the narrative. Leona has served the masters very well with all her dumaf movies of fake history and such so services rendered, moneys on the night stand deary.

    Uh well this movie isn't too interesting really, some weirdo gets left behind after a bear attack and finds it important to go find those who left him, oooK I guess. Flashbacks and such about this or that, and the theme of forgiveness is in there if framed in an antikristian way big surprise in this tribster cult industry. At the end he just treats it like nothing and goes along to get his gun or something and then I assume he's talking about finding a son or something very strange ending but certainly better than the revenant. So to recap, or something the movie.
    The last Picture Show

    This is just a... for crying out loud.... type of nonsense that the various bots or infrahumans that infest this place are programmed to think is something other than soft core for it's purported time period, ie the 50s not the 70s, gates of heck were wide open by then. And Beth transMankowitz the HGH bulb headed tribester can frame it any lying way she wants over at T,he C,lown M,ansion. At least see the men in whigs in this film, so obvious here, but most just can't. Scorpions spit fire in your eyes.

    Of course we got a future all stars of clownery cast, locusts tend to flock out from source movies, you'll see that in a lot of them like the outsiders, etc So these killer bozos should wear a specially decorated round nose for their generation I guess. Mr Cybil in this one with the all wrong proportions but good surgery and facial work, was one of the better looking transwood ones, on screen only of course.

    It's just another clown show, soap opera and giving some fake version of small town life. Sure a lot of small towns dried up but it was mostly railroads or interstates that did that, mining towns etc The bachanalian aspect is just projection by the tribesters like pretty much all media is, one of thier tools, the images by them tool. These actors and the director would likely be cozying up to unsuspecting marks at dark bars for their living otherwise, garbage.

    This is a pretty cringe movie that is just soap opera stuff. I mean almost every annoying shoehorned marxist gambit there is, is in here. This cult is MUCH more open and in your face about it almost everywhere today. The infrahumans that own, staff and run this industry of beast images are like the insects that hide from light and only send in the clowns to bamboozle their victims.

    And as to legends I think Dirty Harriets line is appropriate: "a legend in your own mind" or really a legend the cult pushes with it's beasts image empire, bowls over dumbos. The only reason this movie has lasted are these annoying transformerwood "legends" in there. And it isn't just HGH-tman Rochelle the Roc's garbage it's the annoying Lizard taylor and of course the ever annoying Janine Dean. Oof. We have to see sally mineo the strange in there too yuk. The cringe is even upped with Danica Hoppers obnoxious arc and there you have it, a full clown show extravaganza to waste hours of time that could be better spent watching lead paint dry. You wouldn't lose nearly as many brain cells doing that either. What we need are not archives or restorations of this trash but dumpster fires. Fahrenheit 452 really.
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Eh Soap Opera but with nice backgrounds and horses at least

    This is just a soap opera under other framing and byutv spams this series hours per day so it's nice to not get the vulture commercials too much, besides cult stuff in between, and just turn this on low vol and you at least get nice scenery and pretty horses.

    The rest is totally just strange looking people with lots of makeup and pretentious drama wheel spinning stuff. I mean I guess everybody, not part of the cult, is so conditioned by the snake charmer culture we're trapped in that they can't see these very weird looking folks with the equivalent of mental ===ardation due to hormone abuse, implants, voice modulation training, makeup, clothes tricks, framing tricks and such. It's the same thing as ovid and the fallen angel "gods" of the greco-roman world, the circus level bizarre drama and infrahuman but nice looking morlocks in their hidden temple in plain view. The real world consequences of this kybalion culture are framed in pure honey but are something else underneath.

    Monuments Men
    Dubious doubtful "real" history stuff just to hang a narrative on

    Typical drivel we get OVER and OVER narrative about the home run of all narrative control examples, the whole WW2 nonsense narrative we've been brainwashed with. The whole film cast, crew, financiers etc is like say the Mongols making a movie about how great and beneficial they were or the Vikings making a movie about how they were just good people borrowing things like wives, children etc I can't mention what I mean in this films context, VERBOTEN. Monte Casino was bombed to rubble by the "good guys" for no apparent need, it was surrounded, they did this on purpose, like hamburg, dresden etc war criminals and no need to mention giving eastern europe to the fellow traveler brethren nor the fate of german civs who had nothing to do with this play by the ptb for an EUN wasteland we have now.

    Likely this was just a way to loot and "return" these items to chosen folks, good money laundering tool too. The MM 13,13, the bauers or builders of things to put their names on like aircraft carriers submarines, obelisks, temples, airports, town halls, doing the stanic brick keystone laying ritual sheesh Chaff for the fire. Many of these movies are NOT to entertain or benefit but as weapons of brainwashing, if you are financed by treasury secs and private financiers you don't care about profit-loss, but the narrative. Just go to the stock market and make moves to defraud pensions or 401ks, sell short, insider trading etc

    I wouldn't take any of this movie, tv etc stuff that explicitly mentions "based on true..." as anything but more of this cults subterfuge and history making-believe to fit their narrative. True to their stanic creed about their "word" making reality, sadly this is all too true for many people, the propaganda news is the truth test and the rumors and truisms these tribester-brickmason-tranzy cultists hypnotically repeat are gospel for so many. The hermetic androgynes come up from the black depths of heck to deliver the message like mercury-hermes. Saytans associates liars putting on a garb of light to hide and bamboozle the unwary.
    Hertzian56, Oct 9, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    True Detective
    Narrative Control the Series.
    This series is now dead no doubt. The first season was entertaining and overall well done. The second was just a cringey overly contrived obnoxious mess. I couldn't sit through more than a couple episodes of the third, actually surprised it got a third after the second. So I'll just talk about S1 here.
    It's entertaining certainly but if you notice those presented as good guys are just irl members of the cult they give us a controlled image of in this show, so this is just more propaganda going on here. Narrative Control. We always hear about only one certain denominations evil, the gog never gets mentioned nor do the lodge stooges. The real evil. These are all pagan cultists. 112233KVCC threesixes36. They practice rituals and sacrifices irl that are just pre-Constantine common place things, for about 500 years they've been rising, soon to thier climatic end and eternal punishment and they know it. Athough the real rituals are not a public thing even in greco-roman times, they're always in groves, hidden and only by a certain level of the hierarchy.

    This cult likes to put out a public bad guy patsy who is in their cult, and knows to obey, for their practices and this is exactly what this show does with the hint that the powers above are really the instigators and controllers of all this, the hierarchy of the devil. We saw this with the serial killer myth, started in 1888 with yekke the ripper as a stress/tension control exercise on the general public, just a public ritual really. The Lone Gunman fantasy stuff we see all over in another form. Here we get the marxist bad white people of a certain isolated and targeted faith subterfuge. This is a cultist production like all the rest of the images industry.

    The King in Yellow is an old occultist book about inducing/commanding suicide and other sick things, which is mentioned and Ms Conney Hey even tells a prisoner to go kill themselves in a scene, then in another a cooperator is likely given a code by phone to auto suicide. And video is not trustworthy at all, not since before it was invented, the tribe is all over it. These cultists including the two fallen stars and producers of this series, have multiple personalities and thus can be triggered with words, tones, numbers, colors, lights etc including suicide, fake or real. They've done terrible sick things to get where they are and have ancestry littered with members.

    This season is an exercise in narrative control by the tribester-brickmason-transformer cult aka the old pagan moloch-egyptian-babylonians just came back to have their gross atlanta v2. Divine Androgynes in their own minds only. Fantasy land. Miss Conney Hey, MM, with her gross body with all the wrong proportions of a typical transformer cultist, well hidden by the lights, cameras, editing, hormones, implants, surgeries and all the other tricks and of course we see the weirdo performance at the white house even more discrediting this fraudster. This filth was even looking to run as Gov TX for a time, do you know how big of member of the club you have to be to even run for that or even get to the level of fame/money she's achieved? I don't need to mention giving a press conference at the white house, casablanca. The ranches along the TX-MX border are private fiefdoms and torture chambers by these monsters of the Lucy fallen star33% state. Conney Hay is just another one of them. Kabbalistic infiltration and subversion on one side of the dialectic and subtle assault on the other end, oroboros, working both ends. Termites inside termites outside. The snake/serpent/dragon eating it's own tail. Hic Sunt Draconis. The other Exec Producer is Ms Wanda Harrelson, daughter of a real life hitman and tied to the j-fk1611 theater we got from the cult decades ago, sadly believed as real by most, among legion of fakerys. These androgynes and their shows know the fire is coming for them. And I won't bother with the feminized men of Trainsyhukerwood in heels and whigs, hormones, implants, surgeries etc of these sicko cultists, inverted perverts.

    This series fell off a cliff after this season, not a surprise really the other stories are just bubblegum stuff.

    RE6 final chapter
    tvirus fighting tvirus lol
    This whole capcom financed series is pretty cheesy but does have a lot of interesting visuals and memorable scenarios no doubt. I don't think if this had to stand on it's ratings or bo take it would have lasted more than 2 films but it has capcom backing so there you go. It has little to do with the classic games other than some of the installments feature characters of the games here and there as supporting. This is just what they call the RE "universe" stuff like we are getting all over. Star Wars "universe", marvel etc just a big bland mix of the same but reskinned content to sell etc

    Of course it features Milo Jonovitch the ScandiManian, T(ranee)virus positive no doubt. How no one has either seen that obviousness or even mentioned it is indicative of how bad the world is today, the real tvirus. Milton looks very gross most of the time but has been feminized enough to fool the unobservant. It's a known irony that the Tvirus good guys fight the Tvirus bad guys and don't think the whole cast here isn't just the same. Smooth "men" etc mask faced weirdos and such all over here. You add makeup tricks, lighting and framing and then you have good deception, you see these types away from all that and no photoshop tricks on the photos you'd see scary looking monsters. Lost battle by now I know but still.

    I do like some of the music as it makes sense for this rock opera style of movie we are getting here. The only complaint is the wild volume levels in this series, it will go from dead silent to blasting loud in a second and this happens a ton in this series it's jarring and makes it hard to hear a lot of the dialogue since I turn it down so much as to not get blown out ears or a headache. It's a disjointed viewing experience but the visual splendor makes up for it. Thankfully I never saw these in the theater so have control. This whole series is a good early morning thing to wake up lol.

    Some of the sets from the games do come in lightly here and there over this series and the tropes of huge underground bases, clones, artificially bred human-oids, genetics, homicidal AI, etc The last few of them introduce game characters more no doubt and it all goes back to raccoon city, the panda eyes and their real meaning, and that whole thing, oroboros. The umbrella of the hidden hexagrams and checkerboard brickmasons is obvious, just in the symbology used. Baphomets, columbias, kadmons, "gods" on the stage directing etc Manovitch just a monkey to dance really, bred into the cult must have made the right sacrifices as they would say to get so famous etc

    In this last one they just come out and say they're going to have a fake Armageddon to then control the outcome as divinely approved, likely have their inverted messiah take public credit for solving the disaster they are planning. All just a stage show which they're so good at since even before TvirusWood started. Pagan greek theater featured role reversed actors as did kabuki and likely whatever took place on stage in ancient egypt, babylon and india likely featured inverts doing fake drama. I think elizabethan theater may have featured that as well, similar to the private productions the bohegrovers do. Crossdragging is just a lite form of all the way.

    It's an entertaining series no doubt that is over since they did the unremarkable reboot in 22. Similar to the games but in reverse. The early games were slow horror and puzzles and such but starting with RE5 it was just an action focused game, then came back to the more horror focus for 7 onwards however it's a different horror than the quiet type of the first 2-3 games. This movie series is obviously action movies primarily with a totally made up character of Alice, which could definitely fit in the 5-6 games but the whole scenario of worldwide scope doesn't fit too well in the games.

    The early games focus on the local aspects of the initial outbreak and also the elite directed nature of it as per the creepy mansions with underground areas and such. We only get underground dumbs and impressive battlefields in this movie series and combat. The puzzle solving didn't fit in here. I think this is just a promotional thing while the games languished for the most part and were doing the remakes for modern gamers. The game series didn't move forward with new stories until 7 and it's certainly nothing like these movies. Like the movies I don't know where the games are going post 8 now, seems like localized stories of the outbreak and aftermath with no real ending but just when it stops selling and a new product is made that sells better has more shine to it.
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Dune 1984
    I never read the books, they seem like just a..nother fantasy series with hermetic mysticism at bottom. Likely a programming tool for some sections of the cult like the more universal Wizard of Oz, tralia down under hot by frankenstein(money stone, money power) Baum(tree, sephirotic tree that is) or Alice in Wonderland(Underland) by the very gross author of that book and more. Alice the name of the Resident Evil feminized man in that series of movies btw. I think the Grim Brothers tales were also kabbalistic-hermetic as well, explains why the Diz deception uses them so much.

    This is just more focused and has a more rock opera feel with the music which is much more entertaining than the lethargic dead serious borefest of the 21 version. Chalamet the mask faced chinplanted and jawplanted girl with the slanted sly eyes is scary compared to the mchlaclan clan invert.

    Just because old Lynn said some things doesn't mean it's accurate, who cares if the maker says it's bad anyways? Does the person attributed with the making of a huge thousands of people collab production have final say as to good or bad? Very weird cattle type of thinking going on there.

    I think what we have w the universal praise of the 21 version is just AI bots all over and of course the business side of it, selling popcorn as some would say. The dumbos just praise what they're told to praise, and of course the "canonists" garbage about this or that is "accurate" to the book and... [yawning going on here].

    This isn't the best film of course but it is entertaining and more accurately cheesy to the story and likely books which smell their own farts type of presentation probably. I like the retro styling as well and the sort of voiceover of their thoughts is more in tune with the tone to me. The cast is MUCH better then the 21 version, better acting, less of the "look at me" posing style of filmmaking in the 21 version too. Way much more cringe to the 21 version.

    To the story it's typical Kabbalistico-Hermeticism of the cultists that own and run this industry and most of the world tbh. So spice is a form of Soma, a drug that people in India worshiped almost. To travel "space" you take drugs, yep that's true no doubt, it's a Looooong trip man! The use of the Jesuits is also evidently either a clue as to the real jusuits and their largely nefarious effects on the Church so evident now and the inversion tactics of these inversion cultists, only women are beni-good jusuits, but they only LOOK like women in reality. Then you have the typical GOT warring dynasties and all that goes with that, right out of the shtetel or ghetto no doubt. So a.nother space-rock opera of the city built on rock-drugs and roll-sex. No surprises.
    Hertzian56, Nov 18, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Dune 21
    I think the modern AI and algo tweaks got this the praise it gets also the rice bowl of everyone around this industry, bills need to be paid and such. And of course don't forget the agenda that these movies push. It's just changed phase at different times, if you notice the so called golden age of sodomwood was when it had "the code" it was limited to at least somewhat decent, the spectacle of filth is much easier to sell movies then anything. Then you had the 60's, the sixes, where it just suddently all went downhill and crass and the spectacle of filth was slowly ramped up, etc

    This phase is shown in the flat sober poseur type of thing, pretentious and slow but with the high contrast quick switching for effect, ie dead silent slow scene cuts to a blasting noisy action scene and etc Flat lighting and admittedly some striking scifi imagery like the bizarre ship geometry and such. BR2049 is a good parallel to the 80s version and the latest rehash, just like this story is.

    There is just more subterfuge here as the point of movies should be entertainment and the audience needs to realize it's all fakery, not to be taken as anything else, including worshiping these deceptive actors, directors etc etc When you've got a junky hooked you don't need to care nearly as much about garnishments and such, just "the good stuff". The money comes always anyways and sodomwood never needed the money anyways they get it from another place from you whether you want to give it or not.

    Now this Dune movie is not really for general audiences, it's really a cult thing and then the cult knows it can just load up "your" personality to think it's great and wonderful. A glamour as one of them said once. The story about "getting funding" is just fakery mythology making, there was and is never any doubt a codex like this movie of the cults beliefs ever needs to worry about anything as mundane as financing.

    This is a hermetic-kabbalistic manifesto in full scope set on the stage of space, nothing more. We have spice-soma the drug that allows "space" travel, a looong trip man!! It also extends life and consciousness, uh huh. A bunch of scary looking implant-hormone-surgeryed up weirdos like chalamet clown and the rest of them, likely not optional roles for these cult members btw And if financing was such an issue you'd think all star cast would be dispensed with pretty quickly or not even thought of. We get the obvious Jesuit reference and inversion of this inversion cult. Some insect level dynastic fighting and scheming, GOT etc type of stuff.

    None of this is new or original, so only the clowns and visuals/audio changes. Where dorothy or alice were set in a state farm or a garden this is just set in the newer scifi space fantasy. Yawn fest really, at least the 80s version had the rock opera aspect to it which was more entertaining, much better music, better looking more convincing set of clowns, better more natural acting, better faster pacing to get on with it already, cool retro style as of this date and more that just made it more entertaining and thus made more use of this mediums qualities and purpose. I suppose this movie would be better for a backdrop while knitting so it doesn't demand so much attention and is uninteresting most of the time. So there's that I guess.
    Hertzian56, Nov 18, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Citizen Kane
    Cain and Abel
    Films overrated for sure. It's no "greatest" film at all. We even get the Kane, or Cain and Abel, the sons of cain. Kane=Kahn=Cohen. The Citizen part is pure sovietism really, a glamour to the lie. The supposed real life inspiration of Hurst, or Hirsch-steinberg, is classic fake background making. Likely Hursts public background is as false and contrived as the name is. A whole fake history is made up to disguise the typical tribester cult upbrininging then gangstering in via "sacrifices" made. Satan needs payment for everything ultimately. The usurers usurer.

    You could put any of them in there really, Ted Turner, TT, Rupert Murdoch, RM, Les Moonves, LM and more. Likely all fake names and backgrounds for the public. Most definitely tribester or old brickmason histories, doesn't happen otherwise. The Cain cult.

    In terms of the story the very odd bodied, ahem, welles of the various turd welles name, does it fine. I could only cringe at the early part where some silver spooner wants to "do good" for those less fortunate, what a laugh there. Contrasting with the later real person megalomaniac gangster in her compensation castle fortress. And the rest that follows in between of "fighting the man" garbage for the public story nonsense. Like old clintina and her little boy friend locke with those awful movies, hirsch here builds an opera house for his latest obsession.

    This is more a chronicle of a fake back story these high profile people come up with or their machine does. There may be a speck of real info in there but the rest is just whole cloth lying. This likely gets its push by these people as an all time great because it's an example of a fake backstory just put into an imaginary film everyone knows as such but can't tell that the "real" stuff elsewhere is just more whole cloth drama. Likely an inside joke kind of a thing for these hermetic-kabbalistic cultists.

    I don't question that the term rosebud is similar to the term moth trans,forming into a butterfly sort of thing. But it's all sinister in the way it's meant or intended for insiders. Otherwise this film is just standard stuff there's nothing that outstanding about it. The idea of the famous press baron presented here as a lightning rod character for the public when really it's a mischpucka mafia cult tool to program and this clown just has the ancestry of satan and place in the hierarchy that warrants this kingship of this domain.

    Complete with "making" reality by simply making it up, the inverted side of the word. What we say IS reality, regardless of any objective proof of it. Just enough is manufactured and plenty in the cult will play those roles to lend it apparent reality. But it's like a tranneewood set, one side looks real, behind are the trusses supporting the image. The two faced janus of it all. And don't think the timing is coincidence, in that decade and after the big cons were to come, fake narratives presented as real history with lots of cultists chiming in in books, movies, supposed "real" footage and even war crimes trials that in themselves were nothing but post war crimes themselves. Show trials nothing more.

    A face in the crowd
    Wow I never heard of this movie but gave it a shot and was impressed with the acting of andy griffith. We're so bowled over by the tv show we don't realize what a great actor he could have been in a more dramatic and free medium like film vs tv. Don't get me wrong I love classic tv, it's so refreshing and clean compared to the garbage we've been fed for 30 years and more. I get that he had to cash in and a tv show with your name in the title is stumbling onto a gold mine.

    So yeah the idea that the low end drifter transients are easy to use as clowns to sell all sorts of products and ideas is used all the time IRL. We still get the propaganda of a lenin-steinberg and associates as bottom feeders who were just awakening the organic rage of the crowd, totally false of course but the story sells to this day.

    And don't think it's not true in some places, similar to the tribesters other version shown in Being There. Some simple minded fool is nominated as der Leader as a useful puppet of the hermetic-kabbalistic cults political wing. In this instance another cliche is shown of the puppet becoming a megalomaniac who gets drunk with the addulation which is really vapor smoke thin.

    This is even complete with the standard set of characters the handler who pushes him to stardom with the Vitajex stuff, the quiet female supporter in media who mixes romance/sex into it for her own purposes and then becomes a self righteous seeming do gooder but really is just revenge jealous ridden hag, the "princeton" tribester in matthau who plays the "knowing" handler from afar and is a sort of faust whispering in patricias ear etc

    But the idea that an entertaining and engaging circus clown becomes more due to the ptb's vision of using this mirage as a vehicle of control. The funny name too Lonesome Roads evokes a country setting of a drifter. Then we find out that rhodes is just like other men who are addicted to the drug of addulation and then become monsters. The pride that comes from this is easily seen in much smaller places like fancy cars and smug wealthy types really monsters in miniature, easily manipulated human weakness.

    It is fun to watch and well acted all around though. A much more memorable film than you'd think, a hidden gem.
    Big Trouble Little China
    If you grew up anywhere near this time this film is going to be something that makes you smile thinking about it and your bros you gushed about it with, it's a generational thing really. I came across this on a ,,,,chute site and immediately scraped it and watched it again off a pendrive. I doubt some modern oversharpened etc version at hd is going to do much for it.

    This had the whole street fighter guy with the lightning bolts and sloped hat, the pulpy story that's half noir with a prime Kurt Russel in so many classic popcorn movies and cult movies of the day. Think about Escape from NY, The Thing and this and I'm sure I've missed a few of Russels resume there in the 80s. We even got the hilarious at times Overboard.

    Sooo yeah classic stuff here, still a really fun watch. Almost all the sets are iconic if you grew up with this. The girl with green eyes lao ming or whatever I once used as a pet name for an asian gf it was so hilarious to use on someone who didn't grow up in that time period lol. The comic book nature of it is similar to the classic adventure films of the 50s in color and later on the indy jones first 3 films etc I just wish there would have been more episodes frankly, I mean there's something up the road for Jack who doesn't seem like he'd be in the clear and quiet for too long.
    better early seasons
    I've been watching a few episodes per season lately and this show is much better in the first 5 or so seasons. Once Landon sort of takes over and you have the weird looking guest stars and supporting cast it just takes a nose dive in quality.

    Your basic western setting and cowboy focus gets lost in the weeds as a platform for ever more convoluted stories. And the last few seasons had way too much "little" joe with the long hair that was almost all gray. The ever weirder looking clown faced guests and supporting cast didn't help either. Lorna Green needed to step out a lot earlier as well, she didn't pass as the all knowing patriach with the dragging on of the series of old bachelors at home.

    Other classic western TV like Maverick and Rawhide ended while still keeping to their themes and not wearing out their welcome with more and more crazy scenarios to attract interest. As a funny note Maverick had one episode that made fun of this show. Season 5 the queens full. I think Gunsmoke is another example of a tv western that was milked way too long and needed to be put out to pasture or sent to the glue factory much earlier.

    Now the early seasons are tight, focused and all actors are really in their prime in the roles. It's focused on classic adventure themes in the country side and had plenty of material to work with. It wasn't bringing in side shows and men in dresses and such to keep itself going.

    The relative clean-ness of this show is nice as well, there's no half good guy stuff like Maverick and Dillon the "friend" of kitty the night lady with his fake righteosness song and dance. This declines as the seasons go on but for the most part is consistent. A much better way to spend time in front of media if you choose to. And as a broken record the last few episodes of this show are all Landon, gag, and really don't fit all that well. I appreciate it not having "ending" specials and similar cringe stuff we get for a long time, "farewell tours" and other gimmicks but the last episode is very bizarre. It feature almost only Landon from the original cast who is hunted by tom skerrit and kind of wraps up the way this series turned into a Landon vehicle so much in the end. Sad really.

    But overall the first 5-6 seasons are recommended classic western themed tv shows. That's a lot of tv with the 20 or so episodes at 48mins each every season. If you really need more there's the other 10 or so seasons to wrangle.
    Hertzian56, Dec 13, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    LiFe below z Canada
    I watched a couple of these and this just isn't that interesting tbh there aren't the characters like jesse or glenn or eric here. It seems very contrived franchising so this production company can keep going with it as a rice bowl sort of thing. I don't think this will come back either.

    It's very strange that the BBC is actually behind these shows and that they didn't start with a similar format in canada as the top level of this series. Meaning everybody is largely in villages and near settlements and even cities like Fairbanks and they roam a few months or are guides like Eric etc Maybe are somehow independently wealthy like Andy from DC with his own village of buildings on the Yukon etc Canada is huge there are folks that have lives up there more interesting surely.

    Surely Yellowknife has stuff like this or Hudson Bay area, the Slave Lakes up there, the remote islands or near there in extreme northern Canada but nope we never get any of that this is just typical yukon which we've seen enough of with the other LBZ shows and others. Temperate sea side would be more interesting than snowy plains imo and lots of that up there. From what I remember you have a lot of kids up there just surviving meaning there's no guides or etc

    It's actually just go out get your stuff done in 2 hours you're good to hang out all day, this is easier than a 10hr office job or worse distro center where you're almost prodded and timed all day. Imagine one moose hunt takes 2-3 days some ammo and effort for another 2 days and you have meat for 6 months+. Now go to the store buy 1500 pounds of meat see how much and how long you'd have to work to get that, and FDA labeled organic to boot. Sheesh.
    Life Below Zero Last Alaskans
    This is pretty bad, as usual with all these reality alaska shows they say the SAME THING, OVER AND OVER. You can watch every one of them, different networks different gimmicks, and they say the same things, which are largely not true at all.

    These people have all the modern tools to "pass on the legacy" blah blah, every second they're one step away from dying, yeah try to cross a busy street in a city or drive a car in a city etc etc sheesh. They sound like teenagers saying well I'm cool and you're not we're real and you all are fake etc typical low self esteem projecting going on. I realize the production gives them their lines because these people get paid for this under contract for it all. It's scripted drama called "reality" nothing more. Just Sues lawsuit in the top level series proves all that, scripted drama and such. Tells you a lot about the honesty for hire of these people. I shouldn't have to mention the browns but there you go.

    Another aspect is that in a show that's about natives we get a negro distant relative from California featured and also an obviously inverted couple from Seattle. So these are transplants at best, paid actors at worst, who happen to have a distant connection to the area. Daddy is the soft voiced sparkly eyed one with the curves but hgh monster sized and the little blond boy mommy is the no hips huge pre-marin horse teeth stick figure. This is similar to another little blond boy on Port Protection etc very gross. The other one I remember from S1 is the cover girl there with the big non native hubby mmkay very convincing.

    The rest is just typical mumbly stuff about surviving, legacy, family, blah blah. Where's the free gov money these people live on? The sitting at home watching cable all winter with some hooch like a baby w a bottle? The oil money they all get every year? They stay there for all that free stuff and lazing around not some legacy which they only know anything about in stories likely hugely embellished like your typical monster fish story or bear encounter story etc. Let's see some navnation in arizona on reality tv, oh right too obvious, producers can't hide it all enough.

    If you're going to claim you live native where are the spears and bows and arrows? Oars and canoos? Igloos? We got the revolting shooting swimming caribou with 22's in the head by the natives in the top level of this series a few years ago and they get away with that because they're native living traditionally sheesh What kind of state is Alaska? The SOA should be ashamed of itself. All I saw here was fisihing boats and modern tech and clothing.

    The only thing that was well done was the photography of the areas which is stunning to look at. Usually the only reason I watch these things as the rest is usually pretty agro. And yeah the music is overdone and mixed terribly with the crazy levels. It's like you watch a game and the crowd is turned up too much for the hype and you can't hear the announcers. It's a sound design with bad levels. Many movies also do this to where you need subs to hear the characters or turn it up to hear dialogue then with the huge booming sound you get your ears blown out.
    Hertzian56, Dec 19, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Alaska State Troopers

    This show is most interesting because it's set in a place where there is a lot of wilderness and a relatively low population density. The pd stuff isn't really anything we haven't seen and what's most interesting is if you have the first few seasons of Cops and watch those real human police community members compared to these body armored highly paid, foreign army trained, mercenaries who spend most of their time beating up and keeping the little people in line for their boss, the state god and it's admins who make laws, many of which are just brazen legalistic criminality for the benefit of themselves and cronies. All these occupying foreign trained soldiers need are face masks and actually holding their rifles all the time to get the real story, probably come to that one day when the glorious jwo comes about.

    Hence the legal liability limiting term of "law enforcement". Depersonalization and unimpeachable, these mercs that have all been through at least a couple months initiation mind control training called police academy. Make it through that you're in the lodge and serve the sanheedrun bosses, the watch dog level. Keep the goicattle in line and you're setup. We all know the big guys who do the vast majority of damage to society get a pass because of the scratch they have and thus the pull. The mischpucka mafia in the courts takes care of the rest of the managing and I will say much of what the watch dogs here do gets thrown out because what the guard dogs didn't do too well and could be picked apart by the opposing paid shyster.

    No ones saying that everyday obvious stuff like robbery, dui, traffic violations, and similar isn't fine. The most interesting are the wildlife rangers and yes it's necessary because with modern technology it'd be easy for people to abuse it and empty out whole areas. However you'll notice the larger farming, cattle pens(you are cattle to the chosen people) and such is fine, so the poor little people get banged around by these mercs for the benefit of the payola large outifits so some tribester in NYC can make a.nother million on farming and manipulation. Pretty disgraceful. I'm also reminded of the disgraceful conduct of the State Troopers in Arkansas with the Clintons and if you think these aren't the same all over you're delusional.

    Show also has a narrated bias. It's rare to see females and ethnics(besides the obviously large NA population there) as the bad guys which the narrator loves to just slander people with on a regular basis. They get these guard dogs who are little more than what they police and keep in line. There are also a lot of instances of trooper bullying and intimidation for little reason. And of course the military tactics and weaponry for overpower overreaction type stuff. Great job the public just spent 30k so 6-10 fully body armored and fully automaticed out mercs could surround a house of some guy who was drunk or someone made up some story etc That's military not policing. And that's what they are all over, military mercenaries highly paid to protect and serve shysters, good job sirs! These mercs are a huge waste of the money of people who benefit little and in many cases are victims of these mercs. It's well known the more of them you have the more crime you have and don't think many of them don't have little side hustles going on. The parking violation scam with towing companies is one of the largest ones many with ex-merc ownership and such.

    The scenery is sometimes nice no doubt though and the reason for all these alaska shows is the huge tax breaks to production that the SOA gives. There are no union writers to pay, no union actors to pay, no sets just some camera and skeleton production with maybe a guide hired here and there but generally bank is made on a huge scale with these things. So first 5 seasons of Cops is gold, and then stuff like this is middle with OPL being the worst garbage yet. Heavily curated and scripted in some cases, don't watch that show. However you can tell a lot of this is staged for drama, in fact this show was likely abruptly discontinued because the dogs got to playing around too much, the brass wants that only for "body cam" staging and other things like "riots" and "gun events", higher political scams.

    Police use of dogs is also very shady way of getting around fair treatment. Dogs are owned by and trained by police and whether a dog detects drugs or whatever they want to train the dog is "drugs" which could include alcohol, gunpowder or anything else useful for the police state to detect and it is interpreted as "detected" by who? The policesters. That's not objective criteria it's police state whatever we say goes benefit of the doubt in favor of the police state only. Ridiculous "legalized" criminality like bankstering and other scams.
    Hertzian56, Dec 26, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    East of Eden 1955

    Cal and Aaron

    This is a typical pagan ideologue falsification story, complete with the scapegoat ritual but misused of course. They're experts in scapegoating others for their own crimes. So here Cal or Cain, the war profiteer,(one of thier largest industries still), finds out the Lilith figure, from an occult pagan ideology, is the real mother of both brothers. Then later on the Abel/Aaron is flipped with the new "good son" Cain who gets the approval of father because well it was all the fathers fault of course, sheesh projection is another big one of their illnesses on display here.

    So instead of Cain being banished East of Eden and marked for what he really was, Abel goes East to fight in the war after finding out his real mother is the Lilith from their dark occult belief system. Abel will likely be killed, but in a proxy manner so Cain can take no responsibility for it. Plausible deniability in their marxist vocabulary.

    This is what a materialist, deception and domination based pagan cult would think, totally missing the point of the Cain and Abel story. Cains transgression was the love/pride of providing material goods/money over the spiritual goods that Abel offered to God and then Cain showing his real two faced Janus/baphomet/kadmon nature by murdering his brother Abel. In this falsified version Cal is given some noble motive(saving the inept fathers failing) for war profiteering through inflated government contracts which is also a huge mark ,if you will, of these pagans who claim falsely to be so special. They sold out to the father of lies, lord/father flies, long ago. Hermetic-Kabbalistic belief systems are just the old pagan world come back and like those worlds they will be swept away never to be seen again, in time. For the time being we're stuck with the sons of cain cult who cloak themselves in (false dark) light, another bamboozle is coming and it will be on them once again like it was over 2000 years ago.

    We also get treated to one of their own members overdone acting and melodrama. Janice Dean had the same purile nonsensical persona in Rebel Without a Cause, a version of the lucifer story, a fraud version of course. Ms Dean had herself an "old man" she lived with who was some sort of power broker in the shibiz, yuk. I suspect the supposedly dying young is just more mythology nothing real about it.
    Hertzian56, Dec 29, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Poly Life 2012 showtime doco
    Pretty bad promotion of pagan beliefs destroying society
    These are very weird looking people who are in fact trannee cultists who then present an old pagan lifestyle that actually was central to the old moloch fleshpots of the pagan empires, which collapsed over and over. These are scary people that should be avoided at all costs, they are like poison mushrooms or virus that spread, they're certainly viral. Mask faced weirdos and this is typical jotime tripe which is very evident if you your cable includes free jotime subscription they put this in there.

    This is a passive agressive way to have your cake and eat it too, which only ever leads to disaster in the real world. This is also bordering on soft core which is pretty gross, monsters ball people and you will notice there are no photos of these people today, they'd be as scary as your typical tranneehukerwood star without the makeup, lighting and tricks.

    You will notice that the destruction of society which is based on family, is one of the primary goals of the modern pagan tribester brickmason bearded venus mafia we live under. This was pretty bad and I couldn't make it through more than a couple of these poorly made episodes.

    If you've ever come into contact with anyone who claims this nasty phenomenon you'll quickly know that it should be avoided as fantasy that devalues people and definitely cannot ever make any healthy family of any sort. It's not a coincidence that these are all transinverts in this show either, a strategy of their sick perverse lives and cult. These shallow narcissistic people should be in a quarantine zone and in straight jackets, poison mushrooms.

    The hidden form we get of this today is the sister wives deception. Those are all very MANly women and the soft one is the one that kind of looks male in a very strange way, (AHEM). It has also devolved into tripe like Naked Afraid grossness writ large. Usually the trainee ones they'll use cuts and smaller images and such to minimize the weight loss part of it, for fear of some of the less dumbos seeing what it is.
    Hertzian56, Dec 29, 2023
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