IMDB Backups Censorship

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Polyamory Married and Dating 2012-2013 Showtime

    This happened to popup on the showtime free stuff and gave it a shot and oof, the most dysfunctional babel talking narcissists you could ever meet. Spreading this like poisonous mushrooms. These are also all hidden trainys easy to see. Mask face, weird bodies, wrong proportions all over, implant, a certain heritage of a pagan cult going back to babylon and older check, insanity in general check. We get the ape versions with the huge neck pebbles from hormones probably or perhaps implants, the no hips hard bodied, huge tracheas that are shaved on the other side it's really bizarre. Gigantic shoulders/upper bodies in proportion on the premarin ones as well. Wrong digit ratios, the ever popular chinplant and other implants. They make sure to cut and wipe fast enough for regular people to not notice and of course the sodomwood conditioning from day one.

    The soft ones and feminine energy are the ones who call themselves males. This hermetic-kabbalistic inana bearded venus cult is ready for it's destiny and as someone said you think it's one way, but nah it's really THE OTHER. These just devalue humans and it's all about their sex and the babel talk about this or that rules or this or that meaningless terms that are really just prettyfied power trips of I want to do whatever I want, similar to children mentality but children have a lot more sense for objective things then these ill folks do.

    Now I've met and actually have some distant family involved in this nonsense paganism stuff and they are generally very troubled types. Suicide, drug use, crimes, nasty in general to be around, black hole types. This is a narcisstic pagan fleshpot belief system that goes against objective realities that these people really all need help in an institution. The ones shown in this show also need to transition back to their natural selves instead of being trannesteins who put on clown faces or joker smiles for cameras but are miserable, they've flipped like bdsm is all about. They prefer sickness to health and it's terrible. This goes for all these pagan sex magick type of things.

    This is also a really badly produced show and badly acted by these almost total frauds. Just the fake crying and fake drama is really bad. The gross parents we meet are all the same as these are, sick tradition. Somewhere it was realized how bad this is and thus ended 10 years ago. This is also just a soft core nastiness dressed up as some social statement thing. When really it's a cult of inana bearded venus adam kadmon walking baphos trying to destroy decent society at all the roots. Humanity got a break of about 1000 years from these cultists, they self isolatd in the ghetto and shtetels but are back slowly for the last 500 years of disasterous effect. The fires are certainly ready and hot for the chaff.
    Hertzian56, Dec 29, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Some like it hot
    pretty gross movie about drags
    This movie is some comedy about drag queens which all major characters are/were irl. We get Manroe and the tribesters with the twinkling eyes of a biofemale with the weird bodies that they tried to normalize with hippos like gable and such. You also had the anorexia versions in bogie but this is a cult industry, they're all mafioso cultists in the theater world these send out over the waves. Wilder was also involved in one of the largest frauds of all times with the FULL cooperation of bretheren in the white house, royalty and jussr, very ship smeared legacy that.
    Going back it's easy to see and we even got the occasional subterfuge like rockina hudson as some weirdo pushing their moloch temple prost beliefs. So yeah this is a bizarre movie that is pretty gross, but if you wrap some turd in enough sugar, or zucker, people will love it. Mr zucker cain took the hormones and such to wrap itself in enough fakery to be convincing. The latest models are not too convincing for a reason, self disclosure one of the rules, a kabbalistic scam use of filth for the mischpuckas goals of destruction. Dumpster fire.

    Breakfast at Tiffanys
    So a dope inc hypnocourier or at least coordinator for a mob boss in prison hunts for rich men to marry, and has a shady background she runs away from. In comes a gigolo who writes occasionally likely for income tax cover and theyre hanging out adventures which involve strip clubs, shoplifting and general mischief. No wonder this was written for and about the life of Marylman Manroe, MM, as it's mirrors the public info we have it him and his life to a bigT lol Arthur Miller would fit the writer-gigolo role in there, and manroe was involved with all the major cult member mafioso in politics, vice inc, images inc and so on.

    I suspect andy hepburn, who was in reality some illegitimate son of a minor aristocracy or whatever black hole of a background this cultist had, had the same sort of role in dope inc or the hermetic-kabbalistic CULT Inc. as manroe had. Easy to see the stick figure, who had only the thinnest female traits easily simulated, on a smaller size than say Dorkus Day Drag Queen lol Vice Inc indeed. Similar figures include paman anders-son and his Assange hypnocourier role, but these drag queens are all over used as agents and couriers for these power brokers of the tribester-brickmason-tranneee cult mafioso.

    The movie is entertaining though and does have a laid back style. All drag queen show with mostly feminine energy men whom are the targets of these gold diggers. Even the cabaret dancer has a not so female face it's really gross there but the music is nice. Soo then this mob employee gets busted for being the little bird in a cage relaying messages and the gigolo convinces him not to run but go back and cooperate in the circus. Mkay well this canary is likely going to be found in a trunk or not at all or maybe like manroe will just leave the stage play and retire in swizzyland or play another role somewhere else in the play for goy this all is. Master of ceremonies beezlbubsters.
    Hertzian56, Jan 1, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Alaska State Troopers ALTERNATE review, IMDB has refused to post this review, in line with it's censorship and selling jewtranny ethos. Scum.

    This show is most interesting because it's set in a place where there is a lot of wilderness and a relatively low population density. The mercenaries stuff isn't really anything we haven't seen and what's most interesting is if you have the first few seasons of Cops and watch those real human police community members compared to these body armored, highly paid/pensioned, foreign army trained, mercenaries who spend most of their time beating up and keeping the little people in line for their boss, the state god and it's admins who make laws, many of which are just brazen legalistic criminality for the benefit of themselves and cronies. A warlord hierarchy structure with city soviets(council in russian btw) and such.

    All these occupying foreign trained soldiers need are face masks and actually holding their rifles all the time to see them for what they are. Saw that in many made for tv riots during the blm nonsense that had plenty of these types undercover in the crowd to stoke a riot, with their fellow officers wearing masks and heavy body armor on the other side. I'm 110% sure the jan 6 stuff was just made for tv drama by these internationalist scum in office across the land. And the legal liability limiting term of "law enforcement". What a sad joke.

    You can tell why this was cancelled so abruptly too as in the last few episodes the police were just harassing people more than usual to make some tv drama. The tickets/fines revenue quota was turned into a tv drama quota lol The brass quashed it because the shoddy credibility needs to be reserved for the edited and staged "body cam" nonsense, it still needs to be trusted as real by most peope for political priorities like gun events and other staged and manipulated events. The blm "real" video was another example, totally staged and planned with mercs in on it, their leash holders directed them.

    We all know the big guys who do the vast majority of damage to society get a pass because of the scratch they have and thus the pull. For example alcohol is big business and a certain tribe has used it as a tool of subversion since at least the "russian" revolution, still own the big monopolies in that today. Dope inc has been around since the wandering tribe on the trade routes used it and later with ships and guns enforced it in places like China in the opium wars. These guys make sure the unapproved cowboys don't get out of hand. Legalization is always in the background because once the right people are in full control and the cowboys are largely eliminated by these mercs it would be all gravy for their bosses who own dope inc.

    No ones saying that everyday obvious stuff like robbery, dui, traffic violations, and similar isn't fine. The most interesting are the wildlife rangers and yes it's necessary because with modern technology it'd be easy for people to abuse it and empty out whole areas. However you'll notice the larger farming, cattle pens(you are cattle to a certain people) and such is fine, so the poor little people get banged around by these mercs for the benefit of the large outifits so some tribester in NYC can make a.nother million on farming and manipulation. Pretty disgraceful. I'm also reminded of the disgraceful conduct of the State Troopers in Arkansas with the Clintons and if you think these aren't the same all over you're delusional. Praetorian Guard type stuff.

    There are also a lot of instances of trooper bullying and intimidation for little reason. And of course the military tactics and weaponry for overpower overreaction type stuff.Great job! the public just spent 30k so 6-10 fully body armored and fully automaticed out mercs could surround a house of some guy who was drunk or someone made up some story etc That's military not policing. These mercs are a huge waste of the money taken off the very people who benefit little and in many cases are victims of these mercs. It's well known the more of them you have the more crime you have and don't think many of them don't have little side hustles going on. The parking violation scam with towing companies is one of the largest ones many with ex-merc ownership and such. They know the legal loopholes and essentially steal cars for ransom money knowing full well their buddies in the force will back them up if called for car theft.

    Police use of dogs, k9 or 119 btw, is also very shady way of getting around fair treatment or warrants. Dogs are owned by and trained by police and whether a dog detects drugs or whatever they want to train the dog is "drugs" which could include alcohol, gunpowder or anything else useful for the police state to detect and it is interpreted as "detected" by who? These mercenaries. That's not objective criteria it's police state stuff, whatever we say goes, benefit of the doubt in favor of the police state only. Ridiculous. The police state rolls along.
    Hertzian56, Jan 1, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Into the Wild
    Not too believable pt barnum stuff really

    I think this was all just some money making scheme by the fam or even the supposed homeless person himself tbh. Way too many tribesters involved in all places to be on the level. Just thinking about the ending makes little sense. He had plenty of time to get help but chose not to, unless you're talking about a deadly poison that kills instantly it's not believable that someone just keeps going and essentially gets dehydrated and constipated to the point of dying from those. You can be in the wild and not see anyone for a while but eventually the rangers will patrol, even via plane, and someone will come around. No ones saying there isn't the fall through the cracks possibility but it's not believable here tbh.

    This is like a glorified post grad euro backpacking trip really. Nomad types have always existed and there's nothing really special or interesting about this story. I get the family drama thing thrown in there but to choose to do this isn't really that new of a thing, the tribester angle just came in and the book was noticed and picked up by the pipeline to make a movie, this is similar to the browns and their book and gambit which eventually got enough interest by the tv folk and the rest is a dumpster fire of a show in alaska.

    So it's interesting as a story in a movie but take this with a grain of salt with whatever really happened and the cash in aspect by the fam is not in good taste tbh. The movies that claim to be based on true stories then proceed to tell your typical fishing story or bear attack story, for effect only. Any similarity to real life happenings and such is just coincidental and in no way has any relation to it or so they say at the end of every film ever. lol
    Man On wire
    Narcissist on Wire
    I think this was like a cristo project and planned and executed with approval and assistance by the ptb. There's just some ranting by various melange of characters here and some still shots mostly with from what I remember maybe some video from a helo but that's it. You would think these showpeople would have bothered to have a full film of this but I didn't see that. They even made a movie in 15 about this. And the fact that this won some awards points to the worthlessness of said awards really.

    No technical info was given at any time either. Do you know how hard it would be to install a wire that heavy and likely 5" thick or more across buildings 1000ft high? The winds alone would make this very hard not to mention most normal peoples fear of being that high. Those buildings also noticeably swayed on windy days and less so on not so windy days. You'd need some pneumatic spear gun if that's even possible or really a helo or crane would be necessary. I don't think that all just gets done by some weirdos sneaking up 100 stories on the sly, nope.

    The history of this narcissist showman also points to just a storyteller meaning stories are told about anything including this. Stuff like this is like saying one person made a movie, which in fact is like a symphany. One person gets the press but in reality they did a small part of it that gets the attention. I can agree that here one person is risking his life more so then the others up there but he certainly wasn't the only one dealing with the wire installation itself which is likely just as dangerous. No this took some professional personnel, equipment and planning.

    I think this was some reminder of nine eleven by the elevener cult years after the demo was done so the middle tower of slavery could be erected. Remember what one of the welles said about the future, slaves who love thier slavery must be created for the dark world order archcriminals want. A promotional film to draw attention. Remember Evel and his stunts which many were at venues that wanted to promote their offerings, same thing. This is some natgeo or history channel stuff today as more serious places wouldn't and didn't bother.
    Grizzly man
    not too convinced this was real
    Idk seems very fruity and unless this "man" was on a constant dodge from rangers in planes and such seems a bit of a staged thing imo. I'm not saying there are some strange people out there who would do this, misguided fools who have some weird anthro ideas like "furries" and such or just plain mental illness and stuff like this fulfills a need they have. It was a controversy around when it came out but the people interviewed also seem fairly sketchy and strange. As to the actual footage we were allowed to see this seemed like a very sick individual or some weirdo tranneeman playing a role. Kind of like a I'm going to be famous or bust sort of thing. Similar to what is called art and artists who know full well that once they "die" their work is worth 10 times more, so hmmm what if..... You know your relatives have claim onto the work unsold right?

    Then again this could possibly be real but no I don't think the audio only we got of the finale is real and the story isn't too convincing either. Think about how rumors were spread, by the producers likely, that the Blair Witch was "real" or the likely fake rumor about how maybe some simpletons 1/50 believed the "war of the worlds" radio broadcast was real. Nah. I don't think so bubs, tell all the stories you want but nope.
    Hertzian56, Jan 6, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    BANNED ON IMDB refused to post. Others here submitted several times are also banned like Alaska State Troopers, Captive State and the Ronny James Dio documentary.

    Some like it hot
    pretty gross movie about drags
    This movie is some comedy about drag queens which all major characters are/were irl. We get Manroe and the tribesters with the twinkling eyes of a biofemale with the weird bodies that they tried to normalize with hippos like gable and such. You also had the anorexia versions in bogie but this is a cult industry, they're all mafioso cultists in the theater world these send out over the waves. Wilder was also involved in one of the largest frauds of all times with the FULL cooperation of bretheren in the white house, royalty and jussr, very ship smeared legacy that.
    Going back it's easy to see and we even got the occasional subterfuge like rockina hudson as some weirdo pushing their moloch temple prost beliefs. So yeah this is a bizarre movie that is pretty gross, but if you wrap some turd in enough sugar, or zucker, people will love it. Mr zucker cain took the hormones and such to wrap itself in enough fakery to be convincing. The latest models are not too convincing for a reason, self disclosure one of the rules, a kabbalistic scam use of filth for the mischpuckas goals of destruction. Dumpster fire.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    Hertzian56, Jan 7, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Star is born 2018
    A remake of a remake ritual film really
    A.nother, fallen, star is ,initiated, born is what this really is, it's a ritualistic film that's been remade several times and the earliest film version is the 1937, really probably filmed in 36 or three sixes, version with Johnny Gaynor confirmed as another pipeline cult product to then sell with shiny packaging but diseased maggots on the inside. We then got the Juda Garlands version later on to then next get the Streisand-yentl version and now this with another cult duo. Both you wouldn't want to be near if you knew what these things are really.

    This isn't new in this cult system, similar to the esther story, a beautiful looking young thing catches the eye or makes sure it catches the eye of some established powerful figure and then uses various arts to slither its way into the picture for the fraudulent instant stardom like the old meteor falling suddenly out of nowhere to earth which is just a retelling of the Lucy fall with his thirty three percenters. The eleveners just follow a kabbalistic numerology there of emanations.

    We can see this all_the_time in entertainment especially but it also happens in all sorts of other places. If you've ever been around singers you'd see this is standard practice there too but also works the other way with cowboys romancing heiresses and such. The Manroe lookalike and the 98yo etc comes to mind. So you have no real life at all it's just all a business in some sort of typical british-choken alliance from over three hundred years ago. The tribe practices this almost exclusively just within the cult mostly but also in times when that cult didn't monopolize power positions like today it used this tactic, esther being an example. But you can bet the original real royalty was also conquered and replaced in this fashion long ago.

    So yeah just more of the same stuff repackaged and the machine then hypes it up as we see here all the time. Check the top films numbered here and you'll see how obvious it is, popcorn sales metaphorically speaking but selling a whole lot worse really.
    American Psycho
    Entertaining diary of a psycho
    The funny thing is that the weirdo who has the name Christian Bail is likely just playing herself here. Total psycho. I also think we see some obvious muscle implants on this tranneeman and the other gross things the inana-bearded Venus cult does in private, ghouls. The 80s seem to be a favorite time of the cult and you can bet the next 80s will be the most 80s yet. Although the 60s or sixes is also the new era celebrations for these sickos.

    The obvious Bates reference here is also apt as the actor who played that weirdo with the same mult personality and of course you had the obvious inversion of the sexes going on there that's not presented here overtly but the bail tranneeman looks so jason judlica here as to be evident to those who know of the bearded venus tradition in modern times with technology and its capabilities. Bates also had a very weirdo body easier to see in that basketball film with another one in the fonda clan, how bizah comes to mind.

    The bailer the one who wants you to bail obviously got her first major role in a spiel nonsense film and of course IS NOT American at all like most of the Wire cast isn't American but appropriately British with their tribester drag queeny whom had it's ritualistic death a couple years ago lol.

    We also see the very strange looking other cast and the especially weird mask faced WitheredSpooner. I think they should have an award for biggest chinplant and surgically made face which both fallen stars here would be high up in the running every year.

    In terms of the rest of it it's just an okay film that's kinda funny at times with the macabre interweaving of insanity on a mental level and physical level and the dialogue of the flat jerk, similar to the later film of "bad santa" just right out there in front of you. What's also interesting here is that this obvious psychotic personality isn't noticed in a psychotic clique and level of society it's just normal there so isn't percieved for the insanity that it is. And you can imagine what is NOT shown in this film that is considered a matter of course, in fact don't imagine it it's likely the most depraved criminal activities in a ritualistic fashion. Degradation spread as far and wide as they can, a plague.
    The Caine Mutiny
    The Mutiny of CAIN is what this is retold
    Despite the cover of being a naval movie it's really a.nother tribester retelling of a biblical story, of course it's framed to their twisted and fraudulent view of things of their long tradition of the elders/ancients of babylon-egypt.

    In this version of the old Cain and Abel story it has both the ship and captain being a sort of composite world-god. Adding in a very messed up org like the navy just allows the inhuman and largely nefarious ways of the navy to be seen for what it is then covered in glory for no reason but being legalistic and dehumanizing. Not a surprise since this navy is just a form of the british navy of the opium wars glory and legalized pirates, a dregs paradise, but according to legalism is technically a bunch of heroes lol Hyman Rickoversteinberg would be proud and likely a regular at pride happenings.

    If you notice legalism which is really worshiped in a book of rebs who use illogical insanity to then twist the Bible to their advantage is laced through and through the trial. You see legalism is what they think makes God their servant, insanity is enshrined. Inversion of the inverts of this satanic cult. Sure you can use criminal means to get what you want over time but it's just criminality wrapped in a gold foil, like a fallen angel who wraps itself in light, but is really just a devil.

    Here even when at the end the Sons of Cain acknowledge their help could have averted this whole thing, they still have the pride and arrogance to think their help, and also some disaster by the God concept here, was the cure. There are many levels of the typical tribester-brickmason-tranneee cult's insanity, pride and arrogance here displayed. It's really the first murderer's sons in dresses and ladies in gyms that lie their way through life and become successful because of gangster tactics and of course their father the devils favor, for a price of course.

    The idea of the world(ship) is some mess that only the chocken can fix with their arrogant prideful schemes, the god figure in the captain changes from some lethargic neglectful slob(of the OT pagan times) to a delusional ailing malcontent(NT times) which is in itself another insult to God but not surprising from this cult. Some bunch of evil admirals in this tranneemans navy as an olympus of kabbalistic-hermetic paganism so evident today. The captain is at once the God figure and the Abel figure in different contexts, on the ship he's God as the director but when found ailing switches to the Abel figure which the officers ,as Cain, murder in a way.

    I suggest people think about this more and also reflect on why the navy was used here. The naval concept has been largely piracy, smuggling contraband and ensuring interest on loans get paid or else for a few hundred years and I mean navies that primarily speak english, flags don't matter. It's just wrapped in legalism and a fake glory that comes with that so who is really in charge here?
    Hertzian56, Jan 10, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Streetwise 1984
    Dubious at best
    First of all most of these characters are not the gender they present as, it's fairly obvious so the stories they tell are false categorically in many ways. So we have casting decisions as to who will tell stories so you look for people who will do that no problem.

    Another one is the credits where we have the writer Mario Puzo in there, huh? What's a major writer of those awful smear movies which are about the tribester mafia just projecting to defame doing involved with such a "real" doco? We also have the fact that this is a warner bros distributor at the end, they hide this here of course so as to give some more creedence to the authenticity here. Now I'm not going to go through the details of the film itself but just the indicators of awards and nominations and such don't help it. And interested parties posting here who "knew" them or "worked" there here don't help either, they reinforce the scam more than anything. This seems to be a series almost with reuninons of sort pointing to the franchising aspect which no one can deny.

    Now it's obvious there are homeless adolescents out there but movies are about scripting and imagery so then you have a huge incentive to just cast people you can control to either improvise or script. The pro camera and audio work is evident here and real people on the streets are difficult and unsteady as to be not good for narrative and hundreds of hours of footage needed. Just the obvious staging of conflict and conversations as to be sitcom like is another indicator of scripting.

    Therefore I'm not convinced this was 100% real nor do I think it's 100% fake either but I'd lean to this being like modern "reality" shows which are scripted, pro camera and audio work and they leave out massive amounts of info to give a false image.

    Cape Fear 1993, sucks compared to first version, abuse of casting leads in first one as minor leads in second, more extreme, less psychological, defamation of christianity very evident as opposed to first one, juliette lewis weirdo mtf costar in every psycho movie in the 90s, etc

    This is not as good as the 1962 version by a long shot. And the gratuitous casting of all the major characters from that version done here is just cringey. Max Cady, 133, heads to Cape Fear, 36 three sixes, to terrorize a former lawyer who represented him and seemed to not fight too hard. I don't remember the suppression of evidence angle in the 60s version though.

    This version is much more violent all around, has a lot of jerking camera and blaring audio splices to give a more extreme aspect to it whereas the 60s version was much more psychological terror. It also didn't have the christian defamation aspects that are evident here all over. So this is a nasty movie and the original is much much better. Just an indication of how bad the quality of movies have gone down past the 1960s or so.

    I didn't care for the gratuitous Juliette Lewis casting either. There was a time in the 1990s where she? Was cast almost exclusively as the naive accomplice to some psycho and here we have her? As the naive daughter. The 60s version had a little child who could be intimidated more easily, JL just plays a childlike character here, not very convincingly either.

    I wouldn't recommend it really if you like a more sophisticated version go for the first one. I suppose if you like the stars it might appeal, didn't care for either of the leads nor the bizarre casting of all the major male leads from the original in different roles. What is this some sort of indication of how everyone just moves to other roles as they age? So the first psycho played by Mitchum is now lawyer friend if I remember right? etc weird.
    On her Majestys SS 1969

    This is the most complex bond film ever and is closest to the books bond. I think the story about connery refusing to do bond so then they picked some rando model to do this film in lazenby is nonsense. This is a unique bond film that is a one off for a reason, connery couldn't do this type of role at that point in his career AND this was done in 69 or as above so below year which is central to the beliefs of these elite of this world portrayed in bond films. Connery is unknown as an ftm unlike the rest of them and lazenby for sure. Ian Fleming, IF, 96.
    However the reasons for getting married are pretty thin, a navy man like bond would be expected to marry a daughter of the navy tradition at some level. And would have moved in those circles before becoming a "star" in his field. The other slow parts aren't the best and some bizarre stuff like chicken flesh is likely a courtesy cover for drug slaves, blow-field, for those times. Bonds heritage is teased at and the family motto is the world is not enough, an appropriate tribester-british empire motto. I was surprised they had this as the wife, a.nother drag,on queen btw, and the death was the surprise for me, few to no bond films have such losing ends.
    Hertzian56, Jan 24, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Dune Part Two 2024

    Has all the political tropes and then some

    -messiah bashing and subversion, twisting the narrative, "control people tell them messiah is coming" then the angle the imposters have today, that they are their own messiah collectively, yeah collectively like collectivism, marxism forms whose nominal inventor was one of the tribe big surprise. And marxism includes fascism, just some details as to the state picks which private concerns gets loans Vs. The state owns all concerns, that's the only difference. The other thing being that fascism is closer to tribesterism as the chosen super people material worship of themselves as gods. Hmmm what does that tell you about the theater we got in the last 150 years, heck go back to old nappy he did a great job for them until he tried to found a hereditary dynasty then the brotherhood on all sides scuttled it. Collectively antichrist is more accurate no doubt.

    -Oh look the evil bad guys are white and bald, hmmm. The first imagery we get is of burning bodies, hmm whose used that fairytale for so long for money, pity, privleges and more?

    -The obvious desert storm garb and Crusades references, old bushy-steinberg and associates had that all planned long before some cgi and controlled demolition megavideodrome show was executed, subversion from within old game. Mr bushy-steinberg Senior AKA "poppy" fields and penzoil dope inc kingpin was all in that too but it's an intl mafia cult thing to plan these things for a long time, 1688 comes to mind. 1450-1550 comes to mind, the serpent rising- icarus all over again.

    -Obvious jesuit reference but of course totally inverted by these inversion cultists, where's the jADL? Oh wait...

    -Spice, drugs, soma, to "travel through space" it's A.nother Looong trip man!! dope inc stuff, rock-drugs, roll-sex they built their city on sand called rock and roll, the tides will turn and it will be swept away carrying them into the abyss, enjoy your time while it lasts.

    -annoying racial politics and also gender politics. And to those who aren't clueless you know these are all invert cultists in this movie and all of them, in front of, to the side of, in back of the camera. The financiers of all this propaganda are the same in this cult of the bapho-inana. We go from a chani that makes sense to a mixing version of the kalergi marxist plan. You on top you use the rabble as much as possible to further your own interests, have your cryptos all over in them to be the leaders. Kabbalistic dialectics by the infrahumans.

    -Frank Herbery,FH, 67, as below so above, and the books are a hermetic-kabbalistic codex really, this movie is no different. It's a cult thing. There was never any doubt a remake of this cult codex of drugs, GOT stuff and the propaganda was going to be fully financed. We even have Treasury Secretaries financing movies in the past, you actually pay for these dumpster fires whether you want to or not. Same in the other major media markets worldwide.

    -Fugly bapho actors. Chalamet the girlytranneeman is just bizarre looking due to the hormones and such of this cult but the jaw implants, HUGE chinplant, sly-ina droopy eyes and all the other procedures just give this a cartoony fake look, and that's saying a lot when you stand out like that in the zoo animal preserve that T-hukerwood is. We have Mr Poo here doing his thing, all hardened up as they all do in this part of the cult, lose a ton of weight all over, hit them dietpills and certainly harder things oof. The rest of the cast of bottom dwellers of T,hookerwood, flamebound.

    -Interesting visually no doubt, FX aren't overdone and are well incorporated into the story. Score was fine, it's all pretty much the same here as the first one. This one is more entertaining due to the nature of the content in the source material, more action then the borefest of the first one.

    -Typical algo tweaks of numbers, likes etc to sell popcorn and such here, disgusting but happens all over the web.
    Hertzian56, Mar 12, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    The previous post was NOT ALLOWED by IMDB scumbags. Thier ratings are a joke and they use algo tricks and likely tons of fake reviews by the film backers themselves, you can buy AI fake people to then give AI chatbot reviews. Dune Part 2 is a terrible gross film. The first one sucked as well. Other than the visuals which are nice in places it's awful propaganda film with shoehorned in jewmasontranny cult goals in the real world. Notice it was released on 3-11 which is covid day in 2020 where they sprung this nonsense on us. 11-jewtranny elite, 3 can be an occult masonic reference since the dupe level masons are 33, like the 33% fallen angels that followed satan in rebellion and pride. 3 is likely some Holy Trinity reference as well, satanists love to invert things and it might be a triangle which their satanic hexagram is one going up and one going down, 6 points, 6 sides, 6 smaller triangles formed, 666=18=9 from above. 6 from below, the dialectical fake process of working backwards from your end goal to endless dialectical operations. In fact they have to do it to control the narrative and remain masked to most people. 96 as above so below, 69 as below so above etc 9+6=15=6 from below.

    But getting back to it the dune books are hermetic-kabbalism and so the movies are both the old and new. The difference is the old one is more entertaining and doesn't have the obvious racial swaps, the obvious white bald headed supervillains aka this is nazi subliminals, the terrible totally out of personality change of the main character at the end where he is portrayed as some megalomaniac seeking iron fist power. Makes no sense if you've got the drugs, spice, everyone needs you let them come to you, you don't fly off and battle them all at once. This was intentionally put in to make the one portraying a white male as the bad guy and the darkie mixed breed chani, who was his love interest and bore his child in the first one, as some angry bitch the whole movie. Then we got the annoying cliff hanger end for a 3rd borefest and propaganda film. Chani was played by a nasty mixed breed tranny called andaya, really gross. Paul was played by the trannyman weirdo chalamet. A melange of bottom feeder famous stars played various roles. The 84 version was an entertaing space opera with some cool effects and interesting characters whereas this one dropped the guild totally, chani was some rando angry bitch being setup as the real good guy in the next film and the wierding power was dispensed with completely.

    Total garbage. It had more action and such then the first borefest but that's it, same movie just new stuff in some rando desert world that is dope inc so people can "travel" space which is just a metaphor for the Looong trip on drugs. Soma delusion.
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    And IMDB is a fake website. There are new films that get higher ratings then all time classics it's insane. This points to the selling aspects and the review numbers manipulation that goes on there, not to mention they know a lot of reviews are fake paid for AI bots but do nothing about it probably an 8 or higher with some rando stuff gets posted as long as it furthers the selling. Right now this film is a 8.9 which is nowhere near what it is. I gave it a 2 or 3 can't remember so it's below average not worth the time even for clueless to all this randos. Long boring bland desert and such with some neat FX but that's it. It's no great film at all. IMDB is a garbage website, I wouldn't trust any review over a 6 on there as from a real person when it's newer films that aren't classics. They just there to sell tickets, all that shitty site is.
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
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