Install Leopard on AAO by taking HD out and puttingInMacPro?

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by NetBookin, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. NetBookin


    Feb 24, 2009
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    I have a question that may seem to be the easiest way to install Leopard on my Acer Aspire One. Please let em know if this is possible and what i may have to do to accomplish it. It seems too easy to be true.

    What I am wondering is, Can I just take the hard drive out of my laptop, put it in a Firewire or USB enclosure, connect it to my Mac Pro, install Leopard onto it and then put that hard drive back into my laptop and boot Leopard off of it?

    It seems like it would be to good to be true. Is it possible? If so, are there other things i would need to do to get it to boot once it was in my laptop?

    Thanks in advance!
    NetBookin, Apr 30, 2009
  2. NetBookin


    Jan 19, 2009
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    It's highly unlikely that'll work, 2 completely different machines, different hardware / architecture, so when u put the drive back in ur AA1 it'll just kernel panic when booting. There's loads of guides on this forum and all over the web about installing OSX on the AA1, for starters you might want to go download iatkos or iDeneb (or any of the other osx86 install images floating about).
    DVS_Dee, May 2, 2009
  3. NetBookin


    May 9, 2009
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    Well you can boot a native Mac installed GUID formated hardisk if you have a stick with charmeleon or second drive with it and a proper config. For the AAO there is a big fixed DSDT needed to boot fully vanilla OSX, which you most likely not have. I will write a DSDT for the D250 once I got my other stuff set here ( revrsing the BIOS and find out if m-pci might be disabled by software etc.), if you want one for your box, you most likely need to write one yourself.

    I tested vanilla intall directly on the AAO and it works already partly for me, but requires much knowledge abut OSX to do, if you think you are capable of doign so, try it.

    Oh and GUID won't boot without Chameleon/PC_EFI on a PC, as Macs use EFI, not BIOS for booting. Drivers are not a problem, full kext sets are always installed.
    sam.hackint0sh, May 9, 2009
  4. NetBookin


    Dec 16, 2008
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    I have mac os x and win xp dual boot on my Acer one.. Will find otut eh guide i used to do this and post on here..

    Also be warned you might ahve to chage the internal wifi to a dell dw 1340 (Ebay about a tenner)
    ej2095, Jul 1, 2009
  5. NetBookin


    Nov 18, 2008
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    unless u can sysprep a osx install ?
    cv65user, Jul 5, 2009
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