Install Matlab on Linpus Aspire One

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Sprawl, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Sprawl


    Sep 28, 2008
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    Installing Matlab on a linux Aspire One isn't straightforward, I spent a couple of hours before succeeding and I decided to write this guide in case some of you may need it.

    The following instructions work with Matlab R2007a (7.4). I did not try with other versions.

    First, you need to update libxcb since the Aspire One ships with a buggy version of it. To do this simply download and install this RPM: libxcb-1.1-1.1.fc8.src.rpm
    You can find it here ... .i386.html

    Install the missing library sudo yum install

    Make an image of the Matlab DVD and copy the ISO to a USB drive.

    Mount the ISO as follows:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/matlabiso  
    sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop nameoftheiso.iso /mnt/matlabiso
    Create the directory for the matlab installation:

    cd /usr/local
    sudo mkdir matlab7
    cd matlab7
    Create the directory /usr/local/matlab7/etc and copy there a valid license file (license.dat).

    Change the permissions for the matlab directory
    sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/matlab7
    Launch the installation as root in /mnt/matlabiso directory: ./install

    Complete the installation (be careful which toolboxes you choose to install, a full Matlab installation requires up to 3 Gigs) .

    Now you can launch matlab by typing /usr/local/matlab7/bin/matlab .

    There's an issue with fonts when trying to plot a figure (the Helvetica font is not installed in Linpus). I solved it by creating an M-file named startup.m in the Matlab startup directory which is loaded every time matlab is launched. The M-file should contain:
    clear all; clc
    set(0,'DefaultTextFontname', 'Liberation Serif');
    set(0,'DefaultAxesFontname', 'Liberation Serif');
    You can choose any font that is installed in the Aspire One.

    I didn't test it thouroughly, but everything seems to work.

    I hope you find this useful, it would have saved me an afternoon (I'm a linux newbie) :D
    Sprawl, Jan 25, 2009
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