Install missing man pages in Linpus Lite

Discussion in 'Linux' started by sideways, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. sideways


    Aug 21, 2008
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    The Aspire One's Linpus lite OS is (bizzarely) missing a lot of documentation, including man pages. You can get some pages installed as follows.

    Open a terminal (alt+f2, 'terminal') and type
    sudo yum install man man-pages
    There are still many pages missing, to key commands such as find and awk, this makes terminal work a pain. To install missing pages you'll need to plug a usb stick into another linux computer which stores the man pages in /usr/share/man, such as redhat or fedora (I think ubuntu/debian are the same) and copy the missing pages across. The most important commands are in man page sections 1 and 8, and section 5 has important config file info. So on the other computer make a compressed copy of the required files
    tar cpvfz man1.tgz /usr/share/man/man1
    tar cpvfz man5.tgz /usr/share/man/man5
    tar cpvfz man8.tgz /usr/share/man/man8
    Copy the 3 .tgz files (~10mb in total) to the usb stick and plug it into the Aspire One, then uncompress the files by typing
    sudo tar xvf /media/<path to usb stick>/man1.tgz -C /
    sudo tar xvf /media/<path to usb stick>/man5.tgz -C /
    sudo tar xvf /media/<path to usb stick>/man8.tgz -C /
    You might also want to build the whatis database to enable searching using apropos or 'man -k'
    sudo makewhatis
    (takes a few minutes)

    Now to see a list of available pages for user commands type
    man -k . | grep \(1\)
    (replace 1 with 8 for system commands, with 5 for config file formats )

    For help on using man type
    man man
    The man pages are also available to the desktop help program in Accessories -> Help (If you have the xfce menu available), or type 'yelp &' to launch it from a terminal.

    Note to Acer: The total size of my man directory is ~36mb and I have over 10,000 entries. It would be helpful to install this small footprint of documentation rather than waste space with crappy shareware games or a ridiculously bloated openoffice install.
    sideways, Aug 31, 2008
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