Install on the SD card?

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by mattlezeay, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. mattlezeay


    Jun 1, 2009
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    I have tried looking for what is most likely an obvious "NO" but I just want to see if anyone actually knows. I have an A110 with the 8GB SSD and 1GB of RAM, I would love to try and get OS X running but would like to dual boot. I know that the OS itself takes like 7 GB so is there a way I could keep my install of XP on the SSD and install OS X directly on and SD card? I know there are slow boot time issues but it would be more of just a cool thing to mess around with. Thanks.
    mattlezeay, Jun 4, 2009
  2. mattlezeay

    harlley sathler

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Well, as you said, the answer for this is a great NO, because this device is not bootable.

    But, if you use a USB card reader, the answer is may be...
    harlley sathler, Jun 4, 2009
  3. mattlezeay


    Jun 1, 2009
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    Ok, as i figured. What about installing on a flash drive? I'm guessing this might be a little bit easier. Also, I am tossing around using linux. Is there a way I could use GRUB to boot say OS X or Linux to the SD card or is it going to have to be USB? Just working any angle...
    mattlezeay, Jun 4, 2009
  4. mattlezeay


    Jun 1, 2009
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    After I asked my questions I found my answer with another thread in a multiboot thread. It linked to a website where this guy was able to use GRUB to boot to SD cards. The only thing is that he used linux installs. So my question is now, can you install OS X on an SD card through a USB adapter? If so, then we might be able to get dual booting to work on SD cards.
    mattlezeay, Jun 5, 2009
  5. mattlezeay


    Apr 7, 2009
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    You should be able to install OS X to an SDHC card inserted into the Aspire One's card slot. The problem is in booting from that slot because the Acer's BIOS does not support such. But it will boot the SDHC via a USB card reader.

    You may be confusing the concept of dual (multi) booting which narrowly means being able to select to boot from multiple OS's all installed on the same storage device.
    brushless, Jun 6, 2009
  6. mattlezeay


    Jun 1, 2009
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    True that my verbiage may not be 100% correct but the concept is having XP and OS X installed without having anything plugged into the usb. The only question I am still a little iffy on is moving away from the dual booting and more into GRUB issues. Can GRUB see the SDHC slot? If I were to repartition my SSD to place a 100MB boot partition with GRUB on it, would it be able to catch both SSD and SDHC?
    mattlezeay, Jun 6, 2009
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