Install Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.1) Guide

Discussion in 'Linux' started by WanderingStar, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. WanderingStar


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Skype & Re: Install Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.1) Guide

    anyone get Skype working?
    bigriff, Sep 9, 2008
  2. WanderingStar


    Aug 31, 2008
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    South Wales, UK
    You need to make /bin/sh a symbolic link to /bin/bash. This isn't the Ubuntu default - on my system /bin/sh was linked to /bin/dash. There was a bit more information at ... _noisy_fan, but currently it seems to have been vandalised.
    lazyman, Sep 9, 2008
  3. WanderingStar


    Aug 26, 2008
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    To swap or not to swap?
    During the installation, everything seems to be trying to minimise writes to the SSD. When I got to the partitioning, I decided not to create a swap partition.
    With only 512 MB ram on-board, is this going to severely impair performance? Or is this not really a problem these days, as I believe the system will create a swap file if it needs it.
    It did not appear that the OEM Linpus installation had a swap partition but just wondering if this is a space maximisation decision or for wear minimisation on the SSD.
    mista2, Sep 9, 2008
  4. WanderingStar


    Aug 8, 2008
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    I installed without swap but only because I had ordered a ram upgrade. I didn't notice any major slowdowns other than the standard disk trashing that can sometimes happen, even with larger memory.

    axcairns, Sep 9, 2008
  5. WanderingStar


    Aug 31, 2008
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    this may have been posted already, if so my apologies for reposting,
    but when you install and set up the ubuntu netbook remix as per your guide, you forget to mention disabling visual effects by either right clicking the desktop, select change background and select the effects tab (last tab to the right) and selecting no visual effects, or going to system --> preferences --> themes --> effects tab and clicking no effects.
    otherwise, you get a flickering and rather unusable interface when you reboot/or log out and back(kill the x and startx) in with ume/maximus enabled in your sessions for start up.
    lusephur, Sep 9, 2008
  6. WanderingStar


    Aug 8, 2008
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    Good pickup. I forgot about that. I've added a note to the wiki
    axcairns, Sep 10, 2008
  7. WanderingStar


    Sep 10, 2008
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    After upgrading to Intrepid Alpha6 the internet leds are no longer correct. I get an error like this (ctrl+alt+F8):

    Error: dev.wifi0.ledpin is an unknown key

    That caused the rest of the lines in etc/rc.local not to load (my original problem was acerfand not being loaded).

    How can i figure out the new key setup?


    PS: Yeah, i know its an alpha
    caho, Sep 10, 2008
  8. WanderingStar


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I've just been going through this thread and I see some others have had problems similar to mine and it appears their post have not been answered. So I'll ask again I went through the steps to create a USB stick of the live CD Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04.1). Then I placed the USB stick in my AA1 and rebooted. Things seem to go ok until the Ubuntu menu was supposed to show up to allow install or run without making changes, at this point instead I got this message
    Can someone explain what is going on and what I can do about it?
    donec, Sep 11, 2008
  9. WanderingStar


    Aug 31, 2008
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    @caho. Intrepid is using a 2.6.27 kernel. This will actually support the AR5007EG card without an additional MadWifi install, using the kernel's builtin ath5k module.

    However, the sysctl options for the LED seem to have disappeared. I don't know if this is oversight, by design, or if I've simply not found the new name for them. (I haven't looked that hard though--in my humble opinion, getting builtin kernel support for the card is a fair trade off for losing the ilght.)

    Anyway, that is the reason behind it--you'll find the same thing on any machine with the AR5007EG card if you use Fedora Rawhide, which is also using a 2.6.27 kernel.

    So, not a solution, but an explanation at least.
    scottro, Sep 11, 2008
  10. WanderingStar


    Sep 10, 2008
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    Allright - thanks for the answer.
    I have another problem though. It appears after i did my upgrade to Intrepid i cannot do this command:
    sudo m-a a-i alsa

    Im getting the follwing errors:
    /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/info.c: In function ‘resize_info_buffer’:                                                      
    /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/info.c:90: error: implicit              
    declaration of function ‘PAGE_ALIGN’                                       
    make[5]: *** [/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/info.o] Error 1           
    make[4]: *** [/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore] Error 2                  
    make[3]: *** [_module_/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver] Error 2                
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-2-generic'       
    make[2]: *** [compile] Error 2                                             
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver'                  
    make[1]: *** [build-stamp] Error 2                                        
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver'                  
    make: *** [kdist_image] Error 2  
    Any suggestions
    caho, Sep 11, 2008
  11. WanderingStar


    Aug 26, 2008
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    Well, I've been using this little netbook now for a week days, and after playing with Linpus lite for a couple of days I was able to do most of the thinks I needed but I kept finding little things that wer becoming a pain.
    I intend to use this netbook as a remote console for work, so I needed Citrix ICA client, RDP, and SSH. None installed out of the box.
    I also need some form of local disk or file encryption as I often have customer data on my machine.
    I got the ICA client going (sort of - I found there were problems gettting windows to run in seamless mode) Open Office and Firefox were old versions in the official repository, and I could not get my USB/serial cable to work properly, it looked like I would have to recompile the kernel to get the required module to work, and I could not find any encryption in the repo that would also work with Windows, so out came the Ubuntu DVD 8)

    Anyway, the walkthrough provided was perfect (but might pay to note that as the SSD installed is so slow, it took over 4 hours to install Ubuntu from my USB DVD. The performance doesn't improve untill you tweek the install afterwards), everything pretty much worked as described apart from the UME launcher having all sorts of display issues (looks like it is solved by turning off desktop effects) and even hanging a couple of times, but I have actually found that the normal three gnome menus "Applications, Places & System" are just as easy to use, and much faster then the UME launcher anyway. I added application buttons for the apps I use all the time, and I kept maximus (this is great for the small screen) but I've disabled the ume-launcher in the sessions control panel. I think this launcher would only make sense in a much smaller screen in portrait orientation anyway. :)

    I picked up an 8GB SDHC card (very slow though, only getting 4-7Mb/sec write speed, installed ICAClient, TrueCrypt and VLC and the machine is good to go.
    I'm only getting just over two hours out of the battery though (using the wireless heavily) so i have ordered the 6-cell battery pack.
    When the warantee expires, I'll also stick in another GB of RAM 8)
    mista2, Sep 11, 2008
  12. WanderingStar


    Aug 31, 2008
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    strange enquiry this might be, but does anyone who has correctly intalled ubuntu by following the wiki guide have decent online storage space?
    now before anyone starts thinking i'm advertising, i'm not, bear with me,
    there is an app for ubuntu called remastersys (only just found it, but i've used a similar proggy on pclinuxos for when i set up the system with the required settings for the dreaded broadcom wireless chip on my other testbox) and was curious.
    could some install a fresh version of ubuntu on their aspireone (this might need two people, as there are two types of model, the ssd and the normal harddrive models) making sure they have wireless setup, and the system up to date, add the remastersys program and run it, making a backup of the os and posting up the .iso file, thus enabling others who aren't as proficient with the terminal/new to linux to add ubuntu to their netbook and have, hopefully, wifi enabled out of the box.

    i know there is the current kernel modification thread talking about releasing a respin for the AAO soon, but in the interim it may be of help to some. leaving some people with only one real obstacle, how to install :)
    lusephur, Sep 11, 2008
  13. WanderingStar


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I was wondering one thing about installing an other OS in general, dont you have to format the AA1 before you install.
    The out of the box Linpus comes with a lot of applications on it that i dont want/need and it sounds normally that if you install an other OS above it you are left with many files you dont need, but for some reason i dont see anything about formatting in any guide.
    Prodigy.NL, Sep 11, 2008
  14. WanderingStar


    Aug 31, 2008
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    not really, you can partition the drive and dual boot ubuntu/other os and the original linpus together, it's how i have my a150 120gb. only kept the original linpus as i'm curious to see what they offer in their 3g update due soon
    lusephur, Sep 11, 2008
  15. WanderingStar


    Sep 11, 2008
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    Has anyone made a custom install cd for the Acer Aspire One yet?

    Such as the eee community made for the eeepc.
    prefix100, Sep 12, 2008
  16. WanderingStar


    Aug 8, 2008
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    axcairns, Sep 12, 2008
  17. WanderingStar


    Jul 16, 2008
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    How reliable is the output from the I like the script, but don't want it to overheat my cpu..
    2manydjs, Sep 12, 2008
  18. WanderingStar


    Sep 10, 2008
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    Apparently Human-Netbook-theme is not the theme in the newest update of Intrepid. It looked to me that the new theme was supposed to be a customized version of human-murrine-theme.
    I have to use a regular theme atm.
    caho, Sep 12, 2008
  19. WanderingStar


    Sep 11, 2008
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    Im heavily thinking of changing to an other OS which is more user friendly (edit friendly) then linpus.
    This is the first time im working with linux and ive heared that Ubuntu is a lot more user friendly then the linpus version used on the Acer, so i think i will take this one or maybe OneLinux, as it also looks very promissing.
    I have the 8gb SSD, so for me filesize is more of an issue, so can i format the acer and start with the normal installation and not worry that the Acer wont run propperly because things are missing?
    I can lateron install any program i want, like FireFox, messenger program, Acrobat Reader and things like that, but i mainly want to know if the crucial things are all coming with it or that it requirs the old Linpus install as a base.
    Prodigy.NL, Sep 12, 2008
  20. WanderingStar


    Aug 31, 2008
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    ok update on this,
    i was messing around with my ubuntu one install and managed to knacker my networking, both wireless and wired, it would detect the wireless router but wouldn't connect and would say wired when plugged in but would do nowt else.
    but last night before messing about with things i tried remastersys and made two images, one custom distro disk and one full backup disk.
    didn't fancy spending some time fiddling about with the network settings, and i think it was the dchp AND wpa that were failing so i gave netbootin a whirl on my other machine
    downloaded the app for sourceforge onto my windoze box,ran the proggy with the memory stik pluged in and selected the custom iso from where i had stored it on an external harddrive, let it run while i was off doing something else (ok i went to make tea lol) came back and all seemed finished yaahey!!!
    removed the tik, plugged it into the AAO fired up, and booted from the usb, and everything was working, wireless etc. some settings are missing like the gtk files i had installed myself but nothing major. everything else was there and working, sound, wireless, wired. although i had to disable desktop effects for the ume desktop to work, but no biggie.
    so it's safe to say, if you install ubuntu as per the wiki, and everything works, before you tinker with anything else, make a backup, it's not hard, and it will come in very very handy
    lusephur, Sep 12, 2008
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