Install Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.1) Guide

Discussion in 'Linux' started by WanderingStar, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. WanderingStar


    Sep 19, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Be careful with using the SD card for /home. SUSPEND/RESUME might currupt that filesystem (i just lost everything on the card yesterday).

    Reading the internet, one way to fix this problem is a custom kernel with CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME set. Other sources say that newer kernels solve that problem...

    I think the guide should warn about this. Also, i think reporting a bug at Ubuntu might be worthwhile.
    nnnn, Sep 19, 2008
  2. WanderingStar


    Sep 22, 2008
    Likes Received:

    I am following the instructions at and understood the discussion should be placed here.

    Everything went fine until I entered the setkeycodes in the terminal:
    /usr/bin/setkeycodes e055 159
    /usr/bin/setkeycodes e056 158

    when I try those I get:
    Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console
    I then tried to place both commands in the /etc/rc.local but the problem is that when I try to connect to the wireless, the AAO led blinks but it does not connect to the router (it looks like it could not find it)... :(
    As a matter of facts no wireless newtork is shown in nm-applet.

    Strangely, before the reboot I was able to connect wireless to the router.

    Can anyone help please?
    Thank you in advance
    maraja, Sep 22, 2008
  3. WanderingStar


    Sep 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi again,

    fixed the issue with the wifi, it looks like the wifi led blinks even if the wifi switch, on the front, is off. Good to remember if you cannot use the wireless.

    Next issue
    The card reader does not like to mount an SD, both the left (storage expansion) and the right (multi format) refuses to mount a new 4gb sandisk sd.

    Any clue?
    Thanks a lot
    maraja, Sep 22, 2008
  4. WanderingStar


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    It works for me. I know, that's not a very helpful statement. What may help is this - here's what I've got for /etc/rc.local in my Fedora install:
    # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
    # You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
    # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
    touch /var/lock/subsys/local
    # allegedly gives recognition of rhs card reader
    # from AAO forum in response to a post by RockDoctor
    setpci -d 197b:2381 AE=47
    # to get sd card readers to respond to cards inserted after boot:
    /sbin/modprobe pciehp pciehp_force=1
    # blinking lights on wifi switch
    sysctl -w dev.wifi0.ledpin=3
    sysctl -w dev.wifi0.softled=1
    # not sure what these do
    /usr/bin/setkeycodes e055 159
    /usr/bin/setkeycodes e056 158 
    Also, I've added pciehp=1 to the kernel line in my /boot/grub/menu.lst (aka /boot/grub/grub.conf) file

    RockDoctor, Sep 23, 2008
  5. WanderingStar


    Sep 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I had some issues doing the usb ubuntu install as shown there. I found that everything can be done within the oem windows install on the AspireOne. Here's how I worked it out on my One (1gb ram, 120gb HDD):

    note: I used a wired T1 connection and it took about an hour to setup, which is great...

    what you need:
    - >512mb pendrive
    - wired connection for install
    - an hour or so...

    Here we go:

    1. Download Ubuntu's 8.04.1 i386 (alternate or desktop, I use Desktop) iso file via wireless or wired directly on your aspire one (or get it somewhere and copy it via an usb stick >1gb)

    2. Download the simplest way to do a live usb: ub8convert.exe there:

    3. Follow their how-to which is pretty easy and boot back on to your pendrive.

    Easy as 1 2 3.

    4. Do a normal install once booted and follow the tweaks from the ubuntu's official AspireOne page.

    I also looked at the Debian's AspireOne page, which link is located at the bottom of the Ubuntu's page.

    Happy Ubuntu!
    serial8, Sep 23, 2008
  6. WanderingStar


    Sep 24, 2008
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    I too had issues with getting the on-board SD reader to work. I'll try the instructions above tonight to see if I can get it working. I also notice there's an instruction for installing a power saving script... but the file is no longer available... I can't get to ... but i don't know if this will really stop me from using the SD readers. I hope there's an update regarding the headphone jack not really working properly. This is my GF's netbook for school notes... if I can't get either of these two options working, she may not keep it and I'll have to go through restoring the original linpus linux for her... but i'd rather keep ubuntu as it's more stable and has some extra features i prefer.
    DjFIL, Sep 24, 2008
  7. WanderingStar


    Sep 4, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Saint-Basile-Le-Grand, Quebec, Canada

    Sorry to skip on an other subject. I have posted this question elsewhere but even if it has been read over 50 times, no one gave me an answer yet.

    Following the instructions I now have a full operational Ubuntu 8,4 on my AspireOne. While installing, I have applied the 'tweak' acerfand about the noisy fan.

    Since then, the fan is quiet (is it off ?) and this seems to have added more time to the battery autonomy ! But . . .

    When I enter the command acpi -V, I would like to see the system temperature. But I received this message : No support for device : thermal

    Anyone has an idea of how I could see the System temperature ?


    Jean Pierre Dagenais
    Imagiazone, Sep 25, 2008
  8. WanderingStar


    Sep 25, 2008
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    Hi guys, here a quick report on the aspire one and Intrepid Ibix (next version of ubuntu) , im using alpha 6, with updates daily so i guess im midway between alpha 6 and beta 1.

    Most things work out of the box.


    1. 3DGraphics did not work at first, the solution was to delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf (or rename it) and reboot, the system now correctly configures the intel chipset without any config file at all. The 3D gets about 398 on glxgears, and is plenty fast enough to enable full compiz effects.

    2. The SD Card works out of the box, with the same proviso as the hardy hack, that there has to be a card in the righthand card slot on boot, after that it recognises inserts and removes and puts the cute SDcard device icon on the desktop. The lefthand slot is still not recognised

    3. Wifi works out of the box, but for some reason the ath5k driver is blacklisted in alpha6, uncommenting it in /etc/modprobe.d/madwifi made it kick into life, however the softled sysctl no longer works.

    4. Fans seem to be good as does frequency scaling on the CPU. I cant verify the fans, my aspire has always been very quiet.... Im looking for a tool to show when they are are on or off. The gnome cpu monitor shows the cpu scaling up and down on load, it seems to have 4 steps between 50% and 100% now.

    5. Sound is good, internal and external mics work, headphone cut-off works fine.

    6. A big plus on ibix is the 3G modem support, I have a 169G modem, and i created a profile of ASN "3internet" user "three" password "three", plugged the modem in and it appeared in the network manager list as a GSM network, hit connect and it just worked, i was absolutely gobsmacked. My mac and windows boxes where never that easy to get going.

    7. I cant get any of the setkeys hacks for the wifi kill switch to work, :-(

    8. Suspend seems to hang, but hibernate works.
    tshawkins, Sep 25, 2008
  9. WanderingStar


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    The ath5k driver was blacklisted because it conflicts with the ath_pci (madwifi) drivers you formerly used. You did the right thing by uncommenting it. The softled sysctl commands refer to dev.wifi0 which doesn't exist with the ath5k driver. The ath5k driver is associated with wlan0 (and I haven't checked to see if there's a way to make the lights blink with the new driver).
    RockDoctor, Sep 25, 2008
  10. WanderingStar


    Sep 24, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Sorry if this seems like a simple question to some, should I be able to boot Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.1) from a USB stick then be able to update, modify the configurations and save my data back to the stick all without having to install Ubuntu on my Acer's AA0 XP HD? I'm sure this sort of thing is possible with Puppy Linux.

    I was able to boot Ubuntu 8.04.1 from a USB stick then I used Update Manager to update after I connected a wired ethernet link to my AA0. About 100 of the 129 updates appeared to be modified in the process but 29 weren't. Unfortunately a reboot brought me back to XP not the updated Ubuntu from the USB stick's Ubuntu that I was expecting , seems like the update process stopped the stick from booting.

    Should I be able to keep an updateable copy of Ubuntu on a USB stick which I can use with my AA0 XP machine and if so why has it stopped booting?
    Mobionekanobi, Sep 26, 2008
  11. WanderingStar


    Sep 17, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the guide - I followed it and have now successfully replaced a fussy Linpus with the rather more respectable in polite society Ubuntu. The background picture doesn't vanish when I press control, and I can run Firefox 3 without stopping email and RSS apps from working.

    One thing I would mention though is that I'm not sure the Wifi LEDs mean much - it's hard to tell if wifi is enabled because the light seems to flash sometimes anyway. Also, there's a step in the guide which says to disable some network hardware for the madwifi stuff to work but this doesn't seem to be true for me - I had to enable it and that fixed the problem. Whatever - I'm still learning about Linux so as long as I'm online that's good enough for me...for now! (The wifi did stop during a download of Sun's Java - it definitely seems that Wifi is a slightly flaky area of Linux from my limited experience).


    Edit: Hmm...wifi is still a bit frustrating, isn't it?! I want it to just work - that'd be nice. It just stops after 20 mins or so and I then have to go through this bizarre series of rituals where i disable/enable network hardware, reconfigure the settings for my wireless router even though i know they're stored correctly, reboot, and flick the wifi switch in the hope that a flicker of hard drive activity or the led shows that I'm back online. I've had a couple of system freezes too.
    I've no idea if the LED is supposed to indicate much of anything. VLC plays videos much less jerkily on Ubuntu than Linpus, but fullscreen youtube is still jerky. Perhaps there are ways of slimming down the display so that it can render more quickly.

    Edit 2: It seems that Wifi works out of the box, and the `tips` on that page stop it from working. At least, that seems to be my experience. You can add the flickery led, I suppose. My only problem now is that it doesn't just connect when I boot up - I have to go into the network manager and select my wifi router and enter my password, then it picks it up and all is fine.
    Poldie, Sep 29, 2008
  12. WanderingStar


    Oct 1, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hello all i finally registered to the forum, wanted to say thanks to everyone who has contributed becuase ubuntu on my AA1 works wonderfully and i am very pleased with the results. I have been reading many other tweaks and hacks for other distros and netbooks hopefully i can contribute something myself soon when i get time to play with the aa1 more.
    gaza222, Oct 1, 2008
  13. WanderingStar


    Oct 3, 2008
    Likes Received:

    I've followed this excellent guide but I am having little luck getting rid of the horrible linpus os on my AA1.

    An external cd-rom which I used successfully to install XP onto my brother-in-law's EEE is ignored by the AA1 at boot-time so I can't boot from a downloaded installation disc.
    using the LiveUSB to make a bootable USB key - and this appears to have worked fine.

    However, when I boot from the USB instead of installing Ubuntu, it loads as a live session on the AA1. I don't get a menu with options to load without changes or to install like I do when I boot my desktop with the Ubuntu cd in the drive.

    Could anyone tell me where I'm going wrong please?
    hamish, Oct 3, 2008
  14. WanderingStar


    Sep 17, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Did you follow this?:

    Make sure you do all of step 1, especially the bit about .deb files. This worked for me. You're almost there - you just need to stick a file on the usb key, then boot into the live environment, install the app (ie the .deb file) then run it, which installs the system onto your Aspire's storage.
    Poldie, Oct 3, 2008
  15. WanderingStar


    Oct 3, 2008
    Likes Received:

    hello i recently installed ubuntu on the aspire one, but, as every one has it seams, experienced problems with the wifi.
    i have followed the instructions as par the comunity wiki, and have the device installed, with working led, i can even see a few active networks in the network manager, however when i try to connect to my wep (yeah i know wep has bad security) network it fails to connect. just keeps asking me for the Hex key.before anyone asks i am certain that i entered it correctly (selecting the correct inscription option in the network manager ect). sneakily i managed to connect to an unsecured network, (getting the sicurity login page of that network in firefox) so the thing dose work. however i am unable to connect to a wep network
    i have a USB wifi dongle which i was able to use as is, it uses a driver called zd1211rw, so i can conclude that nwmanager/keys ect work

    interestingly i looked at the syslog, when trying to initiate the wep
    this one worked (using the usb dongle wifi)
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <debug> [1222995513.576084] nm_device_802_11_wireless_get_activation_ap(): Forcing AP '3Com' 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  User Switch: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth1 / 3Com 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device eth1. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Device eth1 activation scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) started... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1/wireless): access point '3Com' is encrypted, but NO valid key exists.  New key needed. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) New wireless user key requested for network '3Com'. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) New wireless user key for network '3Com' received. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting... 
    Oct  3 01:58:33 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1/wireless): access point '3Com' is encrypted, and a key exists.  No new key needed. 
    Oct  3 01:58:34 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  retry to connect to global supplicant socket (try=1) 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD eth1^I^Iwext^I/var/run/wpa_supplicant0^I' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'AP_SCAN 1' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ADD_NETWORK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was '0' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 ssid 33436f6d' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt NONE' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 wep_key0 <key>' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 wep_tx_keyidx 0' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:58:35 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:58:36 net-box kernel: [ 1588.388627] SoftMAC: Open Authentication completed with 00:0d:54:f9:6c:fa
    Oct  3 01:58:36 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Supplicant state changed: 1 
    Oct  3 01:58:36 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1/wireless) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.  Connected to access point '3Com'. 
    Oct  3 01:58:36 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled. 
    Oct  3 01:58:36 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started... 
    ect ect
    this one didnot (with the internal wifi ath0, )
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) started... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): access point '3Com' is encrypted, but NO valid key exists.  New key needed. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) New wireless user key requested for network '3Com'. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) New wireless user key for network '3Com' received. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting... 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): access point '3Com' is encrypted, and a key exists.  No new key needed. 
    Oct  3 01:59:11 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Old device 'ath0' activating, won't change. 
    Oct  3 01:59:12 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  retry to connect to global supplicant socket (try=1) 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD ath0^I^Imadwifi^I/var/run/wpa_supplicant0^I' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'AP_SCAN 1' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ADD_NETWORK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was '0' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 ssid 33436f6d' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt NONE' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 wep_key0 <key>' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 wep_tx_keyidx 0' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK' 
    Oct  3 01:59:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete. 
    Oct  3 01:59:16 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Old device 'ath0' activating, won't change. 
    Oct  3 01:59:56 net-box last message repeated 5 times
    Oct  3 02:00:08 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Old device 'ath0' activating, won't change. 
    Oct  3 02:00:11 net-box kernel: [ 1682.783262] SoftMAC: Authentication timed out with 02:22:69:4c:bb:4e
    Oct  3 02:00:13 net-box NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): association took too long (>60s), asking for new key. 

    the problem occours when at 3 01:59:11 Old device 'ath0' activating, won't change.
    ath0 has managed to retrive a key, but, i assume nm can not reconfigure the device
    any ideas?

    (i have the propriatory drivers disabled, and the latest madwifi, clean installed)

    RichardMathie, Oct 3, 2008
  16. WanderingStar


    Sep 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I had no problems with wifi but I use WAP and don't use plain Ubuntu I use Onelinux from
    donec, Oct 3, 2008
  17. WanderingStar


    Oct 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Onelinux looks dead at the moment :(
    RichardMathie, Oct 3, 2008
  18. WanderingStar


    Sep 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hadn't seen that. It's funny that the site says that there isn't a version that even boots because I am running beta 1 and it is working fine for me.
    donec, Oct 3, 2008
  19. WanderingStar


    Oct 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I think I followed the instructions in step 1 properly, which created the bootable USB key. When I follow the next step and boot the AA1 from the usb key, I don't get an install option but go straight into a live ubuntu desktop on the AA1. There seems to be an install icon for Ubuntu on this desktop, but frustratingly neither the keyboard nor the trackpad work.
    hamish, Oct 3, 2008
  20. WanderingStar


    Aug 25, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Anyone manage to create an ad hoc wifi network with aao on ubuntu? I tried both wifi drivers mentioned in this post, but none worked. I also couldn't get this to work with winxp (dual booted xp and ubuntu on my aao). I wonder if it's a wifi card hardware issue.

    the only way i could tehter my iphone is with usb on xp, but the speed sucks and i would much prefer if i could stay on ubuntu as long as possible.
    thynamite, Oct 3, 2008
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