I try to install the LinuxWacom for my Wacom Graphic2 in my AAO I follow the detailed HOWTO reference of the [url=http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/]LinuxWacom project[/url] however the following messages appear when I type ./install.... [code][root@localhost prebuilt]# ./install Installing Wacom man page...... Installed under /usr/share/man/man4 Installing wacom_drv.... WARNING: Can not install Wacom X driver (wacom_drv) since the proper directory has not been found You need to compile and install wacom.(k)o manually if your kernel is out of date. After adding your Wacom tools into /etc/X11/xorg.conf, please restart X server or simply reboot your system to run the new Wacom X driver[/code] I search for the similiar problem but I still can't find the solution... I can't do any configure as the wacom_drv is not installed....Any idea can fix it?