Installation Problems - 9.04 Netbook Remix

Discussion in 'Linux' started by RainMaker, May 18, 2009.

  1. RainMaker


    Dec 7, 2008
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    So, I created an image on USB stick and it will run just fine in the trial mode. So fine that I decided to wipe the Linpus and go with 9.04. I initiated the installation from the USB, and everything proceeds nicely. I choose to wipe the old OS and use the entire drive for 9.04. Still good. I go through the set up (choose language, time zone, etc) also still good. Then right at the end I receive an error that tells me grub won't install and the whole process comes to a screeching halt and nothing has changed....Linpus still boots like I didn't do anything. Any thoughts? I'm new to Linux so be gentle. ;)

    RainMaker, May 18, 2009
  2. RainMaker


    Dec 7, 2008
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    Just wanted to let everyone know the solution in case someone else has a similar problem: I was going through the install process again to recorded the error message exactly and noticed something else. When you add a SD to the left slot of the AAO it integrates it into the system memory in effect giving you a 16GB drive (8GB "on-board SSD + 8GB SD Card). I figured that when installing a new OS that set up would remain. I noticed (this time) it does not. When asked to select the partition there is a drop down menu and as 'm' comes before 's' the media card (mmbk) is the default. I selected the onboard drive (ssd) and everything comes out great (posting here from Ubunutu on the netbook now). The moral of the story: apparently you can't install Ubunutu (and maybe other OS's) onto the SD expansion card.
    RainMaker, May 19, 2009
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