Installed Openoffice 3.0: not working...

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Pierre, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. Pierre


    Dec 7, 2008
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    I get the following message:
    The application cannot be started.
    iso ressource could not be loaded by SfxApplication

    Does anyone know the fix? I followed Macles' instructions by the line :( I also lost open office 2.3 in the way. Dohhhh.

    Also, I tried to keep the status bar in firefox always on when I put the browser on full screen using Macles' instruction (what a man!). However the terminal doesn't recognize the command (starts with ff3) to get my profile name...

    Thanks a lot if you can help. I'm totally clueless and my A1 isn't of much use to me if I can't get my openoffice working... I'll have to recover the original files once more and do what I did today (skype, Firefox3, VLC, advanced mode...) allover again...
    Pierre, Feb 11, 2009
  2. Pierre


    Dec 7, 2008
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    Ok... well I tried it three times, never worked.
    I ended up trying to uninstal it all and reinstall 2.3 through the advanced function add/remove programs.
    There was a catch with a file I hadn't uninstalled so I used the command to uninstall the whole of openoffice3... and since I'm a complete noob that was basically a complete guess :lol: Well it worked.
    I installed open office 2.3...

    and it doesn't work.

    Until I go to the advanced right click, go to 'office' select it, and it works just fine.

    So I need a function to allow me to redirect the icons on my desktop towards the working functions.
    When I click on said icons I get a message saying:
    /home/user/%U does not exist

    Doh. No clue what to do now. But at least office works.
    Help please? :| thanks y'all!
    Pierre, Feb 12, 2009
  3. Pierre


    Jan 26, 2009
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    Dude, do you have all your updates? Cause i have the A150 and it's working perfectly no problem at all, i'm running XP Home with SP3
    Niro, Feb 12, 2009
  4. Pierre


    Dec 7, 2008
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    Yep got all the updates when I did it.

    I recovered from the CD this morning and did the usual upgrades/updates... FF3, Skype, cutting down on some SSD space, VLC, etc... I won't try again with office3 as it really messed things up. I think I know what I could have done wrong but I won't take the risk and have to redo it allover again...
    Pierre, Feb 12, 2009
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