Installin Fedora 8

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Kifersan, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Kifersan


    Aug 4, 2008
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    If I install Fedora 8, I need to put new driver for wifi, webcam and all other things?
    Or fit like out of the box to my AA1?

    I'm a rookie on Linux but Linpus its not to good for me.

    Glad if you reply...
    Kifersan, Sep 9, 2008
  2. Kifersan


    Aug 27, 2008
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    check out this mod-script first. I was fed up with Linpus too, but I think mainly stemmed from the appearance of the desktop and it's unworkability. this seemed to smooth everything over; It looks worlds nicer and everything is a lot easier -- as far as modding the desktop. It's the same OS though, so it didn't FIX my main problem (setting up a VPN) just made me less irritated when using it.

    The script makes it looks like MacOS...but you can change the theme to windows XP or whatever suites your fancy. Just stay away from the mac panthers...they're very possessive of their Mac styling :lol:


    As for your question, MOST of the hardware will work right after the fresh install. Linpus is based on Fedora so it stands to reason that Fedora will have suitable drivers for everything. Although "reason" and "computers" don't always play nice together...

    If you're interested, you can install Ubuntu Linux on your Windows PC without losing the windows install. The installer can resize the windows parition to your specification. You wouldn't notice 10Gb missing on today's giant hard drives. I've found Ubuntu Linux to be a lot of fun ( I personally prefer a variation called Linux Mint). it's surprisingly NOTHING like Linpus. Most of my guests don't even notice my "guest" PC runs linux until I point it out.
    Tavel, Sep 9, 2008
  3. Kifersan


    Aug 31, 2008
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    Fedora 8 will probably require work on the webcam and wireless. F10 should have the wireless working out of the box. The wireless card uses a madwifi custom snapshot. The webcam uses standard drivers, I think, but I remember on F8, with another Acer laptop, that I had to a little bit of work (though not much.)

    I put up a page on it--probably written around the time of F9, but still applicable.

    (The page is for the 4720z, not the Aspire One, but the wireless card is the same, and I believe the same holds for the webcam.)
    scottro, Sep 9, 2008
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