Installing AdobeAIR and Tweetdeck

Discussion in 'Linux' started by saral, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. saral


    Aug 9, 2008
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    Hi, I am trying to installAdobeAIR and Tweetdeck, first off I thought I had installed AdobeAIR as I got the message it had worked, but I dont know where it has downloaded to, I have 2 icons on the desk top saying AdobeInstaller.bin is that it or was that just where I started from?

    I should now be able to install Tweetdeck, I have downloaded and a zip file is sitting on my desktop, but I dont know what to do next to get it to run as I assume I need it to look at A AIR and I dont know where the file is!

    I know nothing about Linux, everything I have done so far is of fpeoples instructions on here or other forums, so any VERY detailed help would be appreciated to get Tweetdeck loaded and A AIR located
    saral, Jul 11, 2009
  2. saral


    Jul 9, 2008
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    The bin file on your desktop is the file that you downloaded. To install your .bin file, open a terminal and enter the following lines one by one followed by the return key:

    chmod +x AdobeInstaller.bin
    You may need to cd to the Desktop first, i cant remember if Linpus starts in your home directory:

    cd Desktop
    Once installed you should just be able to extract your Twitter app, double click it and it will install with Air. This might be of interest.
    Andysan, Jul 12, 2009
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