Installing Bkchem on the Acer Aspiere One

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Thomas7, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Thomas7


    Nov 4, 2008
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    Installing Bkchem on the Acer Aspiere One,

    BKChem is a chemical drawing program running under python. More information you can find on the following internet page:

    download bkchem from
    go to the download folder
    enter the terminal (File => Terminal) and untar it by entering "tar xzf bkchem-0.12.5.tar.gz"

    Enter root password if necessary
    Type "sudo su" at the command prompt and hit Enter.
    Type "passwd" and hit Enter.
    Enter a new root password. Your password cannot be a dictionary word, but rather a combination of letters and numbers. Press Enter.
    Retype your password. Your new password
    enter xfce-setting-show
    Click on Desktop to get to the Desktop Preferencs and choose the Behavior tab.
    Now mark under Menus the Show desktop menu on right click option and close the window.
    Closs Terminal
    Make a right click on the main desktop and select system => ad/remove software
    Enter root password
    Select List an search Tkinter and install Tkinter

    Go to the folder of bkchem “bkchem-0.12.5/bkchem”
    Enter the Terminal
    Enter python
    Bkchem starts up

    You can also install BKChem by entering python install in the bkchem-0.12.5 folder.
    This I have not tried out.


    PS: Tank you Beda Kosata for the support
    Thomas7, Dec 19, 2008
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