installing linpus lite from a usb

Discussion in 'Linux' started by abcheetham, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. abcheetham


    Apr 29, 2010
    Likes Received:
    I bought linpus lite which came on a cd which is useless for my acer aspire one! i want to install linpus lite instead of the bundled software. So, i copied the contents onto a usb stick and now i know why linux hasnt caught on!! How the heck do i install it onto the acer aspire one? The read me simply says "run it: ./ /dev/hda1" haven't got a clue what that means or what to do now - how do i run it?. Do you need to be a linux expert? Im not a total numpty as i have wide experience of apples and pc's but surely it should be simple to install. Ive searched the web and cant find an idiots guide anywhere. This forum is my final hope before i abandon the idea altogether!
    abcheetham, Apr 29, 2010
  2. abcheetham


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    To answer your question:
    1. open a terminal window
    2. move to the directory containing the file
    3. type ./

    My advice is to abandon the idea of using Linpus and install a popular, more standard (or at least better-supported) distro. My favorite is Fedora; Ubuntu (either the normal GNOME version or the Netbook Remix) is probably the most popular among the regulars in this forum; MeeGo is the new kid on the block, but with Intel and Nokia backing it, I'm sure it will fare better than Linpus on your AA1
    RockDoctor, May 30, 2010
  3. abcheetham


    Jun 16, 2010
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    I might just be too new at this kind of stuff but I could not get it to work 100% on my aspire one... I downloaded the linpus lite linux and installed to a flash drive (which they did not state would become permanent, very upsetting). And once installed it did not recognize my wireless. I tried ubuntu which was able to use the wireless but not the mic. It is just very frustrating that nothing seems to run 100% other than windows that came on it. I am using an Acer AspireOne d250-1424 which does what I need but I want better battery life and would like to get more reliability/stability. Linpus is just not there. Ubuntu was better but still not 100% functioning of the system. I guess for now I am stuck with windows?

    greywolf79, Jun 16, 2010
  4. abcheetham


    Jun 16, 2010
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    Is this forum another dead forum? Is ubuntu the only linux forum out there with real people any more?

    greywolf79, Jun 18, 2010
  5. abcheetham


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    It certainly appears that many (but certainly not all) folks who bought Apsire Ones with Linpus Lite installed have migrated to something else; in most cases Ubuntu. I bought my Aspire One (an AOA150) with Windows XP, and installed my own Linuxes, but then, I'm an experienced Linux user. Acer's explanation of the procedure to reinstall Linpus Lite is, to put it mildly, not very good. I did install Linpus Lite on my Aspire One shortly after I purchased it, using a recovery image that was posted on the Linpus website (but I did not use their procedure because I didn't want to devote my whole hard drive to Linpus), decided I didn't like the way it was restricted compared to a normal Linux installation, and wiped it. By the way, (as you found out) the recovery image is a bootable flash drive image, you install it onto the flash drive doing a bit-by-bit copy, which wipes whatever you had on the flash drive originally.

    I personally use Fedora as my main Linux distro on the Aspire One. Haven't tried using the mic to see if it works, so can't make any recommendations there. Fedora's policy is to not include non-free software, and they don't go out of their way to make it easy to install 3rd party software the way Ubuntu and some other distros do, which is probably one reason why Fedora isn't as popular as Ubuntu on the Aspire One.

    Other than Ubuntu, if you want to try other Linuxes on your Aspire One, I recommend Linux Mint (which is based on Ubuntu, but comes with some of the proprietary software needed to play audio and video files) and Mandriva. I also like Puppy Linux; it's very lightweight compared to the other distros, but may require some tweaking to get everything working.
    RockDoctor, Jun 19, 2010
  6. abcheetham


    Jun 16, 2010
    Likes Received:
    My model is the d250-1424 which came with win XP. I want to use linux (I dream of being a power user but am slightly more than a normal home user right now)... I went with Ubuntu because I have the most experience with it, but I started my linux use with mandriva back when it was mandrake linux. My issue is that I need use of my webcam, mic, speakers, and wifi. With Ubuntu netbook remix it did all of it except the mic (even following their directions for installing it I was not able to get it to work and it killed the sound all together in ubuntu trying to get the mic working), with linpus (which I thought of only because acer said their netbooks came with it) it ran all but the wifi (need the wifi, cant live without it).

    greywolf79, Jun 19, 2010
  7. abcheetham


    Feb 16, 2009
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    As the other poster said, Ubuntu is the probably the best distro today for Linux on the Aspire One. Everything works on my One (SSD model), sound included. Have you looked here: ... ll%20fixes ?
    Good luck. Linux can be upsetting sometimes, but it's very rewarding most of the time :)
    TheTilde, Jun 23, 2010
  8. abcheetham


    Jun 19, 2010
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    This what i have done over two days without any cd (which made it worse)

    on xp machine

    1 download puppy linux iso

    2 burn with nero

    3 instal bittorrent

    4 download acer aspire recovery disk from the given site using bittorent[/quote]

    5 copy to flash media 2

    6 boot from cd and configure Puppy

    7 create a usb puppy linux on flash media 1

    acer aspire
    8 boot from usb flash and configure puppy using F12 at switch on

    9 mount flash media 2 and a new flash media 3 (2gb at least)

    10 select console icon

    11 zcat /mnt/sde/acer.gz >> /dev/sdf1 that is (igb flash) to (2gb flash)

    i got error message no more space but it seems to be o/k

    12 shutdown

    13 boot from flash media 3 using F12 at boot time

    follow dialog to rebuild aspire

    14 when complete re-boot (remove flash media 3)

    15 select settings -> live update

    16 reboot when told

    17 repeat 15 & 16 till no more updates
    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    then work out how to save/create a recovery disk if it is possible :?[/quote]
    kenny825507, Jun 23, 2010
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