Installing new software

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by diverduck1994, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. diverduck1994


    Sep 18, 2008
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    Hello newbie here. I was think about getting the linpus version of the aa1. But I have heard a lot of negative things about it from people with no experience with linux(Like me) Can i install programs without going to advanced mode. Seriously I know there are people on both sides going to say go with linux or window s because it is there personal choice. Will I be able to install much of anything without being a computer whiz. I don't really do a lot besides surfing the net yet I would like having the option to install software if i chose to do so. People are really helpful on this forum that's why I have chosen to post. Thanks for being tolerant of people like me. Thanks for the help.
    diverduck1994, Sep 25, 2008
  2. diverduck1994


    Sep 18, 2008
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    Just my opionion but...

    The Linux version of the AA1 is good at what is designed to to. But if you want it do do more than that, you need to know a bit about Linux or be prepared to learn. It's not particularly difficult, but it might be unfamiliar, which presents problems of its own.
    kevin, Sep 25, 2008
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