Installing OS (Win2K) via SD-Card (or PreIns on ext. HDD?)

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Achelos, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. Achelos


    Jan 17, 2009
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    I'm a new Aspire One user (AOA 110 Aw) and the little machine is a wonderful machine!

    Yes, I have used the search, but it's all either CD or USB and I really haven't the spare money for a new one, it was wasted on the AOA :D

    However.... I don't like the linux bit. It's too... Well, I'm just used to use Windows. I have an old license of Win2K still lying around and would like to install it! Also because Win2K manages perfectly with 512MB of RAM.

    I have a 2GB SD-card lying around, could I do it via the SD card? If this is not possible, how would an external HDD drive sound?

    (it's a modern laptop HDD, can I hook that one up alternatively, internally?)

    Thank you kindly for taking time to answer my questions in advance..
    Achelos, Jan 17, 2009
  2. Achelos


    Dec 14, 2008
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    Malta (but Dutch)
    Hi and welcome,

    I suggest you try a search for this. There are a lot of topics and guides on this subject.
    I don't know which version of the AA1 you have but if it is the one with the SSD hard drive you better do some research (here) first and think it over.

    woodland, Jan 17, 2009
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