Installing Programs Under Linpus

Discussion in 'Linux' started by devondave, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. devondave


    Aug 14, 2008
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    The Wet Coast, Canada
    You should be able to run the applications you installed by right-clicking on the desktop to bring up the menu and then launching the application you wish to run from there.

    Sometimes, you might install an application that isn't properly packaged to appear in this popup menu. That only happens if the application doesn't come with a .desktop file or that file isn't placed within a directory that the system scans to build the right-click menu. There are ways to adjust this however.

    rbil, Dec 2, 2008
  2. devondave


    Dec 2, 2008
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    ok that worked but when i click on frostwire in the desktop menu it wont work? how come? i tried to launch it using the command in a terminal but it just says something went wrong with frostwire. maybe your not using the right version of java?
    but that cant be true because i have the latest java and even if i wanted to download a different one the firefox download box thingy that has all de programs waiting to be downloaded wont let me download with the system installer. it keeps saying "open with 'xarchiver (default)"
    Ledgebag224, Dec 2, 2008
  3. devondave


    Aug 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    The Wet Coast, Canada
    Sorry, I don't use Frostwire, so have no idea why it might not run? Maybe if you try and launch it from a terminal, you'll see what errors it is throwing up? Open a terminal and possibly run it by typing in frostwire and hitting enter.

    Edit: OOPS, didn't read your posting properly. The problem is obviously a problem with Java. Go and install the real Java from Sun and maybe it'll work?

    Follow these instructions for installing Java ...

    rbil, Dec 2, 2008
  4. devondave


    Nov 19, 2008
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    I am now back in LOVE with the Acer :D :D

    VLC is now playing all movie files correctly in windows and full screen.

    The webcam is now working properly......

    Thanks to some hunting around on this forum i found the answer, you just need to turn off the compositing feature in Windows Manager Tweaks. This is available via the right click Xfce menu.

    Some tips learnt in using the acer since ive had it :

    Use the Package Manager to add / remove programs.
    Install the right click Xfce menu
    Use the Terminal Mode for more powerful Linux commands
    Install VLC as your media Player (the one packaged is hopeless).
    Buy a Fat book on linux (Linux for Dummies is a good choice).
    Make a system recovery USB stick.
    devondave, Dec 2, 2008
  5. devondave


    Nov 19, 2008
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    The fun continues......

    Have installed a replacement webcam program to replace the effort that came with the acer, its called UCview and is a big improvement.

    Also installed a nice home finance program called Homebank, very easy to use and has some nice features such as budgeting and graphs.

    Discovered a powerful command called PUP (Package Updater), very useful for keeping your system upto-date.

    With confidence and tempting fate comes new challenges they say.... well ive got another annoying issue (just started), i am unable to connect wirelessly automatically as before, every time i need to connect i am asked for my WEP password. Setting this up previously with the connection manager before automatically logged me into my wireless ( the profiles are saved).

    Any suggestions folks !!!!
    devondave, Dec 8, 2008
  6. devondave


    Oct 6, 2008
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    I believe this is a known bug - I get it sometimes. If I cancel rather than entering the password, it then tries to connect again, this time without demanding a password. I saw a complicated explanation to do with keyrings (or ring keys?) and the timing of the startup sequence, but haven't seen a solution. I only get it about once a week, though.
    markh, Dec 9, 2008
  7. devondave


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Been getting stuck into the acer and its weird implementation of Linux (Linpus). It seems most Fedora coded programs will work with a bit of fiddling etc....

    Have successfully installed the Gimp and a graphical extension to Yum. For those who do not like working in terminal at the command line the yum GUI is good, to install it use : yum install yumex.

    Am currently trying to get Pitivi to work, this I am told is a reasonable video editing application. No luck yet....

    The wireless connections are still repeatedly asking me for passwords.

    Have been modifiying some of the .desktop files with some success once i got to grips with the chmod commands (altering permissions (VLC was a problem here has it kept asking for a URL, seems this was set on installation under the exec line in the .desktop file, zapping the %U bit sorted that out).

    Happy Days and a Merry Christmas folks...... :D :D :D
    devondave, Dec 15, 2008
  8. devondave


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Got rid of that horrible search bar, and have installed some apps on the taskbar using : xfce4-panel -a, played arround with swapping the acer desktop with the xfce one (this decided to mess the screen up a bit, so have reverted back to the acer one).

    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year

    devondave, Dec 23, 2008
  9. devondave


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Apologies for popping up again on this thread folks !, but i thought you may be interested in the progress...

    My latest bug-bare with the acer(linpus) was as you know it would not save my wireless passwords, well in an attempt to fix this i heard about a program called MadWifi and Live Update, duly did both of these.... and MadWifi totally screwed up my wireless on the acer (nothing, not even the small light etc..) and live update does something to the acer network manager (ie disables the saving of passwords).

    To cut a long story short, i ended up doing a complete system recovery which fixed all the hassle (done off a boot USB). The whole process, recovery and re-installing all my apps took about an hour (which is pretty good, so i am still in love :) with the acer).

    The advice is then do not install MadWifi on linpus or do the Live Update.
    devondave, Dec 29, 2008
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