installing/updating amsn

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by karenbee, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. karenbee


    Oct 22, 2008
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    I don't know if anyone can help me. I was happily running the current aMSN on my AA1 and then there was an update. To cut a long story short, the autopackage install did not work and I ended up only being able to have the very old version which comes packaged with the AA1 which won't even log in now. It was suggested that I download the RPM file which I did and then I got the following error message.
    Unable to resolve dependencies for some packages selected for installation. The details were as follows:
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: tcl-snack is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: amsn = 0.96-7.fc7 is needed by package amsn-plugins
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: tcl(abi) = 8.5 is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn
    Missing Dependency: is needed by package amsn

    It was then suggested that I do the following but was warned it may mess up the whole AA1 because it would be basically installing Fedora.
    1- Open your terminal by Pressing Alt+F2 ,will show the Run program window. Check Run in terminal and click Run, which opens a terminal
    2- type to add some reositories of fedora 8-9
    sudo rpm -Uvh ... noarch.rpm ... noarch.rpm

    3 - type the command :

    sudo yum install fedora-release
    4- now install amsn :

    sudo yum install amsn

    I don't really understand any of this. I don't understand the difference between Fedora and Linpus etc. I am nervous to try this as I currently have a working AA1 without aMSN and I don't want to end up with no netbook at all.

    Sorry I know this is lengthy, but does anyone have any suggestions or can clarify whether this will work or not?

    Many thanks
    karenbee, Dec 16, 2009
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