Installing Win7 using external DVD drive

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Sanj, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Sanj


    Oct 21, 2009
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    Sorry to ask a really simple question, but I seem to be stuck. Basically I received my Win7 DVD today and I wanted to put it on my A150. So I booted from USB DVD drive and got up to the partition screen:

    Windows cannot be installed on this partion because it is not formatted as NTFS. --> I get this message for the two partitions which show ( a 110gb one called system and a 1 gb one called 'primary'??).

    the only option which I am able to select is Delete, which brings a warning message that everything will be deleted. Is this what I need to do and will it then give me an option to format as NTFS.

    I did not want to delete in case I lost even the basic bios and ended up with a dead netbook.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long 1st post

    Thanks in advance.
    Sanj, Oct 21, 2009
  2. Sanj


    May 9, 2009
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    If you Delete the 110 partition, then it should let you reformat in NTFS do a scan and then install the Win 7
    sdelliott31, Oct 22, 2009
  3. Sanj


    Sep 26, 2009
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    Delete it... You won't end up with a dead book. If the HDD dies for whatever ever reason at any time you can simply throw another in and install your OS of choice... So deleting it for a 7 install won't do anything bad, just a warning that you'll lose any unsaved stuff...
    fauxpas, Oct 22, 2009
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