Instld NTFS support to use a portableHD and BIG PROBLEM!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by darkgaze, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. darkgaze


    Sep 23, 2008
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    Hi there, people. Sorry about the short and "morse"-like title.

    i just installed NTFS-3G driver, for ntfs support (maybe i should have installed other one... softer, or whatever), to read my portable hard drive with all my music and films.

    Then i restarted and now linux doesn´t start at all. It keeps restarting once and once again...
    some friend used "esc" to see the message, and he says everything is working but... we can´t enter, some problem is going on.

    I DON´T want to recover. I want just to fix what i did. I changed everything on my AA1...
    i wanted to use a live-linux distribution with my USB pen drive, to save all my data, and after that, make trials or whatever. But keeping that stuff safe first!!

    Do you know any solution for this? I´m just quite a noob in linux, so if i get to enter linux with recovery mode or whatever its name is... i DON´T KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO!. That´s the big problem. ... i mean, after getting all my things. I mean, recovering what i did.

    Thanks a LOT.
    darkgaze, Nov 23, 2008
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