Interesting Skype Problems!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by zk2008, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. zk2008


    Jul 11, 2008
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    I installed skype and everything loads up fine... I've made a few successful phone calls using my One- but not all is as perfect as it seems...

    I tried calling my cousin in Cali and I enter his phone num without error... it appears to be calling the correct number... but the person who answers is not my cousin... I ask-- and skype connected me a different number than the one I dialed!

    I know some of you are thinking that this can't be true-- or that I mis-dialed, or my cousin is just pranking me... but it's true. The voice mail on the number I call is different... this person has one of those "listen to the music while you wait" call handling set up... and when I try to call my cousin using skype on an desktop w/ XP-- I get him no problem.

    Also something I noticed is that when the call is going through to "my cousin" on my One- it does sorta a double ring... which is quiet in the background... and a regular ring which is louder in the foreground.

    I know this is a crazy problem to be having and that this is likely a skype issue... but I'm curious whether this is a AspireOne Linpus Lite Skype issue... and to answer your questions-- Yes, I have posted this in the Skype Linux forum. I even uninstalled skype and then reinstalled it... I've tried both skype for Fedora 6 and for Fedora 7... all the same problem.

    If any of you have experienced this or similar problems with Skype on your One or on a different computer-- or have some insight on how to fix it, PLEASE chime in.


    zk2008, Jul 25, 2008
  2. zk2008


    Jul 11, 2008
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    come on guys- one of you must have something to say about this problem... :cry:
    zk2008, Jul 25, 2008
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