Intrepid Ibex

Discussion in 'Linux' started by fuzz, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. fuzz


    Aug 5, 2008
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    With alpha6 kernel wifi should work out of the box just blacklisting ath_pci:
    sudo echo blacklist ath_pci >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
    and rebooting. You'll loose wifi led, though.
    Audio should work too, please let us know what the symptoms are.
    Battery life is the main downside, to me. You can try to follow the ubuntu 8.04.1 guide in the very first topic of this forum, to max it, but I still can't make it last 2h...
    captive, Sep 21, 2008
  2. fuzz


    Aug 6, 2008
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    i got some funny audio problems too ;) just seems as the mixer got a bug (kubuntu)
    the mixer got 80% but i can't hear anythink, i turned up to 100% and i heard a bit ;) and then i just turned it louder so it seems that the percentage is wrong

    mine says that the akku lasts for 2:50 bit i'll try that today (at least it sounds pretty good to me), the card reader is working, but it needs to be activated, so if a card is in at the startup it's working properly, i can unmount the card, if i insert anotherone it's mounted correctly. maybe someone could make a skript (or find the kernel option) that both cardreaders are activated on startup
    DunklerProphet, Sep 22, 2008
  3. fuzz


    Sep 22, 2008
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    Intrepid Alpha 6 is working mediocre on my aspire one. I had to blacklist ath_pci like most of you. However, I have found many other strange problems.

    Stuff that did work:
    Web cam
    Audio (didn't check the mic)
    Wifi after I blacklist ath_pci(wifi switch doesn't work, and no led)

    I was connecting to my home WPA encrypted wifi just fine for a couple days, but when I go to school (which uses PEAP) I cannot connect. Furthermore, Network manager used to detect the encryption/authentication settings automatically in 8.04, but it does not behave the same in 8.10. I now have to manually tell Network manager that the network I am connecting to uses 802.1x and PEAP. In addition, after messing with the wireless for a while at school, I tried an unencrypted network and it couldn't connect. I rebooted the computer, and it connected to the unprotected network just fine. However, as soon as I messed with the settings again I had to reboot to be able to connect to the unprotected network. Also, network passwords are no longer remembered. I have to type in my password for my home network every single time I boot up or return from hibernation.

    Hibernate and suspend are very funky. Sometimes when I close the lid to the computer it would not trigger the event that I had set in the power management settings. Sometimes it worked just fine. Anytime I was on battery power anything involving turning on or off or hibernate or suspending the computer had extreeeemly long lag times before anything happened.

    I have an A110-1566 if that makes a difference. If anyone can help that would be cool, but really I just wanted everyone to get another users report before they decide to install.
    NeilMonday, Sep 22, 2008
  4. fuzz


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Kazakhstan, Karaganda
    I have the different problem - wifi doesn't want to connect to encrypted WPA network. AAO sees the network, but when I type the WPA key nothing happen. No connection at all. Could anyone help me with this issue?
    I was messing with this issue on Ubuntu 8.04 but couldn't fix it and just gave up. :twisted:
    AlexTur, Sep 22, 2008
  5. fuzz


    Sep 2, 2008
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    @ NeilMonday:
    Most schools with non-open WiFi systems tend to use irritating configurations and software. Some force you to install access control software on Windows and Mac machines as well. The systems administrators will sympathize with you, but won't be able to do much to help you get your linux-based machine running in those cases.
    woofer00, Sep 23, 2008
  6. fuzz


    Aug 27, 2008
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    A data point on Intrepid Ibex and the AAO. I installed Alpha 6 yesterday and had mixed results. This is on the 8G/512M AAO, and a fresh update of all packages (using the 27-4 kernel).

    Although relatively solid, it is still not as stable or fast as OneLinux, and stock Linpus Lite is the fastest of the three. I've also run Hardy on this machine, and it is pretty close in performance to Intrepid.

    Sound does not work out of the box (playback is so-so, and the microphone is nonfunctional). Wireless works but needs a small amount of tweaking...blacklisting ath_pci seems to work...and the network manager can't remember WEP keys. Suspend still is not working (crashes on resume), but at least it didn't corrupt the SDHC filesystem. The cardreader doesn't work without a card inserted at boot. Video resolution is not automatically adjusted when hooking up an external monitor.

    Intrepid is still in alpha, so I'm not surprised that the build isn't rock solid. I hope that folks are trying it out and reporting bugs back to the Intrepid team so that our AAO will be solidly supported at release time in October.

    N6546R, Sep 26, 2008
  7. fuzz


    Aug 27, 2008
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    A short addendum, another thread mentioned a custom 2.6.27 kernel one for the AAO, it's at ... Aspire-One

    Just did some quick testing on it, and it seems to have fixed the problems I was seeing in Intrepid...suspend works properly with the SDHC mounted on /home, and WiFi and sound seem to function as expected.

    The right-hand card reader works, too :^)

    N6546R, Sep 26, 2008
  8. fuzz


    Jun 29, 2008
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    I am really keen to get Ubuntu working on my One. Linpus just about does everything I need it to but making any changes is a fraught business. Linpus feels like a house of cards that will collapse if I make the wrong change. It does, however, have two BIG advantages in that it supports all the hardware and is quick.

    I tried 8.04-1 and it had too many probs to be usable so I thought I would try Intrepid Ibex. It does more or less work, but there are still some significant problems.

    What works completely

    Wired network, webcam, left card reader

    What works partially

    Sound (extremely quiet, cannot get playback through both headphones in Skype at the same time as mic working)
    Wifi (forgets WPA key every time)
    Suspend (works but takes absolutely AGES to resume - it would be much quicker to shutdown and restart)
    Hibernate (as above)

    What doesn't work

    Right card reader

    In summary, it's a lot closer than Hardy was but still a way off being fully usable. At least there is only thing that is completely non-functional and that is probably the least important (to me at least).

    I might try the alternative kernel referred to above later if I have time.
    lotus49, Sep 28, 2008
  9. fuzz


    Aug 9, 2008
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    I am running this as we speek. Ibex, and the above kernel.. I installed to a usb key which I boot until i am confident enough to replace linpus.

    Everything appears to work, suspend etc.. The wireless seems to have about 50% rating when linpus had 100%. I havent tested the speeds however, so ubuntu could have a higher standard as it were.

    The right card didnt register, but the left did when I put in, however I have done no alterations as recomended in the aspire one howto.. just stock ibex, all updates and then that kernel.

    There were some conflicts with that kernel (like needing libqt for some reason) so I hope that there is a standard aspire one kernel in the ppa on launchpad soon using this kernel config setup because it would be great to get things spot on out of the box..
    I havet tested sound properly, especially suspend and sound on resume.. however I will try that now..
    jlozinski, Sep 28, 2008
  10. fuzz


    Aug 27, 2008
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    N6546R, Sep 28, 2008
  11. fuzz


    Jul 21, 2008
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    Anyone try the public beta yet? I'm itching to install, but wonder what I might run into along the way!
    PrincessNybor, Oct 3, 2008
  12. fuzz


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    The only AA1-specific issues I'm aware of are:
    1. The usual situation with SD card slots not working unless they've got cards in them on boot (which is easily fixed)
    2. Multicard reader will only work with SD cards (Only fix I know of is to use the LinpusLite kernel)
    RockDoctor, Oct 3, 2008
  13. fuzz


    Jun 29, 2008
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    I don't really care whether the multi-card reader reads anything apart from SD cards as that's all I have but I'd like to be able to plug a card into the right hand socket and have it work. Can you be more specific about how that is easily fixed?

    I have installed Intrepid Ibex with the petaramesh kernel. Most things mostly work. The only thing that currently doesn't work at all is the right hand card reader.

    I do have some issues though. Suspend works but after a resume the sound is extremely quiet. With Linpus, the system boots and shuts down so quickly that there is little point in suspending but with Ubuntu booting takes about three times as long so being able to suspend reliably is important.

    I am also having trouble configuring skype. For some reason, when I am using headphones, sound only comes out of the left channel. Otherwise sound (including internal and external mike) works fine.

    I much prefer Ubuntu to Linpus so I am very close to moving over. If I can fix these niggling little problems, I shall do as very soon.

    The only other issues are that I have are that there is a problem with some Java-based web sites (I am sure that this is trivial) and that I have to enter my WPA key every time I log in. I doubt that either of these problems is specific to the hardware and so I am positive they can be fixed fairly easily.
    lotus49, Oct 3, 2008
  14. fuzz


    Aug 10, 2008
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    I just tried to install intrepid ibex, from the beta.

    The howto says wifi works out of the box. I beg to differ. It doesn't seem to detect wifi at all.

    And attempting to build my own wifi drivers (as worked on hardy) is also failing: The ath_pci module won't load.

    (update) after a reboot, the module does load, but still no detection of any wifi base stations including the one i was using before, which is about three feet away.

    Anyone got any clues?
    rachel, Oct 3, 2008
  15. fuzz


    Aug 10, 2008
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    just to add; i tried the ath_pci that came with intrepid, the one installed from madwifi, and ath5k that came from intrepid. In all cases, the modules load but network manager doesn't see any wifi.
    rachel, Oct 3, 2008
  16. fuzz


    Aug 27, 2008
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    I'm running 8.10 Beta 1 right now. I had mixed results with WiFi, rebulding the ath_pci driver worked fine, although I felt that performance was not what I expected (for example, a weak signal when sitting 5 feet from the access point). Suspend did -not- work with the stock 8.10 kernel.

    I installed the Petaramesh kernel, and Wifi is much better behaved, and suspend works mostly (some issues waking up the Wifi interface after resume).

    I switched to the Pulseaudio driver to fix sound problems.

    For the moment I'm happy with the beta, it's perfectly usable. I haven't tried Skype yet. The webcam seems to work fine. Note that you'll still want to load up syndaemon and acerfand on your own.

    FWIW I also loaded up the Kubuntu 8.10 beta. KDE4 is very pretty, but for my taste just too much eye candy for the One's small screen.

    N6546R, Oct 3, 2008
  17. fuzz


    Aug 2, 2008
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    I'm currently running 8.10 with the latest updates. WiFi works, although it's a big sluggish..however it was the same in 8.04 (plus if I started pumping a lot of data through it it'd drop without telling me), suspend works, and hibernate works. This is with a AOA150. If you're using an AOA101 (8gb flash) and an SD card, that could be the cause of the suspend/hibernate not working. You'd have to compile your own kernel to fix that.
    soleblaze, Oct 3, 2008
  18. fuzz


    Sep 23, 2008
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    I installed Intrepid on my Aspire One (160GB/6 Cell/Black). When i started the liveCD (on USB key) the wireless didnt work, but the wired did. Once it updated after installation, it has no problems with the wireless (except as noted below).

    1. Doesnt remember my WEP wireless password.. this would seem to be an issue with gnome keyring.. any ideas?
    2. If I start with the wired network and then unplug, it finds the wireless but doesnt connect once i copy in the wireless password.
    3. Sound works but is very very quiet.
    mhenley, Oct 3, 2008
  19. fuzz


    Aug 27, 2008
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    For audio, try going into System | Preferences | Sound and choosing the Pulse drivers for playback. After I did this I almost blew my eardrums out when the machine booted up and I had a pair of ear plugs in...

    N6546R, Oct 4, 2008
  20. fuzz


    Aug 10, 2008
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    weirdly, i resolved my wifi issue like this:

    I booted the live cd (converted to usb) image, and in that live cd environment launched the hardware drivers manager and specifically *enabled* the proprietary drivers. Then I did the install. Once installed I could boot into it and launch the hardware drivers manager again and *disable* those proprietary drivers. Then it worked, using the ath5k driver included in intrepid.

    This is weird, because with the previous install, the proprietary drivers weren't even present for me to deselect. ath5k wasn't being loaded spontaneously, and even if i forced the issue (putting it in /etc/modules) it still didn't work.

    But anyway, that was my resolution to the problem. Force it to do the wrong thing first; then the act of switching to the right thing works fine.
    rachel, Oct 4, 2008
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