Is SSD on its way out?

Discussion in 'Storage' started by rowlers, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. rowlers


    Feb 5, 2009
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    I've got an AAO110 running Crunchbang linux from the std 8GB SSD.

    I'm getting more and more pauses in disk activity, whilst just browsing the web. The pauses range from a couple of seconds, to sometime 30seconds and are becoming more frequent.

    If it does fail, I have an image backup taken using the AA1 backup utility. I'd probably fit one of the Tosh 1.8'' HDD (MK3008GAL?)30gb.
    Can I then restore the image using the AA1 backup utlity? Or would I need to do some disk partitioning first. If so how?

    rowlers, Jan 6, 2010
  2. rowlers


    Feb 28, 2010
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    na its not your disk

    my desctop does this. what is happening is you are symply doing too much. using too much prosesing power and too much ram

    ok lets get started on resulving this problom.
    first back up ALl your data
    re in stall your os and if you can re format your ssd

    now when you use your 110 just dont open so much and do so much and you shood be problom free. i fined that when i get too meany pages up my pc pawses but when i close some it runs fine
    blaster, May 4, 2010
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