Is this the HD head parking noise?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Chef Borjan, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Chef Borjan

    Chef Borjan

    Dec 22, 2008
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    I figure words can't explain the issue well enough, so on with a video!

    If you listen (above the sounds of those damn fans) you can hear this strange noise... every several seconds. Easier to hear towards the last 20 seconds of the film. Its a bit annoying really. Is this the HD head parking issue under Linux? Will it stop with Windows or OSX?

    Also, I know it is difficult to accurately assess the fan noise... but is it roughly what you all have?

    Its only a day old, so if there is an issue, I can take it back...

    Chef Borjan, Dec 29, 2008
  2. Chef Borjan


    Nov 30, 2008
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    I couldn't really hear anything in the video, but my environment here currently is not the most quiet.

    If the clicking/ticking you hear is the heads parking you will have the sound in Linux, Windows, and probably OS X. Can't confirm the last one as I have only used Windows and Linux on my AA1.

    For Linux (Ubuntu in my case) I just used the hdparm command to disable the head parking feature. For Windows I used the aa1control program to control the fan, and disable the HD parking. In both cases it works fine.

    I think someone in a different thread mentioned that hdparm is not installed by default on Linpus, so you will have to use the software repositories for Linpus, or Fedora to get that installed. Once installed it is very straightforward to disable the parking.
    hillsoft, Dec 29, 2008
  3. Chef Borjan

    Chef Borjan

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Thanks for the reply, I'll try installing the program on windows (when I get it all up and running!) and see if the sounds stops.

    Now, isn't head parking a good thing (well... with a sudden motion sensor)? I guess turning it off, I'm running the risk of damaging my HD if I knock it about right...

    Any more so than with another laptop?

    Btw... the sound is there! Just turn up sound to maximum on your speakers. You should hear the fans clearly. Then every 5 seconds or so, a kind of whirrly/beepy/clicking sound. It is most obvious at the end of the video, when I put my phone down on the laptop. Thanks again.
    Chef Borjan, Dec 29, 2008
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