I am having a problem with audio in iTunes--I have not had this problem with other audio sources. The audio is distorted and the vocals tracks are barely audible. I am running windows XP, home I think, on the 8.9" aspire one. Is this a driver issue?? Thanks!
Hi, I should state this first: I have an AAO ZG5 8.9" XP and the speakers are horrid, they should only be used for Windows sounds like Bing and Bong and nothing else. Plug in some external speakers or ear phones and if the sound is ok then the speakers are your only problem. If that has not answered your question then: If you mean playing a tune through Windows Media or some other player on your AAO is ok but when playing it through iTunes "The audio is distorted and the vocals tracks are barely audible" then you should check your settings in iTunes. Bring up the iTunes Graphic Equalizer and adjust the levels or turn it OFF if it is ON and see if that sounds better All the best, woz of oz