iTunes Mac wifi share to linpus?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by robert_simpkin, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. robert_simpkin


    Jul 28, 2008
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    I have a Mac Mini with iTunes sharing my music across my network. Is there any software that can pick up iTunes? Thank You :D
    robert_simpkin, Jul 28, 2008
  2. robert_simpkin


    Aug 8, 2008
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    Apologies for stating the bloom'n' obvious, but have you tried searching the forum for itunes? If you read through the various postings, you'll find that there's no quick one-size-fits-all solution to this, especially as the problem is complicated by your need for network share access, another area not without AAO challenges. One poster has apparently taken the extreme step of installing MacOSX, but that seems to introduce issues all of its own. Perhaps you could lobby Apple for better Linux support?

    Ephraim Tutt takes on the cases no one else wants. Unanswered postings down to 9 pages, but still rising. Oops! Spoke too soon. Now up to 11 pages!
    hmraao, Aug 22, 2008
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