Jerky DVD playback

Discussion in 'Linux' started by inkbm, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. inkbm


    Jul 31, 2008
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    I'm having major issues playing DVD movies - pucka pre-recorded ones. I've tried a number of them all with the same poor results.

    I'm using a slim LG E50L on USB that works fine on my Windoze laptop, but playback is soooo jerky on the AA1, both video and audio.

    I wondered if the issue was with Media Master, but even VLC that I just installed has the same issues - yet I don't see anyone on this forum having similar problems. Can anyone suggest what might be up?

    inkbm, Dec 30, 2008
  2. inkbm


    Aug 25, 2008
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    A search on 'jerky video' brings up a load of stuff about VLC and compiz. The suggestions there may well help.
    daldred, Dec 30, 2008
  3. inkbm


    Jul 31, 2008
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    Thanks, hadn't discovered all the quirks of KPowersave and it wasn't running on Full Power "Performance" on AC mode. That's driven me mad for days. I think I might go install the update procedure to it I saw from Tybor in his post elsewhere.

    Now to burn a DVD... that's this morning's test for me ;)
    inkbm, Dec 31, 2008
  4. inkbm


    Feb 18, 2009
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    Hello all.first off it's probably best to let everyone know what model AA1 i'm using and what i have done to it so far.So here goes.AA1 with Linpus Lite,1Gb ram,120Gb hard drive.So far in trying to customize my new toy i have done the following things in the order of writing.
    1:Terminal xfce-settings-show (to open up the advanced menu )
    2:I then downloaded Skype (no probs)
    3:Terminal sudo yum fedora-release ( I did this because i wanted to install compiz)
    4:Terminal sudo yum install fusion-icon(no probs)
    5:Terminal xfce4-autostart-editor,then i clicked the add tab and put in the name as Compiz-Manager and then the command as /usr/bin/compiz-manager (this was all to allow compiz too start on boot.I then rebooted and good as gold compiz started on boot.
    6:I then went to settings,compiz settings,enable. (this was to enable all the cool effects that compiz has)
    All this took a couple of days as i am a complete newbie as some others on this site will know already!I started to then set up compiz the way i wanted it.I was very impressed with everything so-far but noticed that my video on you tube or other streaming sites had started to become jerky and flickery.To see if this was because of compiz i tried to stop compiz by running in terminal killall compiz.This worked in stopping compiz but my new browser window had the top bar missing.Anyway i worked around that and pulled up utube which now ran fine as did the other streaming.I then rebooted and compiz started again fine.I now decided that i wanted a standard style desktop like everyone else so
    7:Terminal sudo mousepad /usr/bin/xfdesktopnew and then changed the line /usr/bin/xfdesktop2 &>/dev/null2>&1 to usr/bin/xfdesktop &>/dev/null2>&1. Then i did sudo mousepad /usr/bin/xfdesktop and changed the line /usr/bin/xfdesktop2&>/dev/null/2>&1 to /usr/bin/xfdesktop-xfce &>/dev/null/2>&1.Phew
    Now i had a lovely desktop instead of the acer four panel one.I had no probs with usb ports or any other probs after doing this.I was going to try the desktop switcher but thought it looked a little complex and i couldn't see myself using the acer desktop again!!
    It was now that i noticed that when i tryed to play videos from my phone card none of my players would play them.After a little searching i found that they did not play mp4's so i followed the instructions from to get vlc.It did it's business and i enabled vlc to play my videos.Magic .My phone card videos now played fine.
    Then i started to look for a solution for the jerky video on compiz so i trawled the posts (again) and found that a lot of people were talking about Xgl and upgrading their video cards (i945 i think) to x11 or something!! I saw a command on this site somewhere that read
    Terminal sudo yum update xorg-x11-server-Xorg and don't know why but decided to try it!It went ahead and updated my computer fine
    I then rebooted and instead of it starting compiz at boot it just opened up my normal desktop.I did Terminal xfce4-autostart-editor to see if compiz was set to autostart at boot and it was which is wierd!I then did Terminal fusion-icon to start compiz which it did but my videos were still jerky!Double wierd!I have tried it a few times now and cannot get compiz to autostart even though the editor says it is set to do it.Does anyone know what is going on here as i am at a loss!Note- a VERY big thank you to everyone who has helped me out so far as your input has enabled me to do all of the above with relative ease.I appreciate everybodies patience with a proper newbie and will answer anyones questions if i can help!Phew Drchandra9 out!
    drchandra9, Feb 22, 2009
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