I can't get anything typed without the curser moving me around in my typing...It's driving me nuts...has happened multiple times in this 3 sentences! Aspire One D255 Windows Starter 7 & Linux--Downloading AVG virus protection now...keeping my fingers crossed... Tried adjusting the sensitivity as noted below...hopefully this will help....Just got this netbook at Christmas and have been struggling with it since then...love the size, just hated the jumping around... seems a bit better so far... Thanks!!!
Hi there, My first reaction is that you may have a virus. Have you run a full scan lately? If not I would download either avast or miscrosoft security essentials and run a full scan to see if anything comes up. Otherwise, is your touchpad still working as normal? Ay be intermittently sending spurious signals. Paul :geek:
You don't say what kind of computer so I don't know the key sequence you would need but have you tried turning off the touchpad? Sometimes your wrist placing pressure on the touchpad area can cause the cursor to move. On my AAO's you would turn off the touchpad by holding down Fn+F7.
I helped another user out with this problem on here a little while ago, but they were usig Windows and you don't mention which OS you're using. Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> Device Settings tab -> Settings button -> Pointing -> Sensetivity -> Palm Check Adjust the slider to help prevent the cursor jumping around by itself.
I also had this problem as a 'standard' with my Acer Aspire One (Model ZG5, Linux OS). It was nothing to do with shirt cuffs or accidentally brushing the trackpad. It also drove me nuts. Thought I had a nifty we machine for bashing out notes, but the 'random cursor jumping' made most apparently simple exercises a nightmare. Never did find a solution, although similar responses to the ones given in this thread were posted. Sorry can't help, but just letting you know you're not alone with th cursor issue