Jumpy Video Playback (Linpus)

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Habdab, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Habdab


    Sep 6, 2008
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    Hi, I have the AAO ZG5. Linpus 8Gb SSD version with 1gb RAM. When ever I try to play a video i.e. on bbc news or YouTube etc. the video plays in a small screen and is quite jumpy. (You can see the refresh pattern as it happens). If I maximise it, the video keeps stopping and starting. If I run an AVI file from the SDD it runs a little better but only on the smaller screen setting.
    As this is not my main PC it has never really bothered me until now. As I'm going abroad for three months and it will now be my only access to the Internet whilst I'm away, I'd like to sort it out if possible before I go. Any help on this matter would be appreciated. (Please explain everything as if for a complete Linux novice).
    Habdab, Oct 20, 2009
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