Just bought AA1 from Circuit City for $280

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by xraycat, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. xraycat


    Aug 26, 2008
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    I checked out the Circuit City in Victor, NY on my lunch break and saw that they had a blue Aspire One locked in a display cabinet with a sale price tag of $309 on it. I asked the guy if I could try it out because I had never even seen one in person before (I'm actually from Canada). He told me that he didn't even know why they had it and that they had discontinued the model and hadn't sold one "in a couple years." I obviously knew he didn't know what this thing even was and then I was suprised that he said he could sell it for $280 because it was a display unit!

    I told him that I would be back later on and asked if it might disappear before then. He said I had nothing to worry about. I spent the afternoon reading this forum on all the mods and upgrades to do to it and then when I finally went back I got them to bring out the box of accessories so I could make sure I had the battery and sleeve. While I was waiting another guy came buy and was hanging around the display case and seriously looked like he would snatch it up ASAP. They brought out a plain carboard box but it had all the stuff in it and it was all still sealed. Because the original guy wasn't around I was still able to get them to sell it to me at the discounted price while the other buyer walked away because they didn't have any more.

    Regardless, I picked up a brand new blue AA1 for $280+tax which was a few cents under $300, crazy 10% NY taxes. It works perfectly, I typed this all on it! I'll be buying a 1GB stick of RAM and probably putting a Bluetooth module in later on along with putting XP or even Vista on it as well. I doubt I'll change the drive unless XP or Vista is unuseable. The 30GB iPod drives go for really cheap on eBay so that's probably the way to go.
    xraycat, Aug 26, 2008
  2. xraycat


    Aug 26, 2008
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    Picked up one on Sunday for my fiance - and I liked it so much I bought mine yesterday. Got hers for $309, mine for $279. ;-) I got the display which had been on the floor for all of a week. :mrgreen:

    So far so good though... Put in a spare 4GB SD card I had lying around and now have just over 10GB of 'space' on mine... and with all I've been installing on it today (I do computer security/network admin/systems admin work) I still have about almost 6GB of free space left.

    All in all, a few minor inconveniences - the acer interface..... which I would LOVE to modify (working on it - have the switch to xfce in the meantime)....

    and a few annoyances.... the games are 'demos'....

    Overall though... I couldn't be happier... Both are Sapphire Blue 512/8GB models... (one has 512/12GB for now... soon they'll both be 1.5GB/24GB models (8GB+16GB SD) w/ bluetooth...)
    MusicMeister, Aug 27, 2008
  3. xraycat


    Jul 19, 2008
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    Well, from the point of view from expensive ol' Europe (AA1: around $ 430 here, generally), I can only say: You lucky dawgs. ;)

    Good luck with those and don't torture their little guts by putting something like XP on 'em. :geek:
    Raido, Aug 27, 2008
  4. xraycat


    Aug 27, 2008
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    Got the 1GB Ram, 120GB HD model with XP-Home from BestBuy for $249 on Sunday.
    Haven't stopped playing with it yet ! :D
    robby69, Aug 27, 2008
  5. xraycat


    Aug 26, 2008
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    Actually if I like how this thing can handle Vista I'll be keeping that on here. I've been running Vista on two PC's since it became available and I really like it. I used it for everything from video and photo editing to media center functions and the regular stuff.

    I don't have a lot of experience with Linux, let alone basic and locked down versions like this one so it will get booted as soon as possible. All I wanted to do was install some codecs tonight to play videos and I found out I had to get a specfic binary for Mplayer (why no VLC?) and then found out that I don't have the password needed to install anything because this thing was set up at the store before I bought it.

    I assume the only way to change the password without knowing what it is will be to re-load the OS and if it comes to that I'll just put XP on here until I get more RAM.
    xraycat, Aug 27, 2008
  6. xraycat


    Aug 26, 2008
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    How did you swing that?
    xraycat, Aug 27, 2008
  7. xraycat

    Guest Guest

    Bestbuy has it advertised for $349.99 - $100 instant savings if you signed up for comcast cable, check out this link from FW. Also it looks like this deal is DEAD now.

    Guest, Aug 27, 2008
  8. xraycat


    Aug 27, 2008
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    robby69, Aug 27, 2008
  9. xraycat

    Guest Guest

    Guest, Aug 27, 2008
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