Just got my "new" 11.6 AAO 751h, stared tweaking

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Rapport, May 13, 2011.

  1. Rapport


    May 10, 2011
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    I recently bought the comp off of eBay for $205 shipped, i just received it today, and I've been tweaking it for hours. I found that the specs are a bit different from what I've found online. Mine has 2G RAM, and a 250HDD. So is this the 752h??? My first impression was that it was rather slow, so I increased the virtual memory to 5000MB, disabled indexing, deleted bloatware with PCdecrapifier, used CCleaner, defragged the RAM, and overclocked it to 1.45Ghz. It runs MUCH better. I also tried to install GMAbooster, but apparently the GMA500 chipset isn't supported, which was very disappointing since I've read great things about GMAbooster.

    Anyways, any other tweaks to speed this thing up?

    I am about to DL and install Joli OS/Jolicoud and set it up to dual boot Vista. I think Joli OS will work great, but i still would like to have vista running well.
    Rapport, May 13, 2011
  2. Rapport


    Feb 24, 2010
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    Hi Rapport,

    Is there any chance of getting an update on how your netbook is performing and which of the tweaks you think helped most. Have you got the overclocking to boot at start up or do you have to run the program manually each time? Do you boot Joli much?

    I'm surprised you stuck with Vista as the consensus seems to be it is the slowest choice of OS. Have you got the latest GMA drivers from Intel, version 30 I think.

    I have gone with a modded 7 but can't recall how slow or not it was with XP before that. My XP was in Portuguese so I had to get rid of it. I also had the freezing problem and had to send it back to have the motherboard replaced. I just got 2GB as I had just the 1 before and I think it is keeping the machine humming along better than before. Now I am thinking of looking for an N-wifi card to replce the G strength card I currently have. And overclocking, though I worry I'll do some sort of damage.

    I adore my netbook, it´s speed being it's only drawback. After it was released it seems netbook makers realized they could charge a lot more for the 11'6 form factor by including a bit more oomph and decided to no longer offer this proposition at the lower price range. I feel sad everytime I see one of those 10'1 netbooks, it's like the owner's human rights have been infringed, self-inflicted cruel and unusual punishment, that's how uncomfortable they look to me.

    Any tips/insights based on your experience would be great to know.
    nmsconsultoria, Jun 17, 2011
  3. Rapport


    May 10, 2011
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    Definitely definitely increase your page file/virtual memory size. I read that it should be set to 3x the size of your RAM, I went with 2.5x just to be safe. Also disabling search indexing made a noticeable difference. Here is a link for you since you run 7 http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/disable-search-indexing-in-windows-7/#0_undefined,0_. Also try pcdecrapifier, and CCleaner. That's all I did other than overclocking with SetFSB, There is a way to make the SetFSB settings load every time you launch windows. I found the instructions for that in the FAQ on this site. I have confirmed the overclock 6 months later with CPUZ, still at 1.45GHz and is pretty snappy and reliable.

    I am still on Vista because I haven't been able to successfully install Win7. Last week I intalled the latest BIOS from Acer (3212 I think), and tried installing Win7 again but still had some problems. I am going to try again tho.

    Regarding the drivers, I have tried a bunch of different drivers, not even sure what I have now. I have a suspicion that the Win7 drivers don't like to run in Vista. 720p youtube vids are still very choppy. I am hoping with Win7 and the latest drivers I will be able to get better playback and MAYBE run League of Legends. :)
    Rapport, Dec 12, 2011
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