Just ordered Linux 8G...

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by lesjb, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. lesjb


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Hey everyone,

    I've been reading this forum for a while, but just decided to register when I ordered my AAO.
    I went with the 8G linux version because most places I went still had the old prices listed (walmart,tigerdirect,etc)
    plus I got free shipping and no sales tax with amazon (they dont seem to stock the xp version for less than 400+)

    my question is this: I had a asus eee 700 2G SURF that I installed windows xp onto, and I felt that the performance
    was acceptable for what it was. A lot of people are complaining about the miserable performance of the ssd in the
    linux model. Does anyone know if the performance would be comparable or worse than on the eee? I cant see how,
    considering the eee used an 800 mhz cpu that constantly throttled it's clock speed (sometimes as low as 200mhz!),
    but I am a little nervous hearing about other peoples accounts....

    Also, has anyone considered running the AAO with either Windows 2000 or Windows Fundamentals For Legacy PC's (FLP)
    for a performance boost? Thanks everyone for you opinions, I'm both nervous and excited for this thing!
    lesjb, Sep 1, 2008
  2. lesjb


    Aug 28, 2008
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    I have the 8GB/512Mb linux version and have installed XP, it works fine and speed seems perfectly acceptable given the size and nature of the AA1. It's not the fastest machine out there but works well and fast enough to be usable as a "throw in your bag and take anywhere" computer.

    Boot times are slower than with Linux but still acceptable (similar to a laptop from 2 years ago). I only have basic apps, browser, outlook, OpenOffice 2.4 installed and all work without problems and at a reasonable speed.

    I don't see this as a replacement for my MacBook Pro but as my go anywhere machine for browsing, e-mailing and light office work. I went for the SSD version because I have damaged hard drives in laptops through rough handling.
    westonpf, Sep 2, 2008
  3. lesjb


    Sep 1, 2008
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    so it arrived this past friday, and I messed around with Linpus for about 5 minutes before connecting the external dvd drive and reformating to FAT32 and installing a full (no nlite) version of XP with SP3 slipstreamed. I honestly have to say that this system runs really great. Much faster than my old 2G Surf EEE. I havent noticed much lag at all. I lowered the page file to 256MB min/max only,disabled pre-fetch, turned off restore and auto update. The programs I installed were:

    Firefox 3
    VideoLan Player (VLC)
    Frets On Fire (Guitar Hero Clone)
    Grand Theft Auto 3

    everything has run pretty flawlessly even with only 512MB of ram and just under 5GB of drive space. I was checking and *technically* xp only needs a minimum of 128MB to run regularly. So, it makes sense, I guess. I've actually had much better results than running xp under parallels on my mac. I've been really pleased so far. The battery life on the 3 cell leaves me wanting more (just under 2 hours playing GTA) but for $330, I can live with it. That, and with the equivalent dell e/910/whatever costing 95.00 more to match the same specs, I feel all the more better for choosing this little gem! :D
    lesjb, Sep 8, 2008
  4. lesjb


    Sep 8, 2008
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    Long Island, NY
    How well does it run GTA3? I just ordered a Linux 8G and if I end up switching to Windows I'd like to install WoW, but all storage issues aside I don't know how well it will run.
    Shad0wguy, Sep 8, 2008
  5. lesjb


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Does the SD expansion still work automatically like it does with LL when running windows? My 8gb AAO is coming in the mail as well as a 16gb sdhc card, and I am considering loading xp prof on it.
    deathdisco89, Sep 9, 2008
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